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Total fasciectomy |
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08/20/2013 04:58
08/20/2013 04:58
Re: Total fasciectomy
The biggest problem with the surgery is that most surgeons in the United States still insist on using a tourniquet during the 90 minutes or longer procedure. The loss of blood to the arm and hand can result in paralysis and damage to the muscles and nerve functions. If I was going to have this done I would find a surgeon who is more progressive and uses arterial clamps and is up to speed on the best practices for hand surgery.
I would also talk to physical therapists who have direct experience with post-surgery recovery and failure rates. There are people who having had this surgery cannot squeeze a tennis ball month later.
With NA my recovery time was two days. With the first Xiaflex treatment it was 3 weeks and with the second treatment it has been 6 weeks. It is something to consider if you have extensive problems that involve multiple fingers and the palm. Your situation is more severe than most individuals who have only a single finger affected.
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