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Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy
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02/26/2014 06:46
02/26/2014 06:46

Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

I attended my weekly session with my physiotherapist , she is actually pleased with the " progress " since my operation 6 weeks ago . I had severe dupuytrens in my palm , index finger , middle finger and ring finger , all of which were operated on ( 3 hours in surgery) . I was able to make a fist after 3 weeks , then the swelling started !! I still have swelling and stiffness , but with all the physiotherapy techniques ,splint at night and massaging with E45 I am hopefully on the long slow road to recovery .

My only wish was that I had found this forum prior to the operation , reading the eventual positive outcomes ( and some negative) of this surgical procedure has helped .

I have another physiotherapy appointment in 2 weeks time .

02/27/2014 00:00
02/27/2014 00:00
Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

Are they pushing your therapy to the point of pain? I did all of my own therapy and had a very successful out come. I did not ever push myself to pain.

02/27/2014 06:27
02/27/2014 06:27

Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

Hi , I would not say "pain" , but some discomfort and unfortunately today the swelling has increased again . I appear to be in a "catch 22" situation , very little physiotherapy = stiffness+some swelling or more physiotherapy = less stiffness+more swelling !! Trying to get a happy medium is not easy . Perhaps I am pushing a bit too hard in an attempt to get in reasonable condition ready for the start of the fly-fishing season . Thanks .

02/27/2014 15:06
02/27/2014 15:06
Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

I flexed for almost all of my self therapy. I did this out of habit all during the day. I had swelling and worked on making a fist by using a self adhesive bandage (1 1/2" about 10" long) that I used like a big rubber band around the closed fist. I would do this about 5-6 times a day for about 5 minutes. Then I would do the flexing after slipping off the "band". I could re-use this band for a few days before making a new one from the roll.

03/03/2014 13:20
03/03/2014 13:20

Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

Hi , I am trying numerous stretching/exercises most of which makes my hand swell more , especially the knuckles . My index finger and an area in the palm below the index and middle finger feel like hard rolled up cardboard !! At times all the scars appear very pronounced , I am massaging E45 into these scars 3 times a day . Unfortunately all of the fingers operated on are starting to bend into the palm , especially the ring finger . I am assuming that the increased swelling is causing this to happen , as this only started 3 weeks after the operation when the swelling commenced , and the Dupuytren cords/nodules had been removed . Prior to that I was able to make a fist and put my hand flat on a table .

I have now somehow managed to get a foreign body ( splinter ?) in my little finger , which has gone red and swollen , ( can`t see the offending object) , looks infected . Off to the local GP later to get this checked , just what I did not want !!

I also find that wearing the full hand splint at night is very uncomfortable (hot) , resulting in a lot of disturbed sleep . With reference to other threads on this site , it seems that the wearing of a splint at night will continue for many months .

I also wear gloves , when outside, if my hand gets even slightly cold it acts like a clam and gets stiff . Relief is spending 10 minutes with my hand in warm water , followed by an E45 cream massage .

Sorry for this depressing answer , but unlike most recoveries from surgery , there appears no change in the condition from day to day , sometimes actually looks worse !

03/03/2014 20:24
03/03/2014 20:24
Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

One of the most important things for me was to never let the scar tissue dry out. I carried a tube of Aveeno lotion with me all day. Then at night I would put it on generously before the splint. It shouldn't be the Dupuytren's that is causing the contraction in the hand. It is the way the scar tissue is healing. Just keep flexing. I reached a certain point where the swelling stopped and the hand started getting better quickly.

03/04/2014 07:11
03/04/2014 07:11

Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

Hi , thanks for the reply , I will take your advice and continue to massage e45 into my hand , as some of the scars in the palm are rather pronounced and "lumpy" . The strange thing is that some days the swelling around the knuckles appears to be less ( able to do more physiotherapy) , then other days the swelling looks worse again .

As previously mentioned the consultant was very non-committal on recovery time . Although the dupuytren condition was fairly severe ( span between thumb/index , palm , index, middle and ring fingers I was booked in only to extract the span area , not the rest . It was only on the day of surgery ( 1 hour before operation) when it was suggested to extract the dupuytren from all fingers ( I still have a small cord left in my palm ) . This resulted in a 3 hour operation , not the 1.5 hour slot booked , leaving me very reluctant to undergo further surgery on the other hand .

03/04/2014 10:35
03/04/2014 10:35
Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

As previously mentioned the consultant was very non-committal on recovery time . Although the dupuytren condition was fairly severe ( span between thumb/index , palm , index, middle and ring fingers I was booked in only to extract the span area , not the rest . It was only on the day of surgery ( 1 hour before operation) when it was suggested to extract the dupuytren from all fingers ( I still have a small cord left in my palm ) . This resulted in a 3 hour operation , not the 1.5 hour slot booked , leaving me very reluctant to undergo further surgery on the other hand .

The cord in the left hand, is it in the web space between thumb and index finger? I'm 3 months post fasciectomy for my thumb/index web space and the 1st 6 weeks were a dream. Healing skin is the easy part. At 6 week i sprouted a lump above and below my scar. It seemed that the scar thickened but it was a cord that connected the two lumps above and below my scar. My scar is still beautiful, but the cord running under it and the other new cords running up my thumb are very frustrating.
Just wondered if your disease started in the web space before your other fingers where affected?

03/04/2014 12:52
03/04/2014 12:52

Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

Hi , my dupuytren started with a small nodule in the middle of the palm , between the ring and little finger , this was over 15 years ago . Gradually I then had nodule on the middle finger , then ring finger , then more severe on the index finger and across the palm . The last area to be affected was the span from thumb to index finger , this caused more of a problem for me being unable to widen my grip . Every year I went to the hospital for a routine check , they took photographs which showed the progression of this awful condition . Unfortunately the right hand is also affected , and my younger brother also has the problem , but his is only in the span between thumb and index finger (at the moment).

03/04/2014 16:57
03/04/2014 16:57
Re: Update 6 weeks since Fasciectomy

"awful condition" is really relative I have found out. I was coping with Dupuytren's for several years and then about three months ago they said I had leukemia and might live for another year. It made my Dupuytren's seem pretty insignificant. I had never been sick except for the Dupuytren's.

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between   swelling   physiotherapist   appointment   contraction   unfortunately   non-committal   pronounced   uncomfortable   operation   surgery   condition   Dupuytren   interesting   insignificant   fingers   previously   Fasciectomy   fly-fishing   physiotherapy