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08/21/2010 20:36
08/21/2010 20:36

hi,first post
dd started in my right hand about 15yrs ago, i now have 3cords in each hand.
right hand the middle fingers are contracted one finger is stage one about 70deg.
i will start xiaflex injections aug 26 and see how it goes. i will document.
the injections are one per cord, have to be 30 days apart in one hand
i need 3 injections each hand .one injection is about $3500.
my insurance will pay all of it since my deductable has been met
should have done something yrs ago but was not aware of rad. or n/a
surgery is my last resort.
thanks for listening this forum is great

Edited 08/21/10 23:37

08/22/2010 02:06
08/22/2010 02:06
Re: xiaflex

Will look forward to your updates about Xiaflex. More and more people are posting that it is successful for them, at least to some degree. Good luck!

08/23/2010 12:17

not registered

08/23/2010 12:17

not registered

My big question on Xiaflex is

will it do a better job than NA in preventing or extending the time for recurrence. If not, until the price comes way down, I don't see any advantage for it.

I suppose it will be years before the answer is clear.

08/24/2010 12:08
dave t

not registered

08/24/2010 12:08
dave t

not registered

Re: xiaflex

I have had the first of three planned xiaflex injections. I have the second in mid Sept.

I previously had NA.

Similarities and differences between xiaflex and NA (at this early stage)

both provided good results (straightening) quickly.
recovery was faster with xiaflex (able to use hand fully, incl carying weight in 24 hrs after manipulation)
more painful injections with xiaflex
less pain with xiaflex after straightening/manipulation; faster recovery w/ xiaflex
after NA, the size, shape and hardness of the nodule was unchanged
after xiaflex the nodule "melted" and the lump in my hand was gone.
cost of NA was about $1300. cost of Xiaflex was about $4000 including two office visits. My insurance covered both (with some hassle about xiaflex)

In sum, both procedures produce substantial good results. NA leaves the treated nodules intact while xiaflex removes the nodule. Intuitively that would seem to be a positive factor in reducing recurrance. We'll see.

08/25/2010 00:12
08/25/2010 00:12
Re: xiaflex

Hello, I am posting on behalf of my husband,who just learned that his pinkie and ring finger on his left hand and his right pinkie are Dups. The hand surgeon we saw today only spoke of surgery as the better cure for his condiition. His two left fingers are almost touching his palm, the right one is less involved. I have been on the Xiaflex website and we are lucky to have a couple hand surgeons in the area who have been trained. After hearing that surgery may not permanently be the solution and that subsequent surgeries may be worse or not possible because of scar tissue in addition to the nodules we are more inclined to try the least invasive. I am prepared to fight the insurance battle if need be. I have to believe that this Xiaflex injections have to be better in the long run. Dave T I appreciate your posts and have read them to my husband. We are getting ready to go to his Primary Care Dr. to request her help in getting this relatively new treatment for him. Thanks for posting your experiences we don't feel so isolated anymore.

08/25/2010 21:32
08/25/2010 21:32
Re: xiaflex

It sort of boggles my mind that Auxilium feels they can set the price of Xiaflex at 2 to 3 times the cost of a comparable NA treatment. I hope the insurers can beat them down on price.

09/13/2010 21:58
09/13/2010 21:58
Re: xiaflex

Price is a function of what people are willing to pay. The companies involved with Xiaflex have invested millions in research and developing manufacturing capabilities and the surgeon providing NA has only invested in a scalpel by way of comparison.

09/13/2010 22:05
09/13/2010 22:05
Re: xiaflex

By the way, Dr. Denkler is now doing both the Xiaflex injections as well as the NA procedure. Cost for the Xiaflex is $3500 and there is a $150 injection charge and the next day you need to go back for hand palpation and this costs another $150. The doctor makes $300 which is a lot less than they get for a NA procedure.

09/14/2010 02:53

not registered

09/14/2010 02:53

not registered

Re: xiaflex

Hi All,

I have had dups abut 8-10 years and ehrd about Xiaflex several months ago from my hand doc who has been trained in the procedure. He told me about the new procedure and he submited all the paper work to my insurance company. It has been approved and I'll pay about $13,00 co-pay. My first injection is Sept 30 and follow-up the next day to rupture the cord.

Thanks for all your coments. I'll report back, too.

01/26/2011 21:46
01/26/2011 21:46
Re: xiaflex

Does anyone know if Xiaflex is available in the UNited Kingdom yet?

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Similarities   previously   insurance   treatment   permanently   capabilities   subsequent   injection   manipulation   xiaflex   experiences   Intuitively   injections   straightening   differences   relatively   appreciate   procedure   manufacturing   substantial