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Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..
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05/05/2015 06:58
05/05/2015 06:58
Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

I thought I would start a thread on this treatment as it has been mentioned a few times on other threads......it seems that the patients that have had the treatment are very happy with the results and Dr. Chin who developed it now has a patent on it....100 DD patients have been treated and 4 with LD....tissue plasminogen activators have been around for many years and used in the treatment of blood clots for heart attack and stroke victims.
The treatment consists of injections to the cords and nodules and is basically designed to greatly reduce the size of them and to soften them.....the side affects are claimed to be significantly less than xiaflex.....unlike xiaflex and NA the treatment is not designed to break the cord..
I have had a look around the net and found some interesting articles.....google ....tissue plasminogen activator Dr. chin....for more info.....
.there is a review written on Gary's Ledderhose blog and I know that the reviewer is very happy 2 years out from the treatment...
I had RT on my feet just over 3 years ago in Germany......for me the short term results were good then significant progression in my left foot......I Have taken the wait and see approach but am in a situation where new nodules have been forming on the ball of my feet......this has mean t my sporting endeavours have been non existent for 2 years and I now feel I should roll the dice on a low invasive procedure.....my own view is that this is my best option....
For the record Dr. Chin is a plastic surgeon...
I would be delighted to hear your thoughts......good or otherwise...

05/05/2015 07:19


05/05/2015 07:19


Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Gary,

this is an interesting new treatment for Dupuytren's. Unfortunately it has so far not been approved by the FDA or in Europe and, to my knowledge, Dr. Chin did not publish anything in journals either. The only publication is his patent but he does not seem to be interested in making the treatment available elsewhere.

The technique is described on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html and a few concerns are mentioned, like
- it does not straighten bent fingers, so patients might still need NA or Xiaflex or surgery
- no data on side effects
- no data on disease progression or recurrence (recurrence might be the wrong term for this treatment as it does not remove contracture).


05/05/2015 20:26
05/05/2015 20:26
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Thanks Wolfgang,
It would be great if there was more clinical information about this treatment.....but unless it is supported by a pharmaceutical giant, I fear there will always be little for us to go on.....except patient testimonies...and they seem very positive.

I have searched the net possible side effects and overall I am encouraged that they are minimal......although it has to be said that there are cases where this drug has been used for stroke victims there has been brain bleed....yikes!!

What I like about the treatment for LD is that it seems to greatly reduce tightness......my feet have some major cords that are soooo tight!!.......this has impacted on my life for a couple of years......little or no sport and disrupted sleep and so on!! My feeling is that this is not going to get any better......

So I think I may take a punt on it in the near future......Dr. Chin guarantee s a 30% reduction in diseased tissue mass....
My biggest concern is in getting treatment and activating a flare up else where......this happend when I had RT on my feet.....3 weeks after the first round my hands flared up and I could not hold a paint brush.....this lasted for a few months and settled down......but it certainly got my attention....

Dr. Chin claims that he has not seen progression in most cases....I believe 95% !!........ But how is this defined???......I know.....it s all a bit vague....

05/06/2015 05:03
05/06/2015 05:03
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi, I am now 2 1/2 years in for a treatment for LD from Dr. Chin with TPA. Whilst Dr Chin is getting much success with DD I think the main treatment is focused towards LD, certainly in my case.

He didn't think he could assist me with the DD I had as it was too far advanced and after 4 releases, was possibly not a good candidate. However, the LD treatment he did was an incredible success with no side effects other than initial pain from the injection site and soreness after a few weeks when the foot regained a more natural position. I am so excited by what has occurred I am shortly to book in to get my right foot treated for LD.

Is it risky? Dr Chin told me the dose he uses is very low of a substance already proven in the field and much much lower than that given to stroke victims!!!. It was against this that I made the decision to give it a go as the LD was seriously affecting my way of life. Its coming up to 2 years and six months for the treated foot so I would suspect if there was going to be any side issues they would show by now. I am not advocating for this treatment, I think like most we are looking for the "answer". From my perspective I will give the other foot a go as the first treatment was so successful. Hope this assists, I am looking towards the next couple of months for the other foot so will keep the forum advised. BTW I am male 61 with no health issues other than DD, LD and associated problems. So generally I am very fit and healthy which of course may affect or influence the final outcome.

Good luck everyone.

05/06/2015 19:55
05/06/2015 19:55

Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Gary,

this is an interesting new treatment for Dupuytren's. Unfortunately it has so far not been approved by the FDA or in Europe and, to my knowledge, Dr. Chin did not publish anything in journals either. The only publication is his patent but he does not seem to be interested in making the treatment available elsewhere.

The technique is described on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html and a few concerns are mentioned, like
- it does not straighten bent fingers, so patients might still need NA or Xiaflex or surgery
- no data on side effects
- no data on disease progression or recurrence (recurrence might be the wrong term for this treatment as it does not remove contracture).


