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relaunched web site
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12/07/2005 23:50
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/07/2005 23:50
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

relaunched web site

We proudly announce the relaunch of our web site www.dupuytren-online.info!

Actually I think the old design looked better but the new one is certainly better organized, matches the design of the German web site (.de). But most importantly the new design

- makes NA more visible
- gives Ledderhose more space
- can have its ranking better optimized (which Randy H had suggested and now we can blame the relaunch on him!)

We hope you like the new site and if you have any suggestions how to improve it, let us know! Comments are welcome!


12/07/2005 23:40

not registered

12/07/2005 23:40

not registered

Correction to Dr Kline~sq~s location.

Your new web site list Dr. kline as being in Canada. He is actually in Ontario, Oregon, USA.

12/07/2005 23:20
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/07/2005 23:20
Wolfgang Wach

not registered


Good point! Is changed. Thank you!


12/27/2005 23:42
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/27/2005 23:42
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

new link for our forum

We have moved the forum of Dupuytren Society to a new server, which will be easier for us to maintain. As before you can reach our forum through www.dupuytren-online.info.

For those who stored the direct path, the new path is


The support of CAL Computer Aided Logistics GmbH is gratefully acknowledged!


12/27/2005 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

12/27/2005 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

Six out of Five Stars ******

We are fortunate indeed to have made your acquaintance Wolfgang. The BioS Peyronie's community finally had to ditch the Troll and start a new Forum with user names and passwords (as you have done). It always takes *one* individual to lead the charge and get something like this done, and *you* have been the one. Great Job!

Because we have six year of history of *all* the posts ever made here, and because this Forum is *easy* to find (so we have new people all the time), this site will naturally remain the most active. However, to know we can rest easy regardless of what happens to BioS is invaluable. Should that day ever come, Wolfgang's sight will definitely need to be placed much high on search engines to make the kind of impact this site has, but we can jump off that bridge if and when.

Thanks again Wolfgang!!!!!!!!!!!

12/27/2005 23:27
Stage One

not registered

12/27/2005 23:27
Stage One

not registered

Wachs and Duputyrens

Wolfgang, no dounbt you mentioned it; however, could you
briefly state your connection with the Dupuytren's Site in
Germany? You mentioned that you had radiotherapy; is that
your only connection: client? What, if any, other connection exists between your "success" and the "German"
site: ownership, employee, entrepreneur, u.s.w.? I have
advocated NA as one option; I have zero proprietary interest in the procedure. Can you say the same about the
German web site, Radiotherapy, and marketing. No shame,
No blame; I and others are curious. You seem to be "pushing" a product. I am asking, "How come; and,
what is your involvement?" D. v. s.

12/28/2005 23:40
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/28/2005 23:40
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

Dupuytren e.V.

Stage One, Dupuytren e.V. is a German non-profit organization dedicated to informing patients and medical doctors about therapies of morbus Dupuytren and Ledderhose. I am a member of it, handle the forum and answer questions (no secret, my function is listed on our web site). Naturally the majority of our members suffer from Dupuytren or Ledderhose (or both) but some members or supporters are not affected. Who cares as long as they do a good job?

Dupuytren e.V. is NOT promoting a specific therapy. We rather want to inform as objectively as possible about pros and cons of available therapies. I think that's obvious if you read our web site www.dupuytren-online.info or my contributions to this forum.

For the time being we consider surgery, NA, and radiation therapy as therapies that have sufficient statistical proof and long term experience to be considered a general therapy for Dupuytren. Other therapies, like collagenase, might work but are still considered experimental.

Does that answer your question?


12/28/2005 23:56
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/28/2005 23:56
Wolfgang Wach

not registered


Randy H: thank you for your kind comments! I am learning a lot from this forum and hope that I can return something occasionally. The forum of Dupuytren e.V. will stay available as backup, we don't want to compete with this forum by any means (we rather have a link on our web site to this forum, too). The key is to spread information until it eventually becomes general knowledge, for patients and for medical doctors. We do see some advantages of a web site as compared to a forum with regard to keeping information structured and easy to read.

You are absolutely right in beating on us with regard to web site ranking. The new structure of our web site should help to gain more more visibility on Google but that typically takes a month or so until the robot has made his tour. If you search on Yahoo for Dupuytren Ledderhose we are already better ranked. We don't give up and will climb this hill eventually.


12/28/2005 23:11

not registered

12/28/2005 23:11

not registered

Thank you

Hi Stage One, Wolfgang and everyone else,

I'm glad you are all around. DC has been neglected by the medical community so it's wonderful to have a group of dedicated individuals who are willing to put themselves out on the line for what they believe in - even if it's not always gentle, polite or politically correct. It has been through argument, discussion, and yes even some of the antics of our forum lunatics that we have learned to be strong, and it is those bumps in the road that have helped everyone to form opinions and get serious about DC.

Wolfgang, I'm glad that the non-profit organization has started from a newbie because there is no history of controvery attached to your nickname. We need the leaders/members of any DC society to be squeaky clean which is what I think Stage One was trying to get at. If we are to join, follow or support we must know that there is nothing rotten at the top. So please don't mind his questions, they are legit, and thank you for answering.


12/28/2005 23:53
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

12/28/2005 23:53
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

Thank you

Frances, thank you for commenting on this nad explaining the background. I understand everyone's concern and I myself hate the occasional ads forums. To further explain our role, Dupuytren e.V. is completely independent, we are not funded by any company, hospital, university or medical doctor (though some of them provide us with comments, articles etc.), we exclusively live from donations, and we don't sell any products or therapies. Our only objective is to spread reasonable information about therapies.

We are also not specifically dedicated to radiation therapy either, it just has been a topic on this forum for a while because it was new to many. In Germany e.g. we also promote NA because it is basically unknown there. Actually we did find a doctor (one only!) in Germany who does NA and we provide his address on the German version of our web site.

I am happy to participate here and meet so many people actively working on getting new efficient therapies better known. That's what we need all over the world. Having said this I also realize that I do spend too much time on forums ... The important parts of life have nothing to do with Dupuytren!


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