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11/15/2003 23:02
George Barbarow

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11/15/2003 23:02
George Barbarow

not registered

Testimony & Photos

See http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=3106302&uid=127194

11/16/2003 23:19
Ron Ceval

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11/16/2003 23:19
Ron Ceval

not registered


Would lecithin granules be a nice compromise between the liquid v. capsules? In short, do they pack the strength of liquid while providing a means to mix them with some othet substance (e.g., yogurt, juice)? If so, what daily dosage would be beneficial?

11/16/2003 23:27

not registered

11/16/2003 23:27

not registered

Helping Dupuytren pain

Hola all,
I smoke weed to help my hurting hands. I think it helps alot. My fingers are still bent but I don't care. Weed makes me feels real good.

11/16/2003 23:49
No way!!!

not registered

11/16/2003 23:49
No way!!!

not registered

CURED !!!???

After reading how some contributors to this forum seem to thrive on insult and disrespect, I'm somewhat reluctant to post anything here.

However, there may be some merit to this report, so I'll pass it on anyway. Though, I'm sure there are some veteran DC sages just waiting to shoot this down. I'm skeptical about it myself, but it may be of some merit--worth trying anyway, perhaps.

The naturopath at my health food store said a guy told him he has abtained a "cure" of DC by taking liquid, colloidal vitamins & minerals. He didn't ask how long it took. At any rate, it may be worth a try--it is for me!

If any of you give it a try, let us know any good results.

11/16/2003 23:02
Anon Emus

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11/16/2003 23:02
Anon Emus

not registered


A recent newspaper article reported that a survey of health stores produced conflicting suggestions as to herbals. They also reported that clerks knew very little about their merchandise and received a commission based on sales.

11/18/2003 23:34

not registered

11/18/2003 23:34

not registered


Indeed, herbs work very well. I smoke herb most evey day and I feel great! Who knows, maybe herb will help my DC, eh?

12/28/2003 23:49
Mary Beth

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12/28/2003 23:49
Mary Beth

not registered

lecithin updates?

John and Stage One,
John, from your original post you had experienced good
results from the use of lecithin, are you still using it?
Have you seen additional improvement?
Also Stage One, in Oct. you were about to start taking
it, have you seen any results.
I have recently bought some and am interested if either
of you have any updates. Happy Holidays and thanks.

12/28/2003 23:33

not registered

12/28/2003 23:33

not registered

Vitamin C

My husband used to take Vitamin C suppliments regularly before the DC appeared because the thought it helped ward off cold symptoms, now we know better and have thrown out the bottle. *shiver*

12/28/2003 23:15
Tonyia Jordan

not registered

12/28/2003 23:15
Tonyia Jordan

not registered


I am a newbie to this forum and to the discomfort of DD. The pain associated with DD came upon me very suddenly (after several months of tingling and numbness). I found this forum while looking for help and hope. I found this forum at 4 AM because going to the net was the only kind of relief I was getting - typing in between the tears.

While many letters I read were very helpful, I found Dr. Eaton and have an appointment, over the last 3 days I have been somewhat suprised at some of the letters that seem less than willing to help others. Learning is a progressive thing and people learn in different ways.

I just want to say thank you to those of you that are willing to share your knowledge so that I and others don't have to start from the beginning.

This is a lifetime disease. I hope we can continue to share knowledge and new treatments as the years pass.

12/29/2003 23:59
Stage One

not registered

12/29/2003 23:59
Stage One

not registered

Mary Beth re: Lecithin

Hi, I cannot provide any conclusive information
pro or con. The DD has its own time table and
a possible placebo effect may lead me to conclude
that progress/control is occuring when remission is
the reality. With, DD/DC it is my naive opinion that a
typical scenario is possible; anything less is a bonus.
Personally, if I avoid known/presumed malefactors and
utilise plausible/possible supportive agents, I may only
risk a minor cash loss without damaging my health. I
do not mean to be cavalier; no one has established the
precise cause and resolution of DD/DC. I have a background
in bio-science and pathology that provides some personal
comfort at my age; i.e. I am healthy with limited DD/DC
that is treatable with NA. I hope to outlive serious
concequences. If I were 25 or had an aggresive, crippling
incidence, I would feel much diferent. I am glad that some
progress is being made. Diabetes might be a comparable model. Early onset is worse than late onset. Approachs
vary with individuals and their unique circumstances. I
encourage orthodox medical diagnosis and consultation. I
am fortunate to have had expert consultations and a personal
comfort-zone with NA as an interim treatment. Others are
not so fortunate based on a more severe/early/aggressive
case. For each person, I encourage education, and multiple consultation. No easy "cure" exists. Choose wisely; and,
seriously consider NA in the short to medium term. Until
gene therapy identifies a few specific sites and interventions, we are discussing the relative benefits of
different "Band-Aids" IMO. Vitamin E and Lecithin fall into
the category of probably won't harm and may help. If it is
inexpensive, gives hope, does not hurt, may be helpful; well, who can say. Put it in perspective along with all
other personal research. This forum is worth following,
as is the Lariboisier site (Dr. Badois.) Everything must
be considered in a realistic perspective (IMO) and checked
out with a personal medical consultant (Family Doc or referral.) Wishfull thinking is a hazard. I expect to
have NA again once or twice in my lifetime. I do not
fear hand surgery; I have been advised by a hand surgeon
that my circumstances do not warrant sugery/skin grafts.
God Bless and best wishes for 2004.

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dupuytrens-a-new-theory   pleasant-tasting   concentrated   lecithin   phosphatidylcholine   supplements   polyubstaurated   collagen   different   refrigerated   p=999&gid=3106302&uid=127194   triple-strength   because   collagen-induced   granules   vitamin   acetaldehyde-induced   acetaldehyde-mediated   polyunsaturated   information