Teenager With Dupuytren's...Help? |
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10/08/2008 17:26
Megan Lydennot registered
10/08/2008 17:26
Megan Lydennot registered
Re: Teenager With Dupuytren's...Help?
Hi JAnn,
Thanks for the response about diet, as it's something I'm experimenting with. It sounds like what you do is very similar to what the author Udo Erasmus recommends in his food pyramid: http://www.udoerasmus.com/pyramid/pyr_index.htm. In essence, getting most of one's carboydrates from greens rather than starchy foods, etc. Your postings have been an inspiration to me.....
Megan L
10/08/2008 21:47
10/08/2008 21:47
Re: Teenager With Dupuytren's...Help?
As I posted earlier, I haven't seen any credible evidence linking diet directly to Dupuytren's. However, Dupuytren's is strongly linked to diabetes, and there seems to be some evidence that diabetes is brought on in part by over consumption of sugars and simple carbohydrates. So getting one's calories from complex carbohydrates is probably a good idea.
07/19/2022 10:08
07/19/2022 10:08
Re: Teenager With Dupuytren's...Help?
Rebecca :) Diagnosed at 19/Female/Family History of Dupuytren
This post was a very long time ago so you might not see this message...but hi anyway! I am a female and I was diagnosed with DD in my late teens a couple of years ago.
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