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suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?
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02/17/2011 20:20
02/17/2011 20:20
suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?


First, much thanks to organizers of this forum/site. A real god-send. Finally getting useful information (one might naively think that might come directly from one's doctors/health care providers).

Me - 52 yrs. of age, stage 1 DD w/ 34% in right hand ring finger. Doctor is rec. partial f. and ring finger release surgery. I would really like to try other treatments first. Also, for me precursor seems to be painful knuckle pads on top of hand ...that just started on right hand pinkie. (Doctor said a while ago, "oh, those are harmless [not to worry]~ ...so stupid me let the ring finger go to long before "oh, you need surgery").

Still getting lots of information from this site. Just did a search on Albany. "ladwil" mentioned that CDPHP (hmo) did not cover NA. That's distressing since that's my hmo.

"Guest3" on 9/13/09 mentioned NA from Dr.Khuri. If that person could let me know if procedure was ok/would rec. him for that procedure would be great (I could send personal email address if need be).

I apologize if I'll find this in archive. But, any recommendations on doctors and/or facilities in upstate NY, greater Northeast of US ...that have some experience treating this disease?

Other comments welcome as well.
Thanks again and take care all.

02/17/2011 22:29
02/17/2011 22:29
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?


First, I would call your HMO/Insurance Co., be persistent, I can not believe they would not cover NA.

Also, have you considered Radiotherapy, look on this website-alot of great info.
Under a Radiotherapy dropdown is a section of Clinics offering RT.

I am from Maine with early stage but nodules and cords in both hands and found Dr. Delaney for RT at MGH in Boston. He contacted colleagues in Maine and could find no one who has treated DD in Portland.
Dr. Delaney's team seems really nice and organized, he uses the standard German protocol and it sounds like he gets good results. I start my first week of RT in a week and a half.

Good Luck,

02/17/2011 23:07
02/17/2011 23:07
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Would really like to know what is the "German Protocol" in Albany !?

The Name "German" doesn' always mean the same contents !!

Single dose - Total Dose - Time between Courses - ALL is relevant !

will give you the right choice of treatment area covered ... I have
heard of to many cases which have been treated wit too small fields
because not all disease was discovered and tretaed at the first ...

Please report us back from your experience .... THX, Larry

Edited 02/18/11 01:09

02/18/2011 16:45
Mike S

not registered

02/18/2011 16:45
Mike S

not registered

Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?


There is a Dr. Pess in New Jersey (listed elsewhere on this site) who is one of the more experienced practitioners that offers NA (Needle Aponeurotomy), an alternative to far more invasive traditional open hand surgery. You may wish to consider that as an option. Other NA practitioners and their locations are also listed on this site.

02/18/2011 19:31
02/18/2011 19:31
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Thanks for replies folks. Appreciate it.

The update I rec'd today - spoke again with doctor - who is not recommending NA or other treatments other than surgery because ~he could not feel the cord~ to be able to do NA or enzyme injection.

02/18/2011 20:14
02/18/2011 20:14
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

If he can't feel any cords, it sounds like you are in the very early stages. If so, that's the time to do RT. Have you or are you considering RT? It stopped the rapid progression of my Dupuytren's in the areas radiated.

There is lots of information on this site and lots of reports on the Forum for people who opted for RT in the early stages.

02/21/2011 09:20
02/21/2011 09:20
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Hello John,

Glad you found the forum. It helped me out immensely.

I see that you found my posting on CDPHP. I can assure you that as of two years ago, despite numerous appeals including much supportive information, CDPHP refused to cover the successful NA I had performed to correct a 66 degree contracture. They of course would have covered the $10,000 open surgical procedure that I obviously did not need. I have since switched insurance to MVP after being told that coverage is not guaranteed, but that MVP has covered the NA procedure for other patients.

I encourage you to look into NA with Dr. Charles Eaton in Florida. My trip to Florida flying on Southwest from Albany to West Palm Beach cost along with Dr. Eaton's fee cost less than what Dr. Pess quoted me for NA with him once his facility fee was included. NA was one of the best decisions I've made. There is very little discomfort and the results were immediate for me.

You stated a 37% contracture - do you mean 37 degree? If so, that is pretty well contracted and possibly past the intial stage for radiotherapy.

Let me know if you need any further info. Who is the hand doctor you have been seeing in the Albany area? I was seen by the hand specialist at Schenectady Orthopedics. He did not even mention NA until I brought it up. He wanted me to wait for more contraction then have open surgery which he said would most likely be a temporary fix for a little finger PIP joint contraction. I was very discouraged when I heard that news and I am happy that I chose not to take his advice.

Best wishes,

08/20/2011 07:24
08/20/2011 07:24
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

I'm in Albany and have yet to be diagnosed but I have a very prominent chord that I didn't even realize I had! I see Dr David Quin at Capital Region Orthopaedics (and have CDPHP EPO).
How did you make out? In Albany?

08/23/2011 18:15
08/23/2011 18:15
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

To Tsheff1,
Not much of any update for you from here. For better or worse, I've just put off decisions/treatment.
After checking again with CDPHP (and verifying whether or not they would cover NA) ...I may very well
change to MVP (HMO). Which would be too bad because otherwise I'm satisfied with cdphp.

Good luck.

08/24/2011 06:44
08/24/2011 06:44
Re: suggestions Albany NY / NE US area (NA, etc) ?

Did you appeal? Try telling them surgery can make it worse or recur while a NA has better results. What if you ask them to cover that for life so if you need more surgeries, time-off, they can pay.... nice thought I guess. Seriously though, I'd appeal the decision. It should be cheaper for them in the long run!! I have been having severe pain. I went to urgent care because my ortho appt isn't until Sept. 20th. First I had to explain to them what Keinbock's Disease was(it's very rare and I have it in my right wrist). Anyway, I asked him about Dupuytren's Disease,..... his diagnosis, 'possiblev Dupuytren's Disease'. I paid 30$ to diagnose myself! I actually wanted to make sure my wrist wasn't broken(part of keinbock's disase). He wants me to see my ortho this week. Good luck with that.........

Thank you John. I'll let you know how I make out. I see Dr. David Quin in Capital Region Ort He even lets me plan surgeries on Fridays so I can recoup on the weekend and get back to work on Monday!!


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