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youtube video of entire NA procedure
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09/17/2007 19:43
09/17/2007 19:43

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

To All:

My comment about Dr. Kline was *completely* from the perspective of the CHS. They are simply far more likely to be impressed by a fellow CHS. That's all I meant. The fact is, most European NA practitioners aren't even surgeons to begin with. Dr. Kline is *highly* qualified to do NA. I am personally scheduled to be treated by him later this week as it happens! Looking forward t it.

09/30/2007 07:39
09/30/2007 07:39

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

Just had a message from someone who saw my comments on the video and asked who the NA doctors in the UK were that I knew? They had previously been to Paris twice for treatment but would naturally prefer something closer to home. I copied him all of the relevant links.

I was also interested to see thet it's alleged that Frank Sinatra had the disease and had some surgery in the 50s.

The alleged famous list is now:

Margaret Thatcher
Ronald Reagan
Frank Sinatra

anyone else

Edited at 30.09.07 10:41

10/10/2007 01:54
10/10/2007 01:54
Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

Have not posted in a bit but my story was told before. I have DD major in my left ring finger and minor in my right hand. My brother has a similar case. About three years ago he visited a hand surgeon at Kaiser in NorCal and was told to come back for OS in a few years. He went back recently and was introduced to NA by the same surgeon, who was trained by Dr. Denkler in Larkspur, CA.

When I finally saw a hand guy in Kaiser Oregon he gave the standard “your only option is OS” answer. When I stated I was aware of NA, and that is was accepted by at least one doctor in the Kaiser system, he closed the discussion, not even reading, or accepting a few articles I had brought in. The entire discussion and evaluation of my hand lasted less than 5 minutes. He got defensive, I think, and never even described the surgery. He just put me on a list to schedule OS.

I asked my primary for a referral to another doctor in or out of the Kaiser system and was told he could not do that. I then sent a very strong email to the hand physician asking for a second opinion and/or referral to the doctor in California who was to treat my brother.

Independently I called my brother’s doctor and he agreed to see, and treat me with NA after reviewing photos I sent via email. Eventually I got a referral, reluctantly, from my hand surgeon which made it administratively palatable in this HMO world.

I must note that the Kaiser admin staff was more than helpful. They kind of got it, that Kaiser was Kaiser, and alternative treatment was worth a look. But the obstacles presented by the physicians, both primary and specialist, were difficult to overcome.

Bottomline my brother will get NA tomorrow and I will get NA in California by the same doctor two weeks later.

I would like to commend this forum for educating me and many others, about the options available. I will post a message about my experiences, and my brother’s in coming days.

10/10/2007 06:34

not registered

10/10/2007 06:34

not registered

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

PaulOregon: who is doing NA at Kaiser? Maybe we should include him in our list of NA doctors. Seems ot make sense.

Wishing you luck and straight fingers!


10/10/2007 11:00

not registered

10/10/2007 11:00

not registered

Another youtube video

Dr. Harry Belcher fron the UK filmed one of his recent NA treatments and shows it on YouTube.

Here is the link


The video is shorter but from a close up perspective and shows the treatment of a progressed stage.

Thank you to Dr. Belcher for providing this film!

Our web site also has been updated to include links to videos of NA: http://www.dupuytren-online.info/needle_aponeurotomy.html


10/10/2007 23:34
10/10/2007 23:34

YouTube video of entire NA procedure

I don't know Wolfgang, maybe that gal in that new YouTube NA Video would have been better off just having her hand completely opened up and scraped using Open Surgery under General Anestheia like everybody else. This just looks *too* easy. And my gosh man, you rob her of the challenge of months of hand therapy and a huge medical bill. What's up with *that*? Maybe this NA isn't all it's cracked up to be. :-) :-)

A wonderful find and a great resource for those looking into NA as the first line of treatment!

Edited at 11.10.07 08:44

10/12/2007 04:29
10/12/2007 04:29
Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

Man, now I know why I didn't video my husband's procedure. I can't stand to watch the video!!! My husband loves to watch, since he didn't get to see his own. I hope the videos don't turn anyone off. For me it seems live the video is worse than the actual procedure because the video is so upclose and personal.

I was right there for my husband's procedure and it was much easier in person than watching it on video.

Anyone else get "queezy"......Sandie

10/12/2007 05:46

not registered

10/12/2007 05:46

not registered

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

You got a point there, Sandie! I don't fancy watching it either and I hope this don't discourage anybody from having NA. Maybe someone should take a video of hand surgery for comparison? But at least for hand surgeons it might be interesting to see how NA works in detail.


10/12/2007 17:16
10/12/2007 17:16
Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

I went to Dr Kline last week for both hands and it felt a little bit like going to the dentist. The only pain was the first time he used the needle to deaden my hand, after that there wasn't any pain even afterwards when the deadening agent had worn off.

Dr Kline and his nurse were really great, I wouldn't hesitate going back if needed.


10/12/2007 21:19
10/12/2007 21:19

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure


You got a point there, Sandie! I don't fancy watching it either and I hope this don't discourage anybody from having NA. Maybe someone should take a video of hand surgery for comparison? But at least for hand surgeons it might be interesting to see how NA works in detail.


I found it fine and I'm not the bravest of people when it comes to anything medical. I'm not sure whether it was the patient or camera jumping when a couple of the early needles went in but that's all. As you say, the alternative is potentially much much worse.

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