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Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP
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11/11/2013 15:11
11/11/2013 15:11
Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

The last 5 months, nodules and cords have been developing in both hands, mostly my right hand, after 4 years of effective dormancy and having just a nodule or two in one hand.

Now new cords and nodules have developed over the whole palm of both hands and the old ones got bigger and more sore. I now have a lot of nodules and several cords in both hands, and some very very painful when applying pressure.

My fingers seem to have some involvement too, but can't pinpoint whats happening there except the feeling of stretched flesh when I open up my hand straight and feel it in my fingers as well as my palm .

What is going on?......am I going to have more developing every month until my whole hand becomes stiff? I don't have any contractures per se, (maybe just a little on my ring finger on right hand), but I feel cords pulling everywhere, --and when I open my hand up its like I feel stretched rubber bands running up all my fingers.

And my fingers kinda ache as well in a strange way.....sort of like arthritis I guess, if I had it, but I don't (checked that out already).

I had a round of R/T, 8 weeks ago and going to have another round in December (12 week interval)......and I just developed a new nodule/cord between my thumb and index finger on my right hand since the 1st round......this is all very very disconcerting......and I thought R/T was going to prevent further development?

Anybody know of this happening, have any suggestions, or what kind of Doctor to see other than a Hand Doctor
(I live in Miami,fl)

It seems like there is something worse going on systemically or something....than just Dupytren......I just don't know, ----can Dupytren cause all this?

To make matters worse.....Every hand doctor I see tells me to go away until I have severe contracture (been to about 5 Doctors already)........no one wants to deal with my existing pain, and/or present condition until my fingers curl up,......they literally have nothing to say of any use.

Alternatives to Hand Doctors??? Can't seem to get a consenus on that either!! --on any treatment, or proceedure, or whatever, not even on this web site,.......I'm afraid to try anything, --including even a simple hand massage that I hear might even make my condition worse.

need help, suggesttions, input, .....anything


11/11/2013 16:39
11/11/2013 16:39
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

I find your comment interesting.

You said, "Every hand doctor I see tells me to go away until I have severe contracture (been to about 5 Doctors already)"

That goes against conventional wisdom. The ideal time for surgery is between 25 to 45 degrees contracture which is far from "severe contracture". NA could also be performed at that stage of contracture.

11/11/2013 17:43
11/11/2013 17:43
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

I meant by severe really being 45 degree or so, I used the wrong word (severe),.....the point being is that they want nothing to do with me until my finger is bent suffiicient enough, whatever that is.

Contracture does not seem to be my issue at this time, hope it never does....but I have plenty of pain and discomfort, and non-normal feelings in my hands due to these nodules and cords.

It has affected my life greatly, and I don't know what to do about it. Its not just a one or two nodule/cord thing going on---it seems to be all over my hand and affecting all my fingers and thumbs as well.

11/11/2013 19:01
11/11/2013 19:01
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

I meant by severe really being 45 degree or so, I used the wrong word (severe),.....the point being is that they want nothing to do with me until my finger is bent suffiicient enough, whatever that is.

Contracture does not seem to be my issue at this time, hope it never does....but I have plenty of pain and discomfort, and non-normal feelings in my hands due to these nodules and cords.

It has affected my life greatly, and I don't know what to do about it. Its not just a one or two nodule/cord thing going on---it seems to be all over my hand and affecting all my fingers and thumbs as well.

I feel your pain, that pretty much what my doctor said to! He gave me a cortisone shot for pain Big mistake made things worse, i don't know if its the weather or what but my hands hurt, i been using the hot wax dip on my hands it feels good.

11/11/2013 21:38


11/11/2013 21:38


Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

RT is often not an immediate fix, if it's going to help. Could take up to 18 months, so be patient on that one. For pain and other symptoms try hot/cold, also gentle massage with oils.

Any life changes you can think of that may have triggered this activity? Diet, drugs, chemicals (cleaning) new activity, anything. Probably not!

11/12/2013 15:49
11/12/2013 15:49

Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

I also had new nodules forming in my hand after the first round of RT, but the second round took care of them. So be patient. I first noticed improvement after the second round, maybe 3 or 4 month later. Almost overnight my big nodule disappeared and all the other ones were brought to a standstill. It's been 2 years for me after RT for my hands and I am still good.

Best of luck.


11/13/2013 17:10
11/13/2013 17:10
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

Hi Lowell,

Is Dr. Aaron Wolfson doing your RT? If so, to my understanding he requires MRI's before adminsitration RT.
I spoke with him once on the phone back in June 2013. He stated he would want me to have MRI. Not sure if this is still his protocol

Also regarding hand specialist on DC
I am wondering Have you contacted Dr. Charles Eaton
1002 S Old Dixie Hwy Suite 105
Jupiter, FL 33458

Not sure if you have already done so but perhaps check out what other have said about him.
Apparently He is very knowledgeable in DC. I would think he should be able to at least give you the diagnoses on the hand that does not show visible signs. This way you would know how to appraoch your oncologist.


Edited 11/13/13 19:10

11/13/2013 22:34
11/13/2013 22:34
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

Jolene, Dr Eaton has retired his practice last year to concentrate on his research to finding a cure.

11/14/2013 05:06
11/14/2013 05:06
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

Dr. Eaton is one of the leading experts in the USA. He was the first doctor to bring NA here after traveling to France to be trained to perform the procedure. He has trained many, many doctors across the country in NA. Dr. Kirkpatrick was trained by Dr. Eaton. So you know that anyone trained by Dr. Eaton is going to be very educated and one of the best doctors to perform NA. He has devoted his career to researching and finding a cure for DC. I believe he retired about two years ago to pursue his research. He is on the advisory board for the International Dupuytren Society (the host of this site) - http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...sory_board.html

This is Dr. Eaton's site - http://dupuytrens.org/index.html

~ dawn

11/15/2013 02:27
11/15/2013 02:27
Re: Whole Palm of hand getting more nodules, more cords ---HELP

Hi Lowell,

Is Dr. Aaron Wolfson doing your RT? If so, to my understanding he requires MRI's before adminsitration RT.
I spoke with him once on the phone back in June 2013. He stated he would want me to have MRI. Not sure if this is still his protocol

Also regarding hand specialist on DC
I am wondering Have you contacted Dr. Charles Eaton
1002 S Old Dixie Hwy Suite 105
Jupiter, FL 33458

Not sure if you have already done so but perhaps check out what other have said about him.
Apparently He is very knowledgeable in DC. I would think he should be able to at least give you the diagnoses on the hand that does not show visible signs. This way you would know how to appraoch your oncologist.


yes Dr. Wolfson is my Doctor here in Miami,,,and he does do MRI's before doing radiation...I am going for my 2nd round next month (12 week interval).....I sure hope something works, because so far things are a bit worse with new nodules after the first round----.

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