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2 General About Fasciectomy
02/12/2024 11:40
02/12/2024 11:40
2 General About Fasciectomy

Hello. Thank you for running this forum. I'm new to all this and, after looking through the threads here, was wondering if I could ask 2 questions:

Info: In my 50's. Dupuytren's in both hands. Know of no people in my family that have had it but me. Going in next week for a fasciectomy on my left hand, which is more advanced: ring & middle finger pulling in, Cords & nodules all over my palms & joints. Right hand isn't too far behind it, but can mostly lay flat.

Question 1: the large amount of people who've been through this seem to take about 2 weeks to get the stitches out & then a month to a few months to recover full functionality. Pain seems to be relatively low with this surgery. Is this accurate? I ask, because I am a piano player and am more than a little worried about what will become of my left hand. Right now, it's getting hard to play at all, but I'm trying to discern what functionality I'm likely to get back. I will have GA and, I suppose a truncate. Does anyone know where on the arm that goes, by any chance?

Question 2: I have been told "no" by doctors, but just wanted to ask the hive mind: does trauma to the hands affect this at all? Decades ago, I played some percussion and remember the palms of my hands hurting significantly afterwards for the year I played it. Also, sometimes, when I lift weights, I feel like the nodules & cords of both hands are stiffer. Am I imagining this? Would be very interested in your thoughts. Thanks in advance for any!

Edited 02/12/2024 13:21

02/12/2024 17:33


02/12/2024 17:33


Re: 2 General About Fasciectomy

Hi Caseous

Looking at social media forums and groups on patient experience on the results of, and recovery from various types of fasciectomy would suggest the outcome can be unpredictable and risky; more so in advanced cases. We tend to advise leaving surgery as a last resort when other earlier and lesser interventions have failed. The best advice I can offer here is to choose your surgeon well. Research their background, interests, experience, and search for customer/patient reviews. Find out what post op treatment they will provide for cases of scarring, keloids, swelling, nerve damage, or crps; also research the experience of the health practitioners (usually OT/physio) that they should refer you to to regain hand function. Be prepared in advance for problems and then you will know what to do if they arise.

There are correlations to hand trauma and DD, often anecdotal, some statistical with climbers, weight lifters, manual workers, and some papers on PubMed. See also on our website https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...ure_trauma.html I have personally had experience of acute hand trauma resulting in flares of my own DD, and as an amateur pianist take great efforts to protect my hands from many everyday activities, including weights which you mention by restricting it to very modest deadlifts with extra padded gloves. IMHO any Drs expressing the view there is no correlation would not be treating me.

Best wishes SB

02/12/2024 22:13
02/12/2024 22:13
Re: 2 General About Fasciectomy

Many thanks. Is there a resource for finding well-recommended doctors in the Boston area?

Edited 02/12/2024 22:15

02/13/2024 07:49


02/13/2024 07:49


Re: 2 General About Fasciectomy

Many thanks. Is there a resource for finding well-recommended doctors in the Boston area?
The general list is from the ASSH https://www.assh.org/s/ but for personal recommendations you need to search the forums and groups. So on here we have one recommendation for Dr Hung https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...16254475.html#6 and although it's for an NA experience it may also apply to surgery as well. A quick peruse on FB reveals recommendations for a Dr. Philip Blazar 617-732-5322 and a Dr Peter Kim. The same FB group has a map of treating Drs but not specific recommendations behind them (Dr Hung is listed there)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?h...amp;z=2&fbc lid=IwAR0MFLD9ycoFJWfd1urWXlBtlDnlGZ6pDEmenxVcN_zWwN0YHz3yc4vRov8

lid=IwAR0MFLD9ycoFJWfd1urWXlBtlDnlGZ6pDEmenxVcN   617-732-5322   statistical   significantly   correlation   restricting   zWwN0YHz3yc4vRov8   experience   well-recommended   functionality   expressing   practitioners   General   recommendations   Fasciectomy   recommendation   unpredictable   dupuytren-online   interventions   correlations