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Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?
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05/13/2009 19:13
05/13/2009 19:13
Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

I've had benign lumps in both palms for about a year but in the last month I've developed a nodule in the knuckle of my left pinky and that finger has swelled at the PIP joint (knuckle). To make matters worse, I'm a serious classical pianist and it's really affecting my playing :-(

I've read that the knuckle joint is harder to treat, expect when Xiaflex was used in the trials.

Has anyone had successful treatment done to the knuckle that restored it to normal dexterity? If so, what was done and who did it? Anyone know of an experienced doctor in New Jersey?

Thanks for any help.

I've got an appointment with a doctor on Thursday (PA) and one on Friday (NJ). I'll post back with any news that can hopefully help anyone else out.

05/14/2009 01:21
05/14/2009 01:21
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

I wish I had some advice but I am dealing with the same thing. Please let us know what your doc says. Thanks a lot

05/14/2009 20:06
05/14/2009 20:06
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

Two weeks ago I had NA performed on both hands. The little finger on my left hand was bent over 50 degrees at the pip joint. It is now less than 10 degrees and seems to be responding to night splints and stretching.

Before the NA the reach on my left hand was just an octave, and playing piano was difficult and painful. Three days after the procedure my reach had returned to a tenth although not as wide as before, my playing is as good as it can be without serious practice. Now I must start taking piano seriously again.

05/14/2009 23:46
05/14/2009 23:46
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?


Glad to hear your procedure went well! I'm hoping I get good news from the doctors I see. I regularly practice about 2 hours per day and have been struggling to get in 1 hour lately due to frustration :-(

I'll post back after my consultations - one tomorrow (5/15/09) and one next week (5/20/09).

05/15/2009 21:05

not registered

05/15/2009 21:05

not registered

Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

Isn't Dr. Gary Pess at Central Jersey Hand Surgery still treating Dupuytrens with NA and surgery?

Steve Abrams

05/15/2009 23:35
05/15/2009 23:35
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?


Yes, Dr. Pess is still treating Dupuytren's. I was actually there this afternoon. Nice guy. Really seems to know Dupuytren's well. Said he's treated about 3,000 fingers over the last 5 years and he's second only to Dr. Eaton in Florida in terms of experience.

Ironically, there were 2 other patients there today for Dupuytren's!

I'm going to see another 1 or 2 doctors before making a decision, but Dr. Pess feels confident that he can restore my left pinky to just about normal function using NA - a BIG deal for me as a serious classical pianist!!

I'll post back to relate my experiences with the other doctors and my outcome.

Thanks everyone for all the support!

05/16/2009 12:51
05/16/2009 12:51
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

Would you mind telling me, did Dr. say you had a cord or just a nodule on your pinkie? I went to another hand dr last week and he said there is only a nodule on my pinkie that is causing it to curve. I have emailed photos of my hands to Dr. Eaton a week ago but so far no response, I guess Ill call them Monday. Anyway, could you tell me if your pinkie is like mine, with only the nodule because I am wondering how they will fix with NA if there is no cord. Thanks


05/16/2009 13:56
05/16/2009 13:56
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?


I have a nodule on the underside of my pinky at the knuckle and there seems to be a cord running into the nodules in my palm.

I'm not sure, but would think that the nodules can't form without emanating from a cord.

Can anyone confirm this?

05/16/2009 14:31
05/16/2009 14:31
Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?


In an earlier post, Wolfgang indicated he had a nodule on his pinkie without a cord and another member, Joe also has this I believe. If you have a cord, then I can understand how NA can fix it. At this point, I cannot see any cord on my pinkie and the doc I went to confirmed this. However, the finger is getting more curved every week I guess because the nodule is growing? You might know I would have something even weirder with this weird disease! Thanks for your reply.


05/16/2009 14:46

not registered

05/16/2009 14:46

not registered

Re: Anyone with successful treatment of knuckle (PIP) joint? Any doctors in NJ?

You can have nodules without cords. Usually it starts with a nodule and cords are a later stage though sometimes you might see cords develop without a sizable previous nodule. See http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytrens_contracture.html and Luck's article http://www.dupuytren-online.de/downloads/luck.pdf.



... I'm not sure, but would think that the nodules can't form without emanating from a cord. ...

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