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DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE - A Simple Remedy - Massage, Ginger and Knowledge
06/04/2015 08:36
06/04/2015 08:36
DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE - A Simple Remedy - Massage, Ginger and Knowledge

*** BEGIN ***

Wash hands with very warm water, keeping them under the tap for about 2 to 3 minutes - encourages flexion.

Massage the abnormally thick connective tissues/nodules, with mild finger stretching in between to just beyond where it currently allows, a couple of times * don't overdo things *

Progress might be slow but the main intention is to reduce inflamation and soreness, no gain in tearing the connective tissue or breaking skin - similarly, never massage sore nodules more than once a day.

I use Vaseline to assist the massage, then again any massage oil should do, even olive oil, vaseline has the better consistency for me.

Wash hands again with very warm water, 2 to 3 minutes.

Ensure hands are thouroughly dry.

Apply Ginger Root to hands topically with focus on the abnormally thick connective tissues/nodules on the finggers and palms, most focus on any that hurt.

For added benefit Repeat Ginger application to hands about 15 - 30 minutes or when you wash hands, with particular focus on any soreness/Redness.

*** END ***

The above remedy simply tries to treat D.D. by addressing inflamation in the connective and surounding tissues & assisting blood circulation in the locality, I feel this results in reducing excess deposit of collagen too.

Dupuytren's Contracture is, in my books, not a clinically evident disease - I believe key to effectively dealing with it will be found by looking upon it as pathological and for the most part symptomatic of one or more underlying conditions, be they nutritional deficiency or imbalance, sickness, stress or other unfavorable physiological/psychological factors.

How these underlying factors affect overall well being will undoubtedly reflect on the rate of recovery from D.C.

Though D.C., at an individualistic level, may have totally different & unrelated ailments/causes, I think one will find certain commonalities - the most apparent being inflamation & bad blood circulation (swings & balances), these being and caused by the stated underlying conditions, smoking too is detrimental as it impinges blood circulation.

As such, there is in no one readily apparent cap-fits-all cure - one needs to identify, better understand and deal with or better manage the underlying cause(s) to halt D.C in it's tracks or stop it recuring.

Dealing with overall Inflamation & Bad Blood Circulation is Key - so is understanding that good health is in large part governed by what we ingest.

While there may be some common remedies, key to finding out what works for you will only be found by understanding the underlying factors or research and experimentation - some will work for one individual better than others and this is governed by various factors.

In one posting on this site, Barb444 mentioned magnesium & a particular diet helping her - Magnesium "reduces inflammation & promotes proper blood vessel function" (ref. -> http://www.nutritionalmagnesium.org/magn...-healthy-heart/) - Her "Bone broth" also has valuable minerals and inflamation calming properties among other things, understand why -> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articl...h-benefits.aspx

Mr_C & John1960 mention "inflamatory foods" like Sugar, as does Mr Saveret who reveals Tumeric to be the anti-inflamatory that has helped him, it's also used for GERD.

Understanding sugars & how they affect our bodies is key here :-

It is medically known that Magnesium gets excreted by the body in the urine when blood glucose levels are high - as such, I reckon that the latter 3 individuals mentioned too would benefit from taking Magnesium as a supplement.

High blood sugar levels promote damage to blood vessels.

Drinks that contain sweetners or are high in corn fructose syrup cause massive spikes in blood sugar levels.

Fresh-Fruits in general have a lower Glycemic Index when compared to filtered Fruit-juices, because fiber in the fruit slows the absorption of the fruit sugar - so refined drinks too can be extremely bad for your general well being.

If a particular remedy does not work for you consider the probability that you might unwittingly be countering it by what you are ingesting or that it does not deal with the underlying factors - either way, try to understand what any professed remedy might have to offer, there is a lot of scientifically backed information out there.

Ginger is one such remedy, it has anti-inflamatory properties and is a source of antioxidants that protect the body against damage to cells from free radicals, it has been used to succesfully combat joint swelling & pain associated with conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatism- it also assists in improving blood circulation.

It can also be ingested to assist in combating general inflamation in the body and is now believed to combat certain cancers too.

Edited 06/05/15 19:02

    06/05/2015 15:16
    06/05/2015 15:16
    Re: DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE - A Simple Remedy - Massage, Ginger and Knowledge

    If you try my remedy, all I ask is that you Feedback back your experiences.

    I sincerely believe it will prove beneficial for others, even assisting with aftercare from surgery.

    I think surgery is highly detrimental, causing unecessary damage & complications - in extreme cases I would opt for Xiaflex, using the remedy for aftercare.

    I used Ginger extensively over the years - ingesting it in Tea form, eating it raw & in my cooking as it aided me in other areas of concern.

    Ingesting it, I never noticed it having any positive effects on my D.D. but I know it did with my Raynaud's - but I do think it more than likely assisted in slowing its progress by tackling inflamation & other causative factors elsewhere - fact is D.D. was still progressing and resulted in me once again bringing it to my G.P.'s attention.

    I have had D.D. for well over 8 yrs but was only diagnosed in mid-April 2015 - not content with being told the only options available to me were to monitor the condition & await Surgery and/or Xiaflex if/when the condition worsened, I set out to find out what other therapies where available - with no success.

