retinoic acid treatment - patent app. |
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04/23/2008 08:00
04/23/2008 08:00

retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Hi Thanks heaps for this forum. can anyone comment on the info from the US in the following link?
Very interesting reading, but a bit suss as there has been no further information on this treatment since 2002.
04/23/2008 09:12
Wolfgangnot registered
04/23/2008 09:12
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Agree, interesting reading. Note that this is medication for chemotherapy, i.e. for cancer treatment. It does have side effects (see e.g. ) and needs to be taken for a long period of time. The patent doesn't tell what happens when medicatioon is stopped eventually.
The reported anecdotal results look promising (but they wouldn't report bad results in a patent, would they?) but every experimental therapy has such stories. Obviously there is no good statistics availale, not any trial in progress. I think Hofmann-LaRoche just made a patent to have the right for this tretament, just in case.
I am not an expert but retinoic acid seems to be related to Vitamin A. Vitamin A in high doses is poisenous and takin Vitamin A ovver a longer period of time might reduce life expectation (
04/23/2008 09:57
Wolfgangnot registered
04/23/2008 09:57
Wolfgangnot registered
retinoic acid treatment and depression
Another potential side effect, found after this patent was applied for:
Kally C O'Reilly et al. "Chronic Administration of 13-Cis-Retinoic Acid Increases Depression-Related Behavior in Mice" Neuropsychopharmacology (2006) 31, 1919–1927 "However, there is increasing evidence that nutritional vitamin A status and retinoid signaling play an important role in the function of the adult brain. 13-Cis-retinoic acid (13-cis-RA) (isotretinoin or Accutane), a synthetic retinoid that is an effective oral treatment for severe nodular acne, has been linked with depression and suicide in patients."
Fingers straight but suicide? Doesn't sound like a good treatment ...
04/23/2008 17:23
04/23/2008 17:23
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
First let me point out that this is a patent application not a medical journal. The US Patent Office doesn't know anything about medicine.
The depression and suicide are an association not cause and effect. Since this drug is primarily given to teenagers who don't like the way they look that's probably understandable.
More important is that for the few women of child bearing age with Dupuytren's if you get pregnant on this drug the baby will have sever birth defects including brain damage. Reccomendations are that women be on two separate forms of birth control while taking it. The drug come packaged with red warning lables over every pill.
Side effects include dry mouth and lips to the point of deep painfull fissures for almost every one who takes it.
We'd all love a pill that would make this go away but this isn't it
04/23/2008 21:32
04/23/2008 21:32

Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Thanks Wolfgang, Colleen. I successfully had acne vulgaris treated in the 1980's with Roacctane (retinoic acid). I agree this is not a nice drug, but side effects on (from memory 40mg) a day were cracked lips and the occasional blood nose. I have a script now for 10mg capsules from my GP.
I haven't made a decision to take them yet as I'm seeing an oncologist to discuss RT on the lumps. The cases in the patent make it sound very attractive, although I know there is no way of verifying these outcomes. The fact that there has been no controlled study or trials in the meantime is also discouraging. I will do a bit more searching...
04/24/2008 20:59
04/24/2008 20:59
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Keep searching and keep sharing. Two of my five kids were on it too. I wish an old friend who is a dermatologist still worked near by so I could run this by him. I still have some access to some physician only medical search engins I'll see if I can find anything.
