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Side-effects of radiation
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06/06/2012 14:43
06/06/2012 14:43
Re: Side-effects of radiation

A question for those of you with splints:

Does your splint do anything to maintain or increase the angle between the thumb and forefinger. I have a cord in the thumb web that gets pulled when I stretch to reach my octaves on the piano. It generally gets inflamed after I've played for awhile. I'm thinking it may need NA in the future - maybe before my second course of radiation?


06/06/2012 15:08
06/06/2012 15:08
Re: Side-effects of radiation

To All:
Exactly what kind of splint is it we are talking about? My first DR. in Washington ,DC - after Xiaflex prescibed an over the counter aluminim single finger splint---one with a curved top for finger end and foam inside. The probelm was taping it down to the hand tight enough to be effectively striaght, followed by difficult removal in the morning. Is this the best there is?
Or are we talking about some other splint?

06/06/2012 16:21
06/06/2012 16:21

Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi I've just had PNF or NA by Dr Meinel in Wurtzburg Germany. Dr Meinel was one of the first medicos in Germany to use PNF having learned the technique in Paris. (The French have used PNF for 50 odd years. ) Dr Meinel is also on the advisory board of the International Dupuytren Society. He made a splint using an aluminiun backing plate . He applied a 2 pack material for orthosis called ERKOTON 30 Product 413835.( I did a web search and this product is used by podotrists .) Having applied the product he then pressed my hand onto the product . After 5 minutes the splint was removed leaving a perfect form of my hand . Using velco fixture similiar to that used on a nordic ski stock and some double side tape the aluminium plate was fixed. Simple to use. Very comfortable and allows the fingers to flex. There was also a small velco strip running across the back of the joints adjacent to the hand . As far back as 1979 Dr Meinel has advocated the use of a night splint.
The night splint should not excert pressure to straighten the fingers . It is only to hold the fingers in a passive position to prevent the contracture. He along with Dr Eaton believe that after 14 days of PNF no pressure should be exerted to straighten the finger . I was given a Scar Soft Gel which contains a silicone and extracts of plants from Asia. I apply this sparingly in the morning on the area . Some Scar Soft Gels contain Emu oils which the aboriginals of Australia have used for centuries to heal wounds. Regards.

Edited 06/06/12 19:23

06/06/2012 21:47
06/06/2012 21:47
Re: Side-effects of radiation

My splint did not use aluminum. It is molded plastic - molded to fit my hand there in the office. It also has a molded putty-like material that goes directly on my finger. This material is supposed to be similiar to silicone in that it can help soften scar tissue. The whole thing is held on by three velco straps. So, super easy to take on and off, and very comfortable. I really love it (to the extent one can love a splint) .

If you are still in the DC area, feel free to PM me and I can give you details about where I had it made.


06/06/2012 21:54
06/06/2012 21:54
Re: Side-effects of radiation

One more point - the splint is not just on the finger - it extends down to my palm to better support the finger portion. I 'll try to get someone to take photos of it on that I can post for you.


06/06/2012 22:15
06/06/2012 22:15
Re: Side-effects of radiation

A question for those of you with splints:

Does your splint do anything to maintain or increase the angle between the thumb and forefinger. I have a cord in the thumb web that gets pulled when I stretch to reach my octaves on the piano. It generally gets inflamed after I've played for awhile. I'm thinking it may need NA in the future - maybe before my second course of radiation?


I've never used a splint in that part of my hand, but I did have NA done on a cord in the web between finger and thumb.
I was very happy with the result. I was told that is an easy place for NA because there's really not much there but skin. It's also a very annoying place to lose ROM, as you know, because the thumb is used for so much.


06/06/2012 22:36
06/06/2012 22:36
Re: Side-effects of radiation

I think the kind of splint one needs depends upon where the contracture. My fingers have no contacture except where it radiates from the palm and affects the MCP joint. My splint addresses the contracture from the thumb across the palm and the little finger. It's hard to describe but i'll get these pictures up. A picture is worth 1000 words or more.

06/07/2012 18:03
06/07/2012 18:03
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Maddie, I would like to see your splint so if you could post a photo that would be great!

06/08/2012 01:38
06/08/2012 01:38
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Maddie, I would like to see your splint so if you could post a photo that would be great!

I will try to get some pics up soon.

Moderators: What do you think about the idea of adding a splinting section to the "personal experiences " portion of the website? Then a few of us that have used different types of splints could post pictures of them and say how well they worked for us. It would be easier fore people to find the pics that way, rather than having to search the forum threads


06/08/2012 07:07


06/08/2012 07:07


Re: Side-effects of radiation

Maddie, I would like to see your splint so if you could post a photo that would be great!

I will try to get some pics up soon.

Moderators: What do you think about the idea of adding a splinting section to the "personal experiences " portion of the website? Then a few of us that have used different types of splints could post pictures of them and say how well they worked for us. It would be easier fore people to find the pics that way, rather than having to search the forum threads

Not sure I understand. Why not just open a new thread called splints? Maybe then that thread can be made 'sticky'. I can't imagine that there are that many different splints so would expect the thread to be self limiting. I have two splints, including the glove linked to on this site.

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switcombe   radiation   Side-effects   Seegenschmiedt   Dupuytren   contracture   patients   treatment   nodules   Hamburg   Germany   effects   fingers   because   insurance   decision   surgery   experience   disease   progression