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Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..
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01/13/2018 06:21


01/13/2018 06:21


Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Mandy,

your progression isn't that slow really, for some it takes 5 or more years to develop another nodule. But it's not super fast either, so probably you are not that untypical. From what you are describing you might also be a candidate for radiotherapy http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html . If you are interested you might check with Dr. Borg in Adelaide http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiotherapy_clinics.html .


01/13/2018 09:00
01/13/2018 09:00
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Everyone, especially Gaz and Terry, thanks for the info re Dr Chins treatment. My first nodule popped up about 10 months ago in my left hand, now I have 5 nodules in my left hand and 2 in my right. My GP doesn't seem to be up to scratch on treatment as he tells me there isn't anything in early stages. (He also said it was slow progression and not painful, I guess I'm not the average case)
I'm quite keen to see Dr. Chin. I don't mind paying for the procedure, but as I live in Adelaide I was wondering how many injections you have had in each nodule? Is it just the one or a course of them? ie, how many trips to Brisbane for me to factor into my treatment?
All of your info has been most helpful. Thanks
Hi Mandy,
From memory Dr. chin recommended 2 possible treatments 6 months apart. I had the one treatment but I am considering another this year. My understanding is that there is not a limit on how many injections you can have. Wishing you the best.....Gazza

Edited 01/15/18 22:55

01/14/2018 21:53
01/14/2018 21:53
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Thanks so much to Gaz and Terry for your info. Very much appreciated.
Tell me, are these injections painful? The other injections, the Xiaflex enzyme injections are terribly painful apparently (a friend of mine had this treatment)...and for some reason, the doc can't make the hand numb, so you have to endure it.
Thanks again for your help in this.

01/14/2018 23:24
01/14/2018 23:24
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Mel, I had mine under a general anesthetic when I had my hand operated on as the finger was too far gone for any NA or other treatment. It was painful to walk on the foot for a few days but soon settled. It certainly is not enough to put me off another round (The second treatment). Hope this helps and good luck. Terry

01/15/2018 20:53
01/15/2018 20:53
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Thanks so much to Gaz and Terry for your info. Very much appreciated.
Tell me, are these injections painful? The other injections, the Xiaflex enzyme injections are terribly painful apparently (a friend of mine had this treatment)...and for some reason, the doc can't make the hand numb, so you have to endure it.
Thanks again for your help in this.

Hi Mel.
I had locals with mine. So not as lucky as Terry. Just a sharp pain and swelling that went down rapidly in 24 hours. I was running around after just a few days.
I am considering another round soon..


01/31/2018 01:47
01/31/2018 01:47
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Everyone, especially Gaz and Terry, thanks for the info re Dr Chins treatment. My first nodule popped up about 10 months ago in my left hand, now I have 5 nodules in my left hand and 2 in my right. My GP doesn't seem to be up to scratch on treatment as he tells me there isn't anything in early stages. (He also said it was slow progression and not painful, I guess I'm not the average case)
I'm quite keen to see Dr. Chin. I don't mind paying for the procedure, but as I live in Adelaide I was wondering how many injections you have had in each nodule? Is it just the one or a course of them? ie, how many trips to Brisbane for me to factor into my treatment?
All of your info has been most helpful. Thanks
Hi Mandy,
From memory Dr. chin recommended 2 possible treatments 6 months apart. I had the one treatment but I am considering another this year. My understanding is that there is not a limit on how many injections you can have. Wishing you the best.....Gazza
Thank Gazza,
I've made and appointment to see Dr. Chin at the end of the month (Feb) so I'll keep everyone posted.
I've looked over many options of treatment. This may be the most expensive for me but still my preferred first step.
thanks again.
(I'm not very Tech savvy, and have a bit of trouble navigating this forum. So thanks to Wolfgang for your response also.)

02/20/2018 22:00
02/20/2018 22:00
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Mandy,
I hope Your trip to Brisbane went well.....Have you got any updates for us?..good or bad...
All the best

Edited 02/21/18 00:01

02/21/2018 08:43
02/21/2018 08:43
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Mandy,
I hope Your trip to Brisbane went well.....Have you got any updates for us?..good or bad...
All the best

Hi Gazza,
My appointment with Dr. Chin is next week.
However, the DD has progressed with more nodules in each hand and thickened cords. I've had 2 appointments with a physio, last week and today, seems to have helped. less tightness and less pain. Mind you, the exercises certainly make my eyes water. But I would definitely recommend physio to help a little with the condition.

I have a question to other DD and LD sufferers. Does anyone else suffer with Keloid (or hypertrophic)scare? Just wondering if there had ever been any study or question raised on the two having any link? As both seem to be associated with over production of collagen (correct me if I'm wrong).
I had a sternotomy exactly a year ago with keloid scaring developing almost immediately. (I have monthly steriod inj for that.) Then the DD appeared a couple of months afterwards. My feet are ok at the moment, Tendons are a little tight in my feet, but no nodules yet.
I'll let you know what happens when I get back from Brisbane.

02/21/2018 09:47


02/21/2018 09:47


Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Hi Mandy, there has indeed been some speculation that Dupuytren's and keloid might be similar or related, e.g. in 1995 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7719609 or in 2016 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22571568. But there are many patients with excellent wound healing, like myself, and quite a lot of Dupuytren's. Dupuytren's is not just excessive collagen deposition, the cord is actually grown in a specific direction along pulling forces when the hand is used. The Dupuytren cord could even be imagined as a "healthy" reaction of the body to frequent pulling on a somewhat "glued" connective tissue. The body seems to be trying to stop this pulling by holding the finger in a fixed, relaxed position. In contrast keloid is scarring that went out of control. I would think that the root causes for both diseases are probably different.


... I have a question to other DD and LD sufferers. Does anyone else suffer with Keloid (or hypertrophic)scare? Just wondering if there had ever been any study or question raised on the two having any link? As both seem to be associated with over production of collagen (correct me if I'm wrong).
I had a sternotomy exactly a year ago with keloid scaring developing almost immediately. (I have monthly steriod inj for that.) Then the DD appeared a couple of months afterwards. ...

Edited 02/21/18 11:49

03/04/2018 06:27
03/04/2018 06:27
Re: Tissue Plasminogen Activator....Dr. Chin Brisbane..

Thanks for your reply Wolfgang. Mysterious condition that it is. My husband has had this for years. A tiny bump on each hand with no progression, no pain or anything. Mine is the opposite, rapid, painful, and I'm certain related to my surgery last year.

My appointment with Dr Chin went very well. I had a consultation on the Wednesday and injections on Thursday. Obviously my hands were a little bruised and sore, but I feel it is a small inconvenience. Dr Chin is hopeful that I will only need a 'one of' treatment for the nodules and cords that I have. He has asked that I email him in 6 weeks.
I'm happy that I've taken this path. Even though I had to factor in a trip to Brisbane, accommodation and the treatment ($1200), I read as much as I possibly could beforehand about all the other options available for early DD.(including possible side effects).
I'll let you know how things are in 6 weeks.


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