09/06/2008 00:38
auxerl@yahoo.comnot registered
09/06/2008 00:38
auxerl@yahoo.comnot registered
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Do not use Accutane, Renova 0.05%, Renova 0.02% nor any retinoid product. I know first hand the damage these products cause. These pharmaceutical corp. are not just putting one type of retinoid in their patents, they are using several and they are listed as poisons on numerous chemical data banks. All trans retinoic acid is the e.coli bacteriorhodopsin, it is the flora from the gut, oxygenated plasma from the intestines. It took me several years to find this out. Read articles from St. Marys Hospital, in South Korean, all-trans-retinoic-acid is combined with arsenic and causes infiltrates of the lungs, ground glass opacity, hemorrhaging and many other serious pulmonary complications that none of these pharmaceutical corp. nor dermatologists give warning of. Tretinoin is derived from xanthumonas as bacteria that is fermented by Kelco Corp. in NJ. Isotretinoin is a synthethic retinoid made in a lab and God only knows what they are using to develop it . Isotretinoin is made of zinc salts (zinc salts are used in nano technology to make nano wires and belts and retinoid are at nano scale) It is, also, made of isopropene which is used in polymerising of rubber polyvinyl chlorines at room temp. They use ligands in these products which are metal structures of the skeleton of insects such as scorpion, drosphila, 18 wheeler drosphila and sonic hedghog. By calling each name and type patent you will see how ligands are made. They product atomic electron clouds and produce crystals that spin and trap atoms and particles using claws (pincers) and the molecular tweezers. These retinoids and the chemicals used with them are used in pesticides and herbicides and are organophosphorous compounds. I have been diagnosed with blephconjunctivitis, dry eyes, burnt corneas, leukocytoclastic reaction and chemical dermatitis, siliocsis from the liquid silicone used as a drug delivery vehicle, nine years later just being diagnosed as physicians for nine years looked away after severe chemical sores appeared on my face from Renova 0.05%, severe reoccurring reactions and blurred visions, severe migraines and numerous other complications. Ligands and their metal structures are made from copper, zinc, selenium, cadiminum, nickel, phosphorous all which are toxic and cause toxic metal poisoning to the body. See Metal Toxicity Chart. These chemicals are photo chemical agents and view the FDA Photo Chemical Toxicty Report, when you see a product that states photosensitive, to the FDA that is a pharmaceutical corp. stating to you that it is carcingenic, would we know this? The metals and these chemicals produce microorganisms such as pseudomonas from benzene and toulene, menthanol has its own bacteria organisms in it. These chemcials polymerise and are polymerase drugs that alter dna to rna and cause chromosome damage. These retinoids bind to the eye and cause biofilms and infiltrates as they do to the skin. These poisons must be recalled and banned.
09/06/2008 17:55
09/06/2008 17:55
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Not correct
Colleen MD
10/03/2008 00:25
10/03/2008 00:25
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
Dear Colleen MD
Yes all-trans-retinoic-acid is the flora from the intestines, please see Radiologic Features of All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Syndrome, Department of Radiology, St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, it will described all-trans-retinoic acid syndrome. On page 2 of 12 it states "All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) is a normal constituent of plasma. It is derived physiologically by intracellular oxidation of plasma retinol that has been absorbed from the intestines." Please see plasma and please see flora from the gut. I have through extensive research trying to find what all trans retinoic acid is, very few published medical documents will call it what it really is and it was verified by a pulmonary physician who states I have leukocytoclastic reaction (where the white blood cells are rising to the surface), this side effect is also stated in the NDA 21-108 on the fda website of approval drugs and then you have to follow prompts to get to where the test results are and toxicology reports are on DS89722. This report states so many side effects and adverse events just caused by all trans retinoic acid, such as: decreased body weight, hair thinning, dermatitis, mucocutaneous lesions, increased serum alkaline phosphate, triglycerides levels (as they used triglycerides in these creams as is stated in the microbial report and what is microbial it is microorganisms used in this cream and other creams like the product is Renova 0.05% and Renova 0.05% patents 4877805 4423041 4603146), transaminase activities, decreased albumin, hemoglobin, erthyrocytec counts, hepatic pathology, bone fractures, corneal opacities, epiphora, cardiovascular lesions, erythrophagocytotis in lymph nodes, leukocytes, in males will can cause testicular atrophy with interrupted spermatogenesis, cranial fluids, migraines, tightening sensations, itching (because of the arsenic and phosphorous compounds which are all listed as poisons). Tretinoin is all trans retinoic acid as stated on the NDA reports from Johnson and Johnson to the FDA. None of these side effects on stated on the pamphlet for the patient. It was never to be prescibed to a melanoma patient, and I am a melanoma patient it was prescribed to fade freckles, that were not important to fade nor would I have ever used this cream if I was informed of the hazards, I had no skin problems and was always complimented on my skin. Now I have been diagnosed with silicosis (as silicone is used as a drug delivery in this and other cream, see Dow Corning Silicone delivery) {Women weren't harmed enough by their silicone breast implants now they use silicone in these creams and our cosmetics). Octatrienoic acid used in patent 4877805 are aphids from the galls of insects used in polymerizing plastic. Not one chemical in these patents as other retinoid patents were good for the skin, look up every chemical and you will end up like me with boxes full of side effects.
10/05/2008 16:37
mattpnot registered
10/05/2008 16:37
mattpnot registered
Re: retinoic acid treatment - patent app.
I read this thread with interest as both my sister and I used Accutane as teenagers, and now some 20+ years later both deal with debilitating DC. No one else in family has experience with either. Not sure if there is a connection but would highly doubt there is a beneficial one.
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