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2nd Round In Hamburg ... All's Well
09/20/2012 20:53
09/20/2012 20:53
2nd Round In Hamburg ... All's Well

It's cooling off here in Hamburg. Yesterday, there was a 15 minute thunder storm with lightening and marble sized hail stones!!!.

Tomorrow is the 1st day of Autumn and i will finish up my 2nd round of RT with Dr S.

This time it was easier and more relaxed. Dr. S talked about how the word about RT is expanding and is happy that it is. He is a strong advocate of the importance of proper diagnosis and palpation of the hands and feet and suggested a desire to have a seminar instructing a large group of doctors in the proper diagnosis methods and techniques.
Attached is a photo of me, Dr S. and a prtrait I did of him... I hope you enjoy it...

In addition to glowing in the dark,My hands are working fine with no functional limits and i hope with the administering of the RT things will stabilize

Edited 09/20/12 23:55

09/20/2012 22:03
09/20/2012 22:03
Re: 2nd Round In Hamburg ... All's Well

Rich, that is the key to the future of radiation therapy for DD and LD.

The specialized knowledge and unique skills of Dr. S must spread to the rest of the world. Very similar to Dr. Eaton (and others) going to Paris to learn NA from Dr. Lermusiaux. There must be training flowing from Dr. S and the German experts to the US, Canada, Australia, UK and other places who want to learn it.

I hope this seminar/training can take place in the next couple of years. Once that gets established and with good results, then insurance coverage will become more commonplace and people can be treated near where they live and for less expense. After a couple of years of reading this board I realize Dr. S is a special person and everyone won't possess his skill set but really, treating DD with RT must be easier than many of the cancers they are already treating. Radiation oncologists are some of the smartest doctors out there.

09/21/2012 08:38
09/21/2012 08:38

Re: 2nd Round In Hamburg ... All's Well

Hi Rich

Great picture! Hope it's all worked out well!

Take Care

09/22/2012 00:27
09/22/2012 00:27
Re: 2nd Round In Hamburg ... All's Well

It's cooling off here in Hamburg. Yesterday, there was a 15 minute thunder storm with lightening and marble sized hail stones!!!.

Tomorrow is the 1st day of Autumn and i will finish up my 2nd round of RT with Dr S.

This time it was easier and more relaxed. Dr. S talked about how the word about RT is expanding and is happy that it is. He is a strong advocate of the importance of proper diagnosis and palpation of the hands and feet and suggested a desire to have a seminar instructing a large group of doctors in the proper diagnosis methods and techniques.
Attached is a photo of me, Dr S. and a prtrait I did of him... I hope you enjoy it...

In addition to glowing in the dark,My hands are working fine with no functional limits and i hope with the administering of the RT things will stabilize

Love the pic Rich........and what a fantastic thing to do for him......a painting from a dupuytren patient.....I m sure he will feel humbled by it......

All the best mate...


Lermusiaux   Hamburg   expanding   Yesterday   diagnosis   administering   suggested   specialized   functional   Australia   established   stabilize   palpation   instructing   oncologists   radiation   techniques   lightening   commonplace   importance