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My condition continues - Perth WA
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07/04/2015 11:08
07/04/2015 11:08
My condition continues - Perth WA

Hello all,

I first posted about 2-3 years ago...


Since then my condition is steadily but very slowly advancing. My left hand is the worst, interestingly on both hands my palms have become quite concave by virtue of the cords but the ring fingers on both hands have not contracted in I suppose the usual sense, they are still quite straight, in fact the left one is arching back slightly the other way.

About 12 months ago I dislocated my left ring finger, a hazard I suppose of having your finger protruding. Not a situation I would recommend.

Anyway, the point of discussion is that so far I have had 3 yearly visits to Dr Stewart Flemming's practice in Fremantle, but as it turned out I only had the first visit with Dr Flemming the other 2 have been with his associates because he was away. Dr Flemming's details are listed on this site.

My latest consultation was with a surgeon colleague of Dr Flemming who's only opinion was that I required surgery (on my left hand) and also stated that any other treatment didn't work and was a waste of time. I am hopefully going to see Dr Flemming in about 2 or so months. I have to wait for a public hospital appointment. Maybe when I get to see Dr Flemming his opinion may be different. Up until this most recent consultation I was on a wait and see brief.

I would like to explore the alternatives available for this condition in Perth and other places in Australia, I am not prepared to accept that surgery is my first and only option. I have been reading with interest the treatments that have been applied either successfully or otherwise. There obviously is no cure-all.

I would appreciate any input from other Aussies on their treatment and experiences across the country (I am prepared to travel), especially any patients of Dr Stewart Flemming in Perth.

Very best wishes to all grappling with this little known condition.


07/04/2015 17:31


07/04/2015 17:31


Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Leaving the dislocation aside, which I assume has been relocated, although maybe the joint is now loose (?), it's not clear why surgery is advocated. Is there a cord or cords in the palm responsible for the remaining finger misalignment? If so then maybe NA or collagenase could help. But really I do think the unusual nature of your condition requires an experienced hand surgeon to determine what is going on and what the options are.

07/05/2015 00:07
07/05/2015 00:07
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Thanks for your reply Spanishbuddha, yes I do have the usual cords on both hands extending through the palm from the ring finger and also have nodules on both hands.

I am uncertain but it appears that the way my hands have progressed (regressed) is not typical, most seem to have curling of the fingers.

Does anyone else have symptoms similar to mine?

My dislocation occurred by me stumbling on a rocky beach in Northern Ireland, my hand digging into the rocks thus pushing my finger sideways. It hurt a lot, I had to drive for 2 hours back to Belfast to get treatment, not a great day out. I guess its a lesson that we all have to protect our misaligned fingers!

I have ended up with scar tissue around the first knuckle which creaks and groans when I flex the finger.



07/07/2015 08:15
07/07/2015 08:15
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Sorry for your situation oddjob....
I would consider looking at a treatment offered in Brisbane by Dr. David Chin. He is a plastic surgeon who has developed a Treatment for dups and related diseases.....he has treated approximately 100 hands with a claimed success of 95% for patient satisfaction. However, it has to be said that there is no independent clinical evidence to back it up....he has a patent on the treatment.....search Dr.David Chin patent and you will find the details.....but basically the treatment is supposed to "remodel" diseased tissue through injections of TPA...
I have followed the progress of one LD patient who posted on this forum over 2 years ago.....he is delighted with the outcome.....due to significant progression in my own LD I decided to have the treatment 3 weeks ago.....I will post my findings on the forum after 2 months....but in the short term I am delighted with the results.....the ballpark cost of the injections is 1200Aus
Wishing you the best of luck

Edited 07/07/15 11:19

07/07/2015 22:07
07/07/2015 22:07

Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Best of luck to you Gary. Hope the treatment will be successful. I will tell my friend Penny about this, she is having a hard time with her LD.


07/08/2015 04:47
07/08/2015 04:47
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Thanks Gary for that information about Dr David Chin in Brisbane.

I searched and have read some patent documentation on his procedure, not pretending to understand the technicalities, I appreciate that this may be very positive.

I should be seeing my specialist in a couple of months time and will discuss the procedure with him. In the meantime I will continue to do more research.

This treatent could be quite beneficial to my condition because fortunately not suffering from curling of the fingers and very little loss of dexterity to date, I would certainly benefit from softening of the cords thus reducing the concaving of my palms.

