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youtube video of entire NA procedure
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10/12/2007 21:41
10/12/2007 21:41
Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

Actually, it's better to look at still pictures of NA and OS.

There isn't much to see with the NA, but with the OS, I can't even look at the pictures. When my husband looked at the pictures of the OS, he told me to call Dr. Kline and make an appt for NA ASAP!!!!

10/13/2007 03:20
10/13/2007 03:20

Not Us Vs Them

There is a tendency to look at NA and OS as one *verses* the other. That's only because the current conservative medical establishment has been doing OS for so long they can't see the forest for the trees. It's "OS Only" for most of them. That's why, after we are told we "must" have Open Surgery we look at NA as the "opposing" procedure. That should not necessarily be our attitude. The Us Vs Them mentality only creates more of a divide.

The actual reality is that NA is the *starting* point in surgical correction of Dups. If NA is not effective you consider moving up to OS. It's like a tune up for your car as opposed to rebuilding it. If continued tune-ups are all you need as long as you own the car (lifetime), then that's all you do. If what you really need is to pull the head and do a valve job or rebuild, then that is what you must do.

There is nothing to loose by trying NA before you sign up for the whole enchilada. It's not one Vs the other. It's all a matter of what is the least invasive/expensive to get the job done. OS has it's place.......*after* NA has failed, which is probably less than 50% of the time.

These videos are helpful for us to see what really goes on, and that NA is highly effective while fairly simple.

10/13/2007 17:35
10/13/2007 17:35
Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure

I completely agree. It does seem to come back to us or them, but I think that is because so many hand specialist refuse to acknowledge that NA even exists. That is the biggest hurdle to jump. Hopefully, someday, when patients go to their doctor, who refers them to a "specialist", the specialist will explain all options. Not just the options they are able to make money from.

I am very excited to be among those who are bringing NA information to those who just happen upon us. I think it is awesome that NA will someday be a first line of treatment for Dupuytren's, and that it will become that, not from informed "specialists", but from a growing community who has helped each other through the different choices available.

Since my husband was diagnosed and was treated with NA, we alone, have probably made at least 100+ people aware of the disease and the available treatments.

Multiply that by each person treated with NA and all of their family, friends, co-workers, etc. and you can start to understand that the number of people who are aware of NA is growing by huge numbers every single day.

I think it is a wonderful thing. Sandie

10/15/2007 18:13
10/15/2007 18:13

Re: youtube video of entire NA procedure


You may or may not be aware of this history:

This whole thing got started over seven years ago on the BioS Forum when some of the posters reported on the NA they'd had in France. There was a surprising amount of resistance to the idea of NA even from *patients* back then. We have recorded most of the posts from that period under "Forum Archive 1" which goes back as far as 1999. Example:


We spent a few years debating such things as the risk of nerve damage and recurrence as they pertained to OS and NA. It wasn't until Charles Eaton learned of NA through that Forum that things began to take off. Then, with a growing list of CHS doing NA, we had a whole new level of legitimacy in the debate.

While progression is still slow, without the open minds of CHS like Eaton/Denkler/Press and others we'd be dead in the water, or at least still flying over lots of it to get to France for NA. However, it is absolutely true that NA's spread in the US is ultimately patient driven through the Internet. Enough research on the old BioS files will prove that. We have BioSpecifics to thank for that even though NA is a competing procure with Collegenase. The NA movement was an unintended side effect of their Forum which was presumably created to help promote Collegenase, not competition for it.

The Internet is infamous for it's negative side, however here is a case where patients have taken treatment options into their own hands (so to speak) and made things happen. It's fun to watch and be a part of.

Edited at 15.10.07 21:17

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