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Side-effects of radiation
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05/03/2012 16:26
05/03/2012 16:26
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Thank you, Rich. I guess I'm just hoping that the first (3 gray/5 day) course of treatments would be sufficient to stop the progression. Also wondering if there is even more improvement after the second course.

05/03/2012 21:13
05/03/2012 21:13
Glowing hands after radiation therapy ?? :-)

Hi RichSF

Thank you for your excellent and detailed report about your treatment in Hamburg and your personal experience with Prof. Seegenschmiedt. You seemed to be very sceptical before going to Germany ?! What gave you the current new confidence in the right decision: the center, the organisation of the clinic, the blond receptionist or the person of Prof. S. ?

Quite interesting that you have observed "glowing hands" after radiation therapy.

I had a similar experience and have documented it ... LOL

... are your hands also glowing in "blue" ?? May be this is variable with the seasons ?

If several people join in we could have a nice experience together : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=httOmayBEuQ

Best regards Yours Larry

Edited 05/04/12 00:20

05/04/2012 07:26
05/04/2012 07:26
Re: Side-effects of radiation


April 30 back to San Francisco. My experience was positive and i'm confident i made the right decision and feel assured that the progress is mitigated. As of today is May 2, 2012 i have seen no visible changes in my hands or skin..
When i walk around in the dark all i have to do is lift up my arms and open my hands and the glow from my palms lights up my way. Also, when i want some hot tea, i just have to stick my finger into my cup, or wrap my hands around it, and

Hi Rich,
Good to read your are returned safely to SF.
(and still glowing in the dark........)
Hopefully we can experience the 'hot tea experiment' next year in SF. We are there on the 29th and 30th of january.
I already notice a difference on my right foot . The surgery scar is become much softer after the last week RT.
We liked your company and that of Gary from NZ in the waitingroom last week.
I will post my treatment results coming weeks/months.
Hopefully we meet again in Hamburg for our second session.
I will let you know, when we made the new appointment.
Plse mail the photo you took from us with Prof. Seegenschmiedt.
Best regards,
Juliska (and Koos) from The Netherlands

05/04/2012 07:29
05/04/2012 07:29

Re: Side-effects of radiation


Great recount! Hope it's worked out well and glad your glowing!!!!!


Good luck! Hope RichSF's account gives you more confidence to go for it!


Love the glowing hands!!!

Good luck all!


05/05/2012 00:42
05/05/2012 00:42
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Thanks, Anna. It does give me a bit more confidence. I start treatment May 21st. It's still very hard to think of doing something to my hands that will be harmful to the normal, healthy cells. I've always taken good care of my health - avoiding everything that might do harm - even over the counter and prescription drugs. This is so out of character for me to even consider. But... I really want to keep doing the things I love - gardening, piano playing, etc. Hence, the big decision - wait and see what happens or treat it now. Hope I've chosen wisely.

At least I won't need a night light anymore.

05/05/2012 06:11
05/05/2012 06:11
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi switcombe,

I too was concerned about RT. I have just completed my 2 nd round with prof s. Before treatment my tennis had been in sharp decline due to ledderhose.....I am already playing again... And at a level hat I had nt been able too for a number of years.....prof s tells patients that his treatment is designed to stop progression.....I Like many other patients report significant improvement in symptoms after RT....so my short term satisfaction is very high...

The forum is full of RT stories.....I am sure that you have made good use of these....I wish you the very best on your chosen plan of attack....

All the best


05/06/2012 22:18
05/06/2012 22:18
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Its been over 2 years since my RT treatment and all is good. My left hand is like i never had DD in it. The right hand had DD in it alittle longer than left and its good. All nodules are gone in both hands. I have some cords left but none bother me except 1 in right hand and its alittle bigger from my middle finger down through the palm. My skin is tight on my right hand and both hands are dry all the time. But that okay with me. Been going to the gun range and it seems to help my hands. I made the right move by doing RT and would do it again in a flash. Best thing i ever did for myself.

05/07/2012 03:14
05/07/2012 03:14
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Thank you for the positive reports. If only there was some way to know whether or not my nodules and cords would lead to contracture someday - then I could be totally at peace with my decision.

I wonder if there's anyone out there who regrets having had radiation - or would they even dare to post here among all the positive reports?

05/07/2012 08:48


05/07/2012 08:48


Re: Side-effects of radiation

Thank you for the positive reports. If only there was some way to know whether or not my nodules and cords would lead to contracture someday - then I could be totally at peace with my decision.

I wonder if there's anyone out there who regrets having had radiation - or would they even dare to post here among all the positive reports?
Well ... I'm sitting on the fence at the moment ... I had RT last year in Germany for one hand. Will give ProfS a report in June which will be 1 year post treatment.

I have NO reduction in nodules or cords. Some slight skin dryness which I only notice when my hand turns 'white' from dead skin that needs exfoliating and then moisturising.

The good news, I have no contracture.

The bad news, I have a sore hand, aches, cramps, tenderness. Something is wrong with and going on with the hand around the areas where there are nodules and cords, including the suspicion of a new nodule. I'm really anticipating it getting worse and a contracture developing.

Would it have been the same or worse without RT - who knows?

Here's my personal view - I have beginnings of nodules in the other untreated hand. If the symptoms in this hand increase I will still probably have RT rather than do nothing except wait.

Edited 05/07/12 11:49

05/07/2012 16:11
05/07/2012 16:11
Re: Side-effects of radiation

The bad news, I have a sore hand, aches, cramps, tenderness. Something is wrong with and going on with the hand around the areas where there are nodules and cords, including the suspicion of a new nodule. I'm really anticipating it getting worse and a contracture developing.
Thank you for your report, Spanishbuddha. Did you have the aches, cramps and tenderness before rt?

I know the literature indicates that the success rate is higher if the treatment is done earlier rather than later. But how can they really know that, when the earlier treatment group may include a larger proportion of individuals whose Dupuytens's may never have advanced to the contracture stages as compared to the later treatment groups (after contracture)?

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fingers   experience   effects   decision   Germany   Seegenschmiedt   switcombe   Hamburg   Dupuytren   disease   because   nodules   surgery   radiation   treatment   contracture   patients   insurance   progression   Side-effects