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Radiotherapy in Germany
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08/13/2010 17:02

not registered

08/13/2010 17:02

not registered

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

To Chris777
Hi Chris,
I'm new to this forum and very grateful that it's here.
I'm considering getting RT treatment for dupuytrens in Germany.
I called the number listed on this website for the DR that treated you, but the call wouldn't go through. Do you have another contact number or a recommendation on how best to get in touch with this DR?

Thank You


08/13/2010 17:59


08/13/2010 17:59


Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Bob, you find contact data for the Hamburg clinic on our web site, at the bottom of http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiotherapy_clinics.html


To Chris777
Hi Chris,
I'm new to this forum and very grateful that it's here.
I'm considering getting RT treatment for dupuytrens in Germany.
I called the number listed on this website for the DR that treated you, but the call wouldn't go through. Do you have another contact number or a recommendation on how best to get in touch with this DR?

Thank You


09/15/2010 19:46

not registered

09/15/2010 19:46

not registered

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

I have recently returned from Hamburg after consultation with Dr. Seegenschmiedt at the Strahlenzentrum clinic and completing the first series of RT treatments for the widely distributed Dupuytren’s disease in my R. hand. Clearly it is too early for me to report the effect of this treatment, but I cannot speak highly enough of this physician and the clinic’s staff. I contacted him by e-mail and he was accessible, responsive to my concerns, and forthright. I was able to schedule an appointment very quickly.
Although I wasn’t happy about the outcome of his exam (much wider distribution of the disease in my R. hand than I had realized with some involvement in all four extremities) I felt entirely confident in the competence and thoroughness with which it was done. The treatments themselves were accomplished in a matter of minutes, and if they are successful only to the level of maintaining my hand in its current state I will consider myself enormously fortunate.
At my last appointment Dr. Seegenschmiedt was willing to give me a quick but systematic lesson on palpating my hand. It is a skill that require years of practice, but exposure to the information increases my confidence in my ability to participate in monitoring changes.
As to my treated hand today, I am a bit unsure about how much I can do with it for the next two months during which I am to avoid strain, but am simply backing off from anything that looks or feels heavy or intricate and cultivating ambidexterity (just a bit). I feel some warmth, more tendency to local strain and tenderness, but nothing very strong or painful. The Vaseline and cotton gloves he suggested I wear at night are on old time beauty trick. There is at least one beneficial side effect to all of this!
More later

09/20/2010 14:40
09/20/2010 14:40
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

As I wrote in an earlier posting, I am in the interval between the two five treatment radiation series which I am receiving at the Strahlenzentrum Clinic from Dr. Seegenschmiedt. On meeting my sister who had accompanied me, Dr. Seeegenschmiedt immediately recognized Dupuytrens in her hand. She subsequently had a full evaluation and he identified other sites.. Fortunately none of these were advanced enough to require treatment, and she now has familiarity with the disease and is aware of treatment options and sources of information.

I relate this partly as an example of how thorough and concerned I found this doctor to be, but also to illustrate the dangers of denial. I was so appalled at the thought of hand surgery that I simply ignored changes I my hand as long as I could.This may reduce the chances of a successful outcome for me, but it is also very disturbing to realize that because of my unwillingness to deal with the situation, I had failed to share important information about a familial disease which can benefit from early treatment with my sisters and my brother.

If you are considering radiation treatment in Hamburg, I would encourage you not to delay making contact to determine if a consultation is appropriate. The posting which accompanies the listing of this clinic on the Clinics portion of this site was very helpful (kudos to the patient who provided the information on hotels etc.). We found that many Germans spoke English and were quite helpful. Purchase of daily or three day “Hamburg Cards” either from machines at the stations which have English language options or the hotel desk (at least at the Mercure) makes public transportation easy. I will be returning alone for the next series and am quite comfortable with the prospect, and there is an unexpected bonus of time to explore Hamburg which is a beautiful and fascinating city!

02/28/2011 00:11
02/28/2011 00:11
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Love hearing your story. I am trying to figure out how to email Dr. S, but even though I have the medical wesite I cannot figure out how to do it. Can you help me?

02/28/2011 04:30
02/28/2011 04:30
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

His email is listed on this website. Go to Treatments/Radiotherapy for a list of clinics -- all the contact info for Dr. S. and their clinic is included.

02/28/2011 12:20
02/28/2011 12:20
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

thanks, found it. how far apart are your treatments?

03/01/2011 16:53

not registered

03/01/2011 16:53

not registered

Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

I am glad you found the contact info for Dr. Seegenschmiedt. He will be able to tell you if your problem is one that radiation might help and is tremendously knowledgable about the condition as well as a very kind gentleman. My treatments were three months apart. I am preparing now for a phone consultation as follow-up to my last treatment. Be in touch if I can be helpful to you.

03/01/2011 17:19


03/01/2011 17:19


Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Hi Kathleen, I have just competed my first round of RT in Germany. Would you mind saying how well, or otherwise, your progress has been since completeing the treatment?

03/01/2011 18:06
03/01/2011 18:06
Re: Radiotherapy in Germany

Kathleen and Spanishbuddah,

How did you determine it was time to contact Dr. S., go to Hamburg? I'm leary of going too soon, waiting too long. Of course, I tend to over-analyze everything and having spent 15 years as a hand therapist doesn't help that.
I have an atypical presentation, with obvious cords being the first sign. As opposed to the typical contraction of the ring and small finger, my thumb webs and index and middle fingers are becoming stiff.
Both feet are also effected, with MRI proof of the nodules and thickening of the plantar fascia.
I appreciate any input.


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