10 Moths after surgery |
03/19/2010 20:05
03/19/2010 20:05
10 Moths after surgery
I had surgery on my right hand (pinky, ring finger) last May. The results are less than I had hoped for. The doctor said he thought I would get full use of my hand back. After the surgery and several months of rehab, my fingers are just as bad as prior to the surgery. In addition my middle fingers middle joint had swelling and stiffness and it was not touched during the surgery. After about 8 months I was fitted with a digit widget http://www.handbiolab.com/products/digit-widget/ for two months and my fingers actually straightened out. I thought the worst was over. Once the digit widget was removed, within a week the fingers curled again to about the same degree as before I started the whole ordeal.
My left hand pinky finger is curled about 70 degrees but I'm worried if the surgery goes so poorly and affects any of my other fingers I'll have trouble doing things. As I'm right handed i can tolerate my messed up right hand. If my left hand became messed up I would be in trouble. My eft hand index finger is also showing the nodules and has a visible cord, but has not started to contact so far.
See the pictures for the results of my surgery on my right hand and the inability to make a fist with that hand. I also included a picture of my left hand as a reference since it has not had surgery. NA is not an option since there seems to be no doctors in Ft Worth who are qualified for the procedure.
Another surgery on my right hand would not have any better chances of success according to my doctor. He said he could straighten the fingers and fuse the joints to keep them from curling if I was interested in that procedure.
Am I out of options that offer some degree of success?
03/19/2010 21:53
03/19/2010 21:53
Re: 10 Moths after surgery
See below the information about Dr. Hildreth in Houston, who is listed in the left column of this page under Needle aponeurotomy, then under NA list USA. It looks like he is about 250 miles away. Keep in mind that the NA procedure is usually a one time visit. If you could get down to Houston for NA, you would find the recovery nothing compared to surgery. If getting down to Houston wouldn't work, maybe you could combine a family vacation or visit with getting NA at one of the other clinics in the US. Look at the list and see how you might work out something like that.
My procedure took about 30 minutes and I drove myself there and back. After about 3 days of keeping it elevated, I removed the bandage. After that, I could get it wet in the shower and washing my hands followed by putting Bacitracin on the punctured spots. But, no dish water - oh, darn! It was really very easy on me as the patient and it worked to straighten my hand/fingers.
Good luck! Let us know what works out for you.
Contact info for: Dr. David Hildreth Richmond Clinic Richmond Bone & Joint Surgery 1517 Thompson Hwy. Richmond, TX (Texas) 77469 Other clinics: Medical Center, 6560 Fannin, Suite 400, Houston, and Sugar Land Clinic, 15035 SW Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas
Phone: (281) 344-1715 Fax: (281) 344-1716
www.rbjc.com and www.davidhildrethmd.com