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Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens
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12/14/2011 17:41
12/14/2011 17:41
Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens


I have recurrent Dupytrens in my left hand, it was operated on about 3 years ago. It has recurred in the same place previously operated on and also another patch.

I wanted to avoid surgery but it seems unclear if an area previously operated can be treated by Xiapex, has anyone experience of this please?

It also seems that if I have further surgery, I need a skin graft to remove the bands, can anyone advise please.

I really want to avoid the surgery option whether skin graft or band surgery - having been operated on both hands, the recovery time is just too long - and painful


12/14/2011 19:08
12/14/2011 19:08
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

What kind of surgery did you have? You said, "I need a skin graft to remove the bands". I don't understand what you are talking about. Did you have a fasciotomy, a fasciectomy or what? If you had a fasciectomy the "bands" would have been removed (with or without a skin graft). A skin graft is not an unusual procedure.

Edited 12/14/11 22:04

12/15/2011 01:59
12/15/2011 01:59
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

The skin graft will just buy you time,no matter what you do dd comes back.It might be years it might be months.Grafting is very painful.Be careful and try to get the least complicated treatment you can,because it will come back.There is no permanent cure as of now anyway.Dave

12/15/2011 04:27
12/15/2011 04:27
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

Hi Videomaster,

Have you checked out the information about all the treatment options under the Treatment drop down menu at the top of this page? There is a lot of info that gives you a lot of things to consider.

Even when you find out everything you can, it is still not easy to make a decision because this disease is so weird. Nobody one hand is like another even on the same body.

12/15/2011 06:29
12/15/2011 06:29
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

Hi videomaster,

I've had recurrent DC in all 5 nongraft surgeries on my hands. Each of the five sites I had grafted the second time around. The grafts did the trick.... I've had no recurrence at the five sites. Grafts stop the disease from progressing in my fingers (PIP's all) The grafts also seem to reduce the recurrence in other parts of the same hand...(but this may be wishful thinking on my part). I will not get any more surgeries without grafts.

I had a Xiaflex injection in the thumb webbing on right hand. The collagenase did cut the main band in my thumb webbing, but the recurrence is ongoing about the injection site. The band has come back accompanied by extensive nodulation. I will not get xiaflex anymore and will seek a graft in that webbing, should the resurgent recurrence greatly restrict the finger spread

Good luck on your decision


12/19/2011 18:22
12/19/2011 18:22
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

Thanks all.

I took some time reading others experience with DT and Xiaplex. Seems so mixed in the success with some comments stating they would not have Xiapex again.

The surgeon who operated on my hands previously knew nought on Xiapex, I sought out a surgeon expereinced in Xiapex from this Forum. He has since advised me Xiapex can be used on a recurrent area.

My main concern in the length of time I am out of action with my hands.

Still I will go and see my original hand surgeon and see what he has to say. I know this may be co-incidental but - on my right hand, he seemed to have lifted more of the skin to remove the DT and it has not recurred yet on that hand. On my left hand, I was in surgery a short time (according to the nurses) and he didn't go too far with the surgery and the DT has recurred in that area - coincidental??

On a funny note, the Anaesthetist gave me an arm block to ease the pain on my recovery - my arm didn't feel like my own and it was hard to get dressed with one working arm and one that just kept flopping all over the place - you got to stay cheerful with this disease

Thanks for all the comments....have a great Christmas

Edited 12/19/11 20:23

12/19/2011 21:37
12/19/2011 21:37
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens


What about NA? I'm pretty sure that can be done even if you have had prior surgery. Have you read about NA on this website? It releases contracture, and if you think Xiaflex might work, it is very likely, maybe even more likely that NA would work.

I think it is worth considering if you haven't already done so.


12/21/2011 01:46
12/21/2011 01:46
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

NA works well if your cords are not to thick.I had Na done in Memphis by DR Borland who had done 1,200 successful Na treatments until mine.Over an hour and a half of none stop poking of needles in my right hand he give up.My wife was there and had to leave the room ,she couldnt watch it anymore and she is a Registered Nurse.Dr told me he could have released 4 or 5 of them in that amount of time and there was no charge because it didnt release.Now that same cord was injected with Xiaflex 30 days ago and the cord didnt stand a chance,it broke it like nothin.I want people to know that Xiaflex is nasty stuff and its not as simple as it sounds,It really works but it hurts like hell.If your cords are thin enough for NA than go that route.Xiaflex is 10 times better than surgery but be advised,it frickin hurts big time.I had 2 vials in my right ring finger.I go back for 2 vials in my right pinky next month.I was forwarned by my DR,it dont sound like alot of you folks were told the whole story before the injections.If you think 1 vial hurts you gotta get 2 at once to see how nasty this stuff really is.It is cool stuff but be ready for some pain when they freeze the finger before the manipulation.they stick it right in the injection site and i cant tell you how bad that hurts,then your hand will swell 2 or 3 times its normal size.I had the nurse take pics.Anyway I just wanted you all to know what really happens with the Xiaflex.Im doin it again because its the way to go for me.Everybody is different with DD.Dave

12/21/2011 02:20
12/21/2011 02:20
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens

That sounds considerably worse than my surgery. My surgery was textbook limited fasciectomy with 27 stitches. I took three Tylenol every four hours the first couple of days and never felt any pain. The bonus is that the finger has zero contracture after 10 years.

12/21/2011 02:26
12/21/2011 02:26
Re: Xiapex and Recurrent Dupytrens


You said, "On my left hand, I was in surgery a short time (according to the nurses) and he didn't go too far with the surgery and the DT has recurred in that area - coincidental??"

Was this a hand surgeon? I don't know what you mean by "he didn't go too far with the surgery". Did you have a fasciotomy which is basically what NA is and the cord and diseased fascia is not removed.

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treatment   Dupytrens   circumstances   manipulation   Videomaster   contracture   considerably   considerations   fasciectomy   coincidental   surgery   co-incidental   understanding   disease   previously   operated   recurrence   Anaesthetist   Recurrent   Xiaflex