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Skin Grafts
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10/22/2013 15:19
10/22/2013 15:19

Re: Skin Grafts

Hi I am interested when you mention that "connection will be cut in three weeks" Is this area between the web of the fingers ? or some other area.
I have had 4 large grafts and suggest you apply a scar tissue crème which is available in the US after all the dressings are removed to try to reduce the scar tissue forming. Last week I spoke with a surgeon in Germany who has carried out NA on 1000 patients for over 20 years. He showed me pictures where grafts had been applied directly over the exposed cut chord after NA. There is about 80% chance of non re-occurrence using this option . You should maybe check this option out for the other finger. Regards.

Edited 10/22/13 18:20

10/22/2013 16:54
10/22/2013 16:54
Re: Skin Grafts

when you mention that "connection will be cut in three weeks" Is this area between the web of the fingers ? or some other area.

The graft on my little finger is still connected to the ring finger, where the flap of skin came from, so the blood supply is intact. They will be operating again next week to disconnect the skin flap once the graft has taken well. Currently my first section on both fingers are joined together with that skin. Once he cuts the fingers apart he may possibly do yet another graft on the inside of the ring finger to cover up any exposed tissue that still needs it. I had my first apt with the doc today since the surgery. He asked in my research on skin grafts if I had heard of anyone else doing cross flap grafts. I had not seen anything here on it and he said that he thinks he may be the only one doing it right now. He has done a dozen or so.
He agreed that grafts do prevent recurrence and uses them routinely on palms when needed. So far, I just needed it on the finger itself as all that was contracted was the PIP. I may do my other hand in the spring. It is at about 45' and says that it will be much less complicated if I can do it early instead of at 90' which is where my right pinky was.

10/23/2013 14:31
10/23/2013 14:31

Re: Skin Grafts

Hi just a bit of personal info .I have a large graft on the left hand ,which takes in both the ring and little finger and extends into the palm by about 30 mill. It also links the web between the two fingers. I experienced a problem some time after the healing due to scar tissue in the web. I was restricted in spreading the fingers side ways and had to undergo further surgery to release the tissue. In my case the donor area was the same as you indicated. You may experience a darker pigmentation in the graft which is common when the donor skin comes from the groin area. Do not come in contact with bleach as this seemed to darken the pigmentation. Keep you hand above the heart and rest it on your shoulder for comfort whilst wriggling your fingers to promote the blood circulation in the graft. The graft will take within 7 days but needs an extra 14 days to become totally accepted . It is a well known fact that the graft does prevent the reoccurrence of the disease in that area. I always wear gloves as this area will always be a softer area in the hand. Regards.

Edited 10/23/13 17:35

10/23/2013 15:27
10/23/2013 15:27
Re: Skin Grafts

Hi Newman, thanks for the info. I am now 12 days out and saw the Dr yesterday for the first time since the surgery. He seemed to think it was all going well but he may do one more small graft when he cuts the cross-flap in another 10 days. He did not extend the graft into the palm at all, but said that he does do grafts in the palm when it is called for. I will stay away from bleach and had already planned on buying some gloves with cushioning in the palm and fingers. My graft for the top of my ring finger was taken from the outside of my leg, just above my knee. The next one will come from the forearm. Now I am working on getting the finger to flex again. After two years of being permanently flexed it doesn't like doing it again!

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