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Radiotherapy in Germany
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10/11/2011 05:09
10/11/2011 05:09

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hello all,
I just had my first round of RT in September in Germany with Prof. Seegenschmied on both hands. He realy knows what he is doing, no guess work. I feel very confident with him. My second round will be in December. Both hands now have some stinging feeling, which I did not have before RT. I read from other people here from this forum, when they have RT on their feet, afterwards it might hurt. The more it hurts the better. I assume the same goes for hands. Something is happening. So far I have not seen any reduction of my nodules, but I assume, that will come with the second round. I also have LD, but so far no problems and Prof. Seegenschmied did not want to do RT on them.
By the way, I met three other nice ladies from this forum at the waiting room in Hamburg. We had fun together with our husbands and explored Hamburg. The city is very beautiful. We will all meet again in December, how cool is that.

Thank you Wolfgang for bringing this site to us and giving us an option other than surgery, to combat this disease.


10/11/2011 12:10
10/11/2011 12:10

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hi Christl
So good to hear your news! I've been thinking about you and hoping things work out for you. It's great that you feel okay about the treatment and are feeling positive. My feet were uncomfortable and hurt a bit after the treatment in the beginning, but they are improving a lot now. Will post an update with the details soon.
What luck to find some others in the waiting room to swap Dups stories and see Hamburg
All the best

Hello all,
I just had my first round of RT in September in Germany with Prof. Seegenschmied on both hands. He realy knows what he is doing, no guess work. I feel very confident with him. My second round will be in December. Both hands now have some stinging feeling, which I did not have before RT. I read from other people here from this forum, when they have RT on their feet, afterwards it might hurt. The more it hurts the better. I assume the same goes for hands. Something is happening. So far I have not seen any reduction of my nodules, but I assume, that will come with the second round. I also have LD, but so far no problems and Prof. Seegenschmied did not want to do RT on them.
By the way, I met three other nice ladies from this forum at the waiting room in Hamburg. We had fun together with our husbands and explored Hamburg. The city is very beautiful. We will all meet again in December, how cool is that.

Thank you Wolfgang for bringing this site to us and giving us an option other than surgery, to combat this disease.


10/11/2011 12:50
10/11/2011 12:50
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hi Cristl!

I am glad to hear your positive comments about your experience. My wife and I leave for Hamburg in two weeks. From all of the positive results posted on this site I am very confident that RT is the right treatment for me. I would also like to thank Wolfgang for this site, without it I would not have known that the RT treatment existed.


10/11/2011 15:05
10/11/2011 15:05

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Thank you Di and Michael!

Di, I have been thinking about you as well and wondered how you are doing. Seems all is going according to Plan. Good.
Hamburg is a cool city, unfortunately the weather is not so good right now. People seem not to mind over there, life goes on. They walk, ride their bikes and all seem to be in good shape. Of course their public transportation system is fantastic, that is realy lacking here in the states. Maybe it's ok in the cities, but in the burbs we have to take cars to get from point A to B.
My husband and I will be back in December. We went warm cloth shopping the other day. Down Jackets, warm socks, all one needs for the cold weather, we are from California and just not used to the cold weather. I did grow up in Germany, so all this is not new to me, but one forgets about how cold "cold" realy is.

Michael good luck in Germany. You will get medical treatment and have a vacation as well. I call it "Radiation Vacation". Hamburg is a cool city, good food. Maybe you will meet people from this forum in the waiting room. We explored the city by day, by night we played cards with hot tea. We also could talk to each other about the disease and we all understood. Can't beat that.


10/12/2011 18:31
10/12/2011 18:31
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany


I would also like to thank Wolfgang for this site, without it I would not have known that the RT treatment existed.


Yes I agree fully, thanks Wolfgang

11/10/2011 06:17
11/10/2011 06:17

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Little update on my first round of RT in Germany 2 month ago:

My left hand seems to have more cords. Wonder if the second round of RT can take care of them. Seems I read on some posts, that RT does nothing for cords only nodules. Great! Both hands are infested with cords.
I now can put my right hand flat on the table, that is an improvment. I could not do that before. The cord in my thumb is getting more pronounced. My hands are a bit dry, but I use lots of hand cream for that. My nodule in my right hand seems a bit softer. I seem to lose my strengh in my hands a bit. Have a hard time opening things.
I will report back after my second round.


11/10/2011 10:11
11/10/2011 10:11

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hi Chrisl
I think I might have had some muscle wastage in my feet after RT and if this happens it might explain your decrease in strength. My feet are now better, partly due to rehab involving Prof S's advice about walking in water and also the physio advice about walking on different surfaces, including grass, wooden floors, other textures like carpet, concrete etc. Maybe you could try your hands on different textures and a massage ball
Wishing you a speedy recovery

Little update on my first round of RT in Germany 2 month ago:

My left hand seems to have more cords. Wonder if the second round of RT can take care of them. Seems I read on some posts, that RT does nothing for cords only nodules. Great! Both hands are infested with cords.
I now can put my right hand flat on the table, that is an improvment. I could not do that before. The cord in my thumb is getting more pronounced. My hands are a bit dry, but I use lots of hand cream for that. My nodule in my right hand seems a bit softer. I seem to lose my strengh in my hands a bit. Have a hard time opening things.
I will report back after my second round.


11/10/2011 15:50
11/10/2011 15:50

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hello Di,

Thanks for your kind encouragement. I appreciate your support. I will give it time and should maybe more rigorously exercise my hands. I have the spiky balls and roll them on my hands, etc. How are your feet coming along? Seems you are so much better. Wonderful.

Take care,

11/11/2011 09:39
11/11/2011 09:39

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hello Christl
I am quite substantially better, but there are still some wierd foot sensations to deal with. The main improvement is that I can walk on hard surfaces again, without the nodules getting sore and I can stay on my feet for much longer periods of time than prior to and just after the treatment, where my feet would feel as though I'd been hiking for a week after 20 or 40 minutes!

You will really feel a LOT better in the near future! So hang in there and don't forget that weird sensations mean the treatment is most likely doing its job

All the best

Hello Di,

Thanks for your kind encouragement. I appreciate your support. I will give it time and should maybe more rigorously exercise my hands. I have the spiky balls and roll them on my hands, etc. How are your feet coming along? Seems you are so much better. Wonderful.

Take care,

01/03/2012 14:56
01/03/2012 14:56
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

How did your second round of RT go? I am leaving in three weeks for my second round. Any different from the first round? Any side effects? I am not looking forward to the Hamburg weather in January, I expect we will be spending a lot of time in the hotel room!!

Edited 01/03/12 16:56

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Wolfgang   treatment   disease   different   surgery   radiation   getting   contraction   experience   Dupuytren   Germany   progression   patients   dupuytren-online   nodules   Seegenschmiedt   fitfeet   treatments   Hamburg   Radiotherapy