    I had a Eureka moment and deciding on trying it out in attempting to tackle the condition myself has been most beneficial to me, the progress made is astounding to say the least - in this short time I have more than halved the size of almost all the thick tissues, they seem to be receeding away the same way they seemed to have come, via the 1st joints mid-finger.

    I see improvements on a daily, some smaller nodules have totally disappeared, even the thick strands are thinning out - the slowest progress being in the fingers that had curvature to them - I would have been wrong to cause them to rip out of frustration.

    Just before I got diagnosed in April 2015, my RH Pinkie had a nodule about .5cm wide & over 1cm long, I would estimate it was about .5cm thick - the skin around my finger was stretched taut and to capacity, I think this is what contributed to the ache - while the swelling and size of tissue has subsided, it is still relatively thick.

    Similarly the first section of my middle fingers had underlying thick tissues about the same as above but 1.5cm long, the difference being that they were both dimpled where my pinkies were not.

    Thickened strands from the curved fingers lead into nodules on the my palms.

    Before I started with the massage (Morning, 1st of June), Ginger had helped with reducing the size of the tissues/nodules and strands almost half-way but not noticeably affected curvature.

    With massage & flexing them a bit, there is now very noticeable difference in all affected fingers (2 pinkies and RH middle finger), I can now flex the least affected one fully though it still has a hint of curvature.

    I must admit a few things here :-

    i) First off, though pronounced on 4 fingers (Mid and Pinkies, both hands), closer scrutiny revealed that D.C. only spared my LH ring finger and RH thumb, the less affected fingers had beginings of thickening that started at or just below the 1st joints mid-finger.

    ii) I do not know why, but I only noticed the curved fingers after a simple table top test by my G.P. - neither did I realise that the odd little lumps on my palm were related - now mostly gone, I had actually taken a razor to them on occasion.

    iii) I was also ignorant of the thickened strands leading from my fingers into nodules on the palm and continueing on - particularly pronounced on 3 fingers (the curved ones) - today only slightly evident on one finger (LH Pinkie) where it had caused an indentation leading into my palm up to a 1st nodule and extending on to an extra nodule & identation further down the palm.

    iii) While my LH Pinkie ached & appeared swollen, the most pain came from a point on my RH mid-finger which had what I can best explain as 3 dimples, 1 on either side, the most discontent came from the 3rd just below the joint which was sore & painful & sort of pinched - this now has 2 dimples, one to the right of the thick tissue and the 3rd dimple - today all pain is gone & it only has a twinge to it if I trouble it.

    iv) As my initial G.P. had waved them away as nothing in 2007, in my ignorance I had viewed the very thick tissues on my fingers as some form of deposit taking place, they all seemingly exuded from the first joint mid-finger heading down into thick strands that continued on toward the palms, some lumps being wider than .5cm and longer than 1.5cm, with more than one nodule of notice on the thick strands in my middle fingers at different times - I had even considered digging and cutting into them with needles and a razor - in my mind I had envisioned extracting some dry powdery substance - don't know why that, thankfully I did nothing.

    From my experience it is now obvious to me that treatment delayed leads to a very debilitating condition and the rate of recovery is slower for fingers that experience curvature - the good news is that it is reversible.

    Edited 06/05/15 20:43

      09/27/2015 15:57
      09/27/2015 15:57

      Re: DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE - A Simple Remedy - Massage, Ginger and Knowledge

      Thanks for sharing your ideas. It's great to hear somebody had some success in reducing their Dupuytren's symptoms without surgery!

      I had a relatively large nodule in my right hand develop over the past year or so that my doctor suspects is Dupuytren's, but I'm still waiting for MRI confirmation. I've been taking in as much information as I can trying to be proactive in fighting this.

      From what I've read, I too suspect that poor circulation is a contributing factor to the development of Dup's. I've always suffered from cold hands and feet, so over the past week or so I've been trying some things out to help improve circulation in my extremities. I've cut out any excess sugar, quit drinking caffeine, stopped smoking cannabis (also because it causes anxiety now), continued exercising and running often (although I'm taking it a lot easier on my hands), made sure to always keep my hands and feet warm, and started some physical therapy on my hand. The physical therapy so far basically consists of some light massaging on and around the nodule, light passive hand stretches (extending my fingers, making a fist, and spreading my fingers apart), wrist stretches, and lots of hand motion pretty much every chance I get to keep the blood flowing. If I feel any pain then I back off immediately. I also try to nourish the skin at least a couple times a day with a Climb On! bar that has vitamin E and other natural oils in it.

      I've already noticed a significant reduction in pain/tenderness and slightly improved flexibility. It could just be that the nodule happened to go dormant over the past week, but I'm planning to continue what I'm doing to see if I can get any more reduction in symptoms. Or maybe it's not even Dup's; I'll be sure to update here when I find out.

      I like the idea of trying out some ginger root on nodule. How are you applying it topically? Do you use ginger root oil? Any recommendations on what I should look for?

      Edit (my update, as promised): So it sounds like I may not have actual Dupuytren's but rather "non-Dupuytren's palmar fascial disease". I'm still not sure, but here's my thread with more information on my condition in case anybody might be curious:

      Edited 10/02/15 07:40

        nutritionalmagnesium   scientifically   CONTRACTURE   fingers   condition   osteoarthritis   individualistic   understanding   underlying   anti-inflamatory   dupuytren-online   connective   physiological   inflamation   recommendations   experimentation   circulation   Massage   psychological   DUPUYTREN