Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"? |
03/20/2021 14:34
03/20/2021 14:34
Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
Okay, I called the office of a local hand surgeon yesterday and asked them if their doctor does Needle Aponeurotomy. Of course, I didn't get to talk with the actual doctor, just the person who schedules their surgeries.
Interestingly, the scheduler was unfamiliar with the term "Needle Aponeurotomy" (probably not a good sign). So they asked the surgeon's "assistant" who basically told them that they indeed do NAs, they just call it "Dupuytren's Release". I tried to clarify, asking if their "release" was done in the doctor's office as an outpatient procedure and, indeed, she said yes.
Afterwards, I did a quick web search for "dupuytren's release surgery" and, looking at the first two links that came up, it seems that "Dupuytren's Release" is more of a surgical procedure ("incision") than just "Needle Aponeurotomy".
Has anyone else heard that terminology? Am I asking the right questions? Is there some sort of "NA certification" that I should be asking about?
I'll be disappointed if I go through the trouble/cost of scheduling the consultation only to figure out in the meeting with the doctor that he really only does various degrees of open fasciotomy.
I'd appreciate any help you can provide.
03/20/2021 15:56
03/20/2021 15:56

Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
You are rightfully cautious. As I have trouble remembering and pronouncing the medical terms and some call it NA, others PNF, I like to refer to it as needle release. If they said they do NAs, chances are they use a needle rather than a scalpel, but you can always call them back to confirm.
[58, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017 & 2018, night splint glove RH since 2015]
03/20/2021 16:44
spanishbuddha  Administrator
03/20/2021 16:44
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
Just to add, that after a physical consultation, the doctor or surgeon might choose to do an open fasciotomy rather than a needle aponeurotomy (closed fasciotomy). This is still a relatively minor procedure compared to various forms of fasciectomy (surgery). But you should indeed confirm the doctors capability of performing NA if that is your preference, ahead of the consultation.
03/21/2021 10:01
03/21/2021 10:01
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
Thank you.
Can you tell that I am uncomfortable with all of this?
04/15/2021 17:55
04/15/2021 17:55
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
I just had a NA yesterday. When I went for the consultation she offered me a surgical procedure with stitches etc. I said no. The worst part of it was the Novocain injections in my palm. Whew. She did a lot. The first was the worst. After that nothing hurt. Today just bruising. And more flexibility.
04/15/2021 20:25
04/15/2021 20:25
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
I just wrote but forgot to ask about someone in the Boston area who does needle aponeurotomy? The person I saw is very good but I would like options the next time.
The picture is from less than 24 hours and I have full use of my hand and no pain.
The doctor said that she does about 75 a year.
04/16/2021 06:04
spanishbuddha  Administrator
04/16/2021 06:04
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
JSinger: I just wrote but forgot to ask about someone in the Boston area who does needle aponeurotomy? The person I saw is very good but I would like options the next time.
The picture is from less than 24 hours and I have full use of my hand and no pain.
The doctor said that she does about 75 a year.
We list a couple in Massachusetts on our NA treatment page.
I would be inclined to stick with someone who I know and has already demonstrated competency with my treatment to my satisfaction. Or, a consider a one day visit to Dr Pess in NJ.
04/16/2021 10:37
04/16/2021 10:37
Re: Is Needle Aponeurotomy the same as "Dupuytren's Release"?
Dr Virginia Hung is excellent. I was just traumatized by the Novocain injections.
Her address is Address: 100 Unicorn Park Dr, Unit 102, Woburn, MA 01801, United States Phone: +1 781 300 7654
Thanks for the response and the list of practitioners who do this surgery.