Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand? |
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08/25/2013 19:25
08/25/2013 19:25
Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Just found I have Dupuytren in my right hand which is also my dominant hand. I've always worked with hand tools so the hand muscles are very developed compared to my left hand. I've seen studies which show a high correlation between manual labor and Dupuytren. I'd be curious to learn how many with DC in one hand also see it develop in their second hand? Also wonder if the dominant hand is typically affected first and most often?
08/25/2013 22:52
08/25/2013 22:52
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
DaYooper: Just found I have Dupuytren in my right hand which is also my dominant hand. I've always worked with hand tools so the hand muscles are very developed compared to my left hand. I've seen studies which show a high correlation between manual labor and Dupuytren. I'd be curious to learn how many with DC in one hand also see it develop in their second hand? Also wonder if the dominant hand is typically affected first and most often?
My DC showed up about 7 years ago when I was in my early 40's. It was in my right hand then. Last year it has taken off in my left hand.
~ dawn
08/25/2013 23:12
08/25/2013 23:12
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Both hands simultaneously with nodules. One hand (little finger) contracted to over 90 degrees in less than 18 months. Other hand went dormant (no contracture) for over 12 years.
08/26/2013 00:13
08/26/2013 00:13
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Dominant hand is the right.
DC developed in LH about 42 years ago, OS to clear and hand became dormant.
DC developed in RH approx. 22 years ago OS again undergone and DC became dormant... until... 
DC again active in all fingers of RH 6 years ago, 3 fingers of LH 2 years ago.
Currently undergoing treatment with Xiapex, NA and OS to clear.
08/26/2013 01:48
08/26/2013 01:48
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
I am right handed. DD developed first in my left hand at about 55 yrs old (5 years ago) then in my right hand about 18 months ago.
There may be a connection between trauma and DD in susceptible people but as far as I am aware, there is not good data showing a connection between DD and the use of tools, sporting gear etc.
08/26/2013 18:48
08/26/2013 18:48
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Two hands. 10 digits, including thumbs--12-16 or more joints-- Dr. Pess will decide. My DD developed in my RH, [dominant hand] ring finger when I was only 40 but I'm convinced it was because of injury to the palm (that said, I was probably always going to get it but just not so early). It progressed very slowly and wasn't until almost 25 years later that finger was contracted enough for my first NA-- 2005.
In 2007 I participated in the FDA Xiaflex trials on that same finger- Right hand-- still the only one contracted. After Xiaflex, in the next two years, DD spread to several more fingers in the RH and to several fingers in the LH-- all with contractures. It continued to spread to where it is today. I had NA in 2005, one hand, one finger MCP joint only, Xiaflex- 2007, one hand, one finger MCP joint only. In 2009, NA on on hand-- lasted less than two months; after that two months had NA again, this time on both hands, Dr. Eaton. In 201ll, NA both hands, multiple fingers and joints, Dr. Eaton. In two weeks, NA scheduled for both hands, muiiple fingers and joints.
For those of you that are familiar with my story, sorry for the repetition.
Edited 08/27/13 12:30
08/27/2013 01:03
08/27/2013 01:03
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
DD started in my right hand (dominate) about a year ago and has progressed very quickly affecting 3 fingers. Nodules, cords some tightening but no contracture. Have just finished 5 day course of RT. Have just noticed now what looks like a nodule starting in the webbing between my thumb and forefinger in my left hand. Anyone else have nodule in this area? Also have a hard corn starting on the ball of left foot. Dr. Said he will keep an eye on it (ledderhose?).
08/27/2013 02:05
08/27/2013 02:05
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Dupuytren's started in RH (dominant) about 20 years ago, at age 50, small finger started bending at PIP joint after a fall on that hand, developed dimples and nodules in RH. Had NA on small finger PIP twice in 2006 and 2010...both times the PIP contraction returned to pre-NA numbers within six months.
Left hand developed dimples and nodules, tried Radiation Therapy (RT) in 2009 to prevent future contraction in LH. RT was partially successful, eliminated symptoms and some of the nodules... but eventually small finger in LH started to contract. Just had NA three months ago on PIP joint of left hand...short-lived results, it only lasted three months finger is now the same as before NA.
Also had RT on nodules of left foot... very successful, two hard, marble size nodules are 90 % gone...
08/27/2013 02:22
08/27/2013 02:22
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
I had two marble sized nodules in the arch of my foot about fifteen years ago. The nodules hurt. This lasted about three years and they have now almost disappeared and I don't think about them.
Edited 08/27/13 05:23
08/27/2013 09:44
08/27/2013 09:44
Re: Survey: One hand or two? Dominant hand?
Dupuytren's started in dominant right hand about 4 yrs ago and viable cord now seen about 1 yr ago in left hand. Both hands started with an identical cord in the web space between index finger and thumb. Right hand contracture very active where the left hand 'seems' slower.
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