This is not a new technique, also I believe used in blasting gallstones and kidney stones to avoid surgery in that particular application. I can't imagine what my reaction would be on my DD.

I think I will leave my hand alone. I received a spring splint which helps. A bit to much as my finger is slightly bent as the others are as well. Yet my pinky is very sore and disfigured knuckle joint from Xiaflex treatment in February of 2015. It did open my pinky fron 134' so that's the good part. However it made the nodes and cords larger. I am just giving it time slowly thru strengthening exercises, heat and cold/ ice treatments, hot wax therapy and massage wearing nightly splints. The other good news is home ultra sound treatments are helping with contracture. Just taking the wait and see for now!

The good news I found playing with my dog throwing balls gripping toys helps strengthen my Hand. So it's a fun way to exercise my hand at the same time laugh at the antics of my puppy!

In my case every treatment has made my hand worse. I have a straight finger now but it's very painful. Hoping that this new treatment introduced can be another alternative treatment for DD.

Thank you for sharing.

05/06/2015 20:29
05/06/2015 20:29
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi, I am now 2 1/2 years in for a treatment for LD from Dr. Chin with TPA. Whilst Dr Chin is getting much success with DD I think the main treatment is focused towards LD, certainly in my case.

He didn't think he could assist me with the DD I had as it was too far advanced and after 4 releases, was possibly not a good candidate. However, the LD treatment he did was an incredible success with no side effects other than initial pain from the injection site and soreness after a few weeks when the foot regained a more natural position. I am so excited by what has occurred I am shortly to book in to get my right foot treated for LD.

Is it risky? Dr Chin told me the dose he uses is very low of a substance already proven in the field and much much lower than that given to stroke victims!!!. It was against this that I made the decision to give it a go as the LD was seriously affecting my way of life. Its coming up to 2 years and six months for the treated foot so I would suspect if there was going to be any side issues they would show by now. I am not advocating for this treatment, I think like most we are looking for the "answer". From my perspective I will give the other foot a go as the first treatment was so successful. Hope this assists, I am looking towards the next couple of months for the other foot so will keep the forum advised. BTW I am male 61 with no health issues other than DD, LD and associated problems. So generally I am very fit and healthy which of course may affect or influence the final outcome.

Good luck everyone.
Thanks very much for the update.....really pleased you ve had a result with this....


05/14/2015 09:26
05/14/2015 09:26
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi, I am now 2 1/2 years in for a treatment for LD from Dr. Chin with TPA. Whilst Dr Chin is getting much success with DD I think the main treatment is focused towards LD, certainly in my case.

He didn't think he could assist me with the DD I had as it was too far advanced and after 4 releases, was possibly not a good candidate. However, the LD treatment he did was an incredible success with no side effects other than initial pain from the injection site and soreness after a few weeks when the foot regained a more natural position. I am so excited by what has occurred I am shortly to book in to get my right foot treated for LD.

Is it risky? Dr Chin told me the dose he uses is very low of a substance already proven in the field and much much lower than that given to stroke victims!!!. It was against this that I made the decision to give it a go as the LD was seriously affecting my way of life. Its coming up to 2 years and six months for the treated foot so I would suspect if there was going to be any side issues they would show by now. I am not advocating for this treatment, I think like most we are looking for the "answer". From my perspective I will give the other foot a go as the first treatment was so successful. Hope this assists, I am looking towards the next couple of months for the other foot so will keep the forum advised. BTW I am male 61 with no health issues other than DD, LD and associated problems. So generally I am very fit and healthy which of course may affect or influence the final outcome.

Good luck everyone.

Hi Terry

Just booked in for this for June 18th.......just wondered if you had any LD on the ball of your foot?.....this is the area that bothers me most......the thick cord and nodules are less of a problem...

Cheers Gary

05/14/2015 10:09
05/14/2015 10:09
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Gary, all my involvement was along the tendons, not on th ball. Just made an appointment for early July with Dr Chin for the other foot, neeed to get a shoulder op out of the way first, hope you have as much success as I have had and hopefully will have on my other foot. Cheers, we should have a coffee to compare notes... Terry

05/14/2015 18:50
05/14/2015 18:50
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Gary, all my involvement was along the tendons, not on th ball. Just made an appointment for early July with Dr Chin for the other foot, neeed to get a shoulder op out of the way first, hope you have as much success as I have had and hopefully will have on my other foot. Cheers, we should have a coffee to compare notes... Terry

Hi terry,

Do you live in Brisbane? Maybe you could mail me your details and we could catch up?


05/15/2015 04:35
05/15/2015 04:35
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Gary,

what's your email address? I am in Redcliffe.


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