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Xiaflex injection finally done
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12/19/2014 13:03
12/19/2014 13:03
Xiaflex injection finally done

The Dr injected me 3 days ago. He snapped the cord yesterday. Hand is doing good, I can lay it flat now. He gave me two different injections. At first he said he was giving me three different locations , but changed his mind, and only gave me two. Prob because the pain was a bit much. The numbing pain is quite intense too. but so far it appears to be a success. Now I can just hope I don't get Peyronies !!

any questions please ask, I had this done in Ft Myers, Florida

12/19/2014 14:23
12/19/2014 14:23
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I had mine done on my left hand in July of this year. Results were nothing short of amazing. Yeah, there's pain in the procedure but I would do it again, and I may have to if the nodules in my right hand develop into cords. I was supposed to have surgery 7 years ago but kept putting it off because I didn't want to have to go through 6 months of rehab, glad I procrastinated until I found out about Xiaflex.

12/22/2014 00:18
12/22/2014 00:18
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I had mine done on my left hand in July of this year. Results were nothing short of amazing. Yeah, there's pain in the procedure but I would do it again, and I may have to if the nodules in my right hand develop into cords. I was supposed to have surgery 7 years ago but kept putting it off because I didn't want to have to go through 6 months of rehab, glad I procrastinated until I found out about Xiaflex.

Can you say where you had the injections? I am researching at the moment.



12/22/2014 02:36
12/22/2014 02:36
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

My procedure was done in Salem, Oregon USA by:

12/22/2014 04:10
12/22/2014 04:10
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

My procedure was done in Salem, Oregon USA by:

Thank you so much. Can you let me know the cost?

With thanks

12/22/2014 11:55
12/22/2014 11:55
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I had mine done on my left hand in July of this year. Results were nothing short of amazing. Yeah, there's pain in the procedure but I would do it again, and I may have to if the nodules in my right hand develop into cords. I was supposed to have surgery 7 years ago but kept putting it off because I didn't want to have to go through 6 months of rehab, glad I procrastinated until I found out about Xiaflex.

Can you say where you had the injections? I am researching at the moment.



the injections were on the right hand ring finger

01/27/2015 21:30
01/27/2015 21:30
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I am due to have xiaflex in 2 weeks in the UK. I am a little concerned that since being on the waiting list my little finger has gone worse. It is bent more than 45 degrees. This in turn has caused me to bang the knuckle on more than one occasion and now the knuckle is swollen and painful especially in the cold. Do you think they will still do the injection and manipulation even if the knuckle is red/purple and swollen.

01/27/2015 21:40
01/27/2015 21:40
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I am not sure , i am not a Dr ,l but i do know that they love snapping those cords!! Mine was swollen to.

01/28/2015 07:52


01/28/2015 07:52


Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I am due to have xiaflex in 2 weeks in the UK. I am a little concerned that since being on the waiting list my little finger has gone worse. It is bent more than 45 degrees. This in turn has caused me to bang the knuckle on more than one occasion and now the knuckle is swollen and painful especially in the cold. Do you think they will still do the injection and manipulation even if the knuckle is red/purple and swollen.
Use some ice to bring the swelling down, and wear a glove if you can or cover it over instead with a padded protective dressing. Should heal a bit over two weeks. I can't see that really being an obstacle to having Xiapex. Is that private or NHS?

01/28/2015 08:05
01/28/2015 08:05
Re: Xiaflex injection finally done

I am due to have xiaflex in 2 weeks in the UK. I am a little concerned that since being on the waiting list my little finger has gone worse. It is bent more than 45 degrees. This in turn has caused me to bang the knuckle on more than one occasion and now the knuckle is swollen and painful especially in the cold. Do you think they will still do the injection and manipulation even if the knuckle is red/purple and swollen.
Use some ice to bring the swelling down, and wear a glove if you can or cover it over instead with a padded protective dressing. Should heal a bit over two weeks. I can't see that really being an obstacle to having Xiapex. Is that private or NHS?

I had padding on but it just irritated more. will try ice though and I do cover it when out.

It is NHS and I just found out that the consultant who I am under and who was fully versed in the procedure is not doing it but another consultant who although I would presume has been trained in this it is not his speciality.

Are the injections very painful? I have a low threshold of pain and wondered how I can control the knee-jerk reaction of pulling away my hand.

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