Would you think Dr Chin would be open to me emailing him with details and photos of my condition with a view to being treated by him? I would be more than happy to travel to Brisbane to get both hands treated if this turns out to be as positive as it looks.

I await with interest the results of your treatment too.

Very best regards


07/08/2015 04:57
07/08/2015 04:57
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Best of luck to you Gary. Hope the treatment will be successful. I will tell my friend Penny about this, she is having a hard time with her LD.


Hi christl.....I hope you are well.....

Is penny the patient that had Hyaloronidase injections in Texas? If so I seem to
remember that she also had a stem cell treatment.....


07/08/2015 05:06
07/08/2015 05:06
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Thanks Gary for that information about Dr David Chin in Brisbane.

I searched and have read some patent documentation on his procedure, not pretending to understand the technicalities, I appreciate that this may be very positive.

I should be seeing my specialist in a couple of months time and will discuss the procedure with him. In the meantime I will continue to do more research.

This treatent could be quite beneficial to my condition because fortunately not suffering from curling of the fingers and very little loss of dexterity to date, I would certainly benefit from softening of the cords thus reducing the concaving of my palms.

Would you think Dr Chin would be open to me emailing him with details and photos of my condition with a view to being treated by him? I would be more than happy to travel to Brisbane to get both hands treated if this turns out to be as positive as it looks.

I await with interest the results of your treatment too.

Very best regards


Hi Geoff

Photos to his office I am sure would be fine.....I myself travelled over from NZ for my treatment....

I would be very suprised if your consultant would be positive about this treatment....I looked at this very long and hard before I took the plunge.....

The reality is......that without viable clinical data.....I can not see a practitioner recommending a treatment....

Wishing you all the best with your choices....


07/08/2015 06:02
07/08/2015 06:02
Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Hi Geoff,

I am the patient Gazza has referred to, I had my LD injected on my left foot some 18 months ago and so successful I am having my right foot done in August. Haven't spoken to Gazza since the days after his injections but sounds as if its as positive as mine was.

Dr Chin has agreed to discuss his treatment with Dr Eaton (Charlie) from the Dups foundation, I am acting as a "messanger" but will provide Dr Eaton with Dr Chins details.

Good Luck for the future, Terry

07/08/2015 19:35
07/08/2015 19:35

Re: My condition continues - Perth WA

Hi Geoff,

I am the patient Gazza has referred to, I had my LD injected on my left foot some 18 months ago and so successful I am having my right foot done in August. Haven't spoken to Gazza since the days after his injections but sounds as if its as positive as mine was.

Dr Chin has agreed to discuss his treatment with Dr Eaton (Charlie) from the Dups foundation, I am acting as a "messanger" but will provide Dr Eaton with Dr Chins details.

Good Luck for the future, Terry

Hi I got in this conversation later down the line not sure what the injections are you are referring to. The only injections approved in EU & the U.S. from many years of clinical trials is Xiaplex. Are there new injection other than Xiaplex approved?

Is the injection described above by any chance a enzyme called Xiaflex or Xiapex a bio drug? It's made in a sterile lab from soil enzymes or feces. Works very well on the tendons,,, not always for for nodes. The Xiaplex is in another clinical study in the U.S. for removing scar tissue. After surgery on my finger surgery left a huge amount of scar tissue. Scar tissue is made in the body from collagen the very same material formed in the body to form nodules on the tendons.

Collagenase clostridium histolyticum is an enzyme produced by the bacterium Clostridium histolyticum that dismantles collagen. It is used as a powder-and-solvent injection kit for the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture, a condition where the fingers bend towards the palm and cannot be fully straightened, and Peyronie's disease. BioSpecifics Technologies developed the preparation, which is manufactured and marketed by Auxilium Pharmaceuticals as Xiaflex in the US and by Sobi as Xiapex in Europe.
To learn more about the injections and side effects plz see the drug name online.

It worked for me my finger was at 180' now almost straight & eliminated all the scar tissue after many other treatments failed. All fourfingers show slight curvature . And LH in my feet we are at a wait and see at the moment. This is such a fickle disease.
Kind Regards,

Edited 07/08/15 22:52

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approximately   fingers   surgery   technicalities   injection   understandable   overwhelmingly   dupuytren-online   successful   Brisbane   powder-and-solvent   details   foundation   histolyticum   injections   continues   treatment   condition   Pharmaceuticals   positive