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Colagenase; ai yai, yai ai ah!
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12/27/2003 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

12/27/2003 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

Pilling On


Even if you're right, I'm afraid that's five yards and loss of down for Unsportsman-like Conduct.

12/28/2003 23:39
Mary Beth

not registered

12/28/2003 23:39
Mary Beth

not registered

Agenda against NA

It is amazing that the same agendas from the same
person or people can go on for years, and yes it has been
years. The only strong point they can state for surgery
over NA is the recurrence rate and that is even questionable. Per Dr. Lynn Ketchum's site "...there are
two potential problems with limited fasciectomy. First
there is a recurrence rate of 40 - 50% usually within the
first two to three years postoperatively, as quoted by
Tubiana from a series of reports on recurrence in Hueston
and Tubiana, the definitive text on Dupuytren's Contracture...." http://www.lynndketchum.com/drketchum.htm
And even though Dr. Eaton's site does say "Recurrence is a
problem with any treatment but is more likely following
NA than surgery.", as was recently quoted, it then does
also goes on to say "Repeat NA after NA is fairly straight-
forward. Repeat surgery after surgery is not."
http://www.handcenter.org/newfile20.htm For people like
Joanne or my husband who have had multiple surgeries which
have made NA either difficult or not possible, NA would
have been their best option up front. For any new sufferers, make you own choice, but please look at all of
your options, ask questions and email those that are willing to help before you make your decision.

12/28/2003 23:09
12/28/2003 23:09

Mary Beth,

As usual, you are right on target. The only item I would care to contribute is that there is no concrete evidence (survey) that has supported the fact that NA has a higher recurrence rate then surgery.

Even my bit of a survey showed no difference between either method. The basic difference between the two is that conventional surgery CAUSES TRAUMA; whereas NA being barely invasive does NOT. Not one report has been posted or reached me of any type of damage due to NA.

Please remember: "SURGERY BEGETS SURGERY".


12/28/2003 23:50

not registered

12/28/2003 23:50

not registered


Mary Beth,
Would you feel offended if I called you an asshole because your husband had successful NA. I have never said anything derogatory about anyone having successful NA. Your fellow contributors, basically the same person (and who you call your husband) using different names, feels comfortable calling me names and telling me "to go to hell" because I have had successful surgery. I guess it bothers you and him also that I have never met someone who has had unsuccessful surgery. You seem to support everything that the person says, including personal derogatory remarks. Why do you think that there are only about 3 people on this forum who are here complaining about their surgery? Do you feel that the personal remarks are helpful?

Obviously, they had a problem with surgery and are trying to do damage to hand surgeons who do surgery for Dupuytren's.

12/28/2003 23:29
12/28/2003 23:29
Dupuytren~sq~s Contracture

Mary Beth,
As long as your are using Dr. Ketchum as your reference, do you have a problem with him saying, "if a digital contracture has developed. In that instance, surgical intervention is the treatment of choice."

Or that both Tubiana and Hueston said in their texts that surgery was the treatment to use to correct contracture. You may not agree with them, but that is fine.

12/28/2003 23:57
12/28/2003 23:57
Dupuytren~sq~s Contracture.

Dr. Eaton suggests that "Needle Aponevrotomy may or may not be a reasonable option for your hands, depending on your exact problem." Does this mean that there is something wrong with him if he suggests surgery as the procedure of choice for an individual?

12/28/2003 23:36
12/28/2003 23:36

How dare you disparage a person that has contributed so much positive and vital information to this forum? This is not the first time you have accused members of using an alias when they disagreed with your biased agenda.

We have waited patiently for you to go off the deep end and now you have finally answered our prayers. If you were not a sicky, you would be totally ashamed of your behavior and diatibe.

If you knew the entire story of Poor Richard and his long history of traditional surgery you would with your sick paranoid mind still continue to lambast all innocent suffering souls.

Please give us a break, but I guess you still don't get it?

12/29/2003 23:57

not registered

12/29/2003 23:57

not registered

Ignore HIM

Way to go Jerry! Well said. I personally think we should all now ignore this person's postings and not even acknowledge them. Maybe he'll just go away!

Dolores (my real name!!)

12/29/2003 23:56
12/29/2003 23:56

Sorry people, but those last three posts (Sean) were not written by me. Someone is trying to help me out. No thanks!

12/31/2003 23:37
Anon Emus

not registered

12/31/2003 23:37
Anon Emus

not registered

Off label usage


Never believed you before and certainly not now.

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surgery   Dupuytren~sq~s   demand-drivened   recurrence   complaining   implementation   Traditional   considering   misrepresenting   alternative   conventional   surgeries   appropriate   postoperatively   procedure   Collagenase   Unsportsman-like   Contracture   mis-information   treatment