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suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?
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12/02/2011 17:52
12/02/2011 17:52
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

I'd be happy to meet and compare when you return! I'm in the very early stages, which is why I was eligible for RT. I was told that RT was only effective prior to contracture. I suspect that, since your finger was contracted enough to require the shot, you may have passed the window. Otherwise, the disease is too advanced to make a difference. Of course, I'm no doctor so please do gather other information. I would love nothing more than if you proved me wrong.

Please do get in touch after your return. I look forward to it!

12/03/2011 03:58
12/03/2011 03:58
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

So glad to hear about your treatment. Sounds like it is a great facility in every way - doctor, staff, expertise, caring, efficient state of the art in every way! Keep us posted on your progress.

12/07/2011 01:21
12/07/2011 01:21
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Hi Kim,

I was so pleasantly surprised to read this thread since I'm in Dutchess County !
I've been dealing with DD and LD 4 yrs now. Trying to get RT done while I'm still in nodules and cords stage.
I spoke with Dr Weiss last year who agreed I was a candidate then. But parents' declining health delayed it.
I'm curious about your MVP plan. My primary Dr finally sent a letter off to my Federal MVP HMO plan in support of RT treatment, along with some supporting literature from this website. My request was denied as Investigational/Experimental and no "peer reviewed" studies. (which means they didn't read what was sent ?)
I'm wondering a few things.....Did you communicate with MVP on your own first ? Maybe you have a different MVP Plan ?
I needed "prior authorization" for RT but it seems that you did not and I wonder if this was due to having Richmond call MVP directly.
Your experience is giving me hope to appeal the denial and I want to arm myself with as much information as possible.
I am so encouraged that someone was successful in this process. Congratulations and I hope your treatment is very successful. Hope to hear from you soon.


12/11/2011 23:57
12/11/2011 23:57
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Hi Meg,

I wish I had a good answer for you about how to approach MVP.

Odell, the receptionist at Dr. Weiss' office did call MVP directly. Her concern was that many insurance companies won't cover treatment started on the same day as diagnosis. This, I was assured, was not going to be an issue. I am still under the impression that my treatment is covered, although I haven't received any paperwork yet. I'm crossing fingers. I have very little trust these days. I'll keep you posted.

12/21/2011 18:46
12/21/2011 18:46
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?


The MVP paperwork came back and all was covered. Our plan is a high deductible PPO. I wish you well in negotiating with them!

02/07/2012 02:59
02/07/2012 02:59
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Hi KimClue,
Have you had your second round of RT with Dr Weiss? Are you noticing any changes?
If you wouldn't mind, how much did RT cost for each hand X 2 weekly sessions and did they charge for any scans to decide tissue depth of RT dose? As far as you know, your MVP paid for the second round also?
I don't mean to be nosey. The time and effort involved in the appeal process with my MVP may delay my getting treatment before contracture. Only 2 appeal levels allowed with my Federal HMO plan, the second of which would have to be with the OPM (a huge Federal beuracratic government agency in Wash DC) So I've also been in contact with Dr Seegenscmiedt in Germany. To pay $6-7000 out of pocket vs. a slim chance of winning an appeal. And even then MVP may only cover some of the cost. Tough decisions to make with this disease. I appreciate any further help you can give me.
I do hope you are DONE with DD for a very long time !

02/24/2012 15:05
02/24/2012 15:05
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Hi Meg,

I had my second round of RT with Dr Weiss in mid-January and the changes have been significant. My left hand nodule is hardly noticeable now, the cord is barely perceptible to the touch anymore, and the pain is fully gone. My right hand, which was noticeably worse, was also near perfect for the past month. I could see the nodule but it was smaller and not painful.

Two days ago, the cord showed signs of inflammation but, with a huge flare in my psoriatic arthritis this week, that might be more the culprit. It's hard for me to say. I can tell you that my knee-jerk response was wholly fear-based that the disease was on the move again. Now that I'm on a stronger anti-inflammatory, the pain has subsided once more and the nodule and cord still look smaller, although my arthritis is still inflamed and disabling. I can't make a fist.

This didn't stop me from emailing Dr. Weiss with DC questions. She said we should monitor over the next four weeks as my body normalizes to new arthritis drug dose and we'll keep in touch through email and photographs. Thinking my November and January rounds of RT were my last hope, I was relieved to hear that we could do another round if need be. My "preventative" options have not run out yet. Today, from what I see, I don't think I'll need more. Crossing fingers (figuratively).

The full RT treatment was covered by my PPO, minus our high deductible as per the plan. I don't have the paperwork in front of me for the hard numbers. I'm sorry. And I don't feel comfortable sharing more information when nothing prevents the insurance company from ripping that award away as quickly as they approved it. It's too scary to me to raise red flags, so we're going to quietly bide our time.

I hope you find a way to get this done.


Edited 02/24/12 17:08

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functional---even   contracture   Investigational   information   suggestions   injections   Rheumatologist   appointment   recommendations   surgery   contracted---folded   state-of-the-art   anti-inflammatory   because   treatment   Radiotherapy   covered   Insurance   injection   Xiaflex