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A Change Possible at UCLA?
07/15/2008 00:20
07/15/2008 00:20

A Change Possible at UCLA?

I was pleasantly surprised to see that nearly 30 surgeons have visited Dr. Charles Eaton, the father of North American NA. Of note is Dr. Prosper Benhaim of the UCLA Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery. Previous accounts of his NA methods were a bit strange, especially his putting the patient out during the procedure. I'm hopeful that Eaton really showed him the ropes. The fact that he went all the way across the US to improve his NA speaks volumes for the guy.

This is important because he works closely with a legendary CHS and prior head of the ASSH. While this highly influential and respected surgeon was previously *adamant* that NA was dangerous "snake oil", he changed that view somewhat because of Benhaim. That was over a year ago.

Now that Benhaim has taken the full "Eaton NA Tour" his NA results will turn heads even further at UCLA. Could he perhaps convert the Top Dog at UCLA? Once you see it you simply can't deny NA's advantages as an excellent first line procedure. Should institutions like UCLA start teaching NA as option to Open Surgery we will begin to see more and more patients given it as an option as well. *That* is the end game of the patient-driven NA movement that started on the former BioS site about eight years ago. This is fun to watch.

07/20/2008 14:37
07/20/2008 14:37
Re: A Change Possible at UCLA?


Your post was music to my ears, thank you so much for sharing that information. After spending literally eight hours a day for the last week looking for a doctor that performed any treatment, other than surgery and coming up with nothing. Now I have a name and some hope again !

I myself am in stage one with no contracture's, just aggressive nodules and knuckle pads in both hands. From what I have read I have a window of opportunity to be treated with steroids,enzyme,radiation or whatever else there is available. I personally don't care if I get involved In or become part of a test study or medical trial. I just want some kind of treatment ,anything to slow down or temporary halt this disease. I know and accept that it will eventually come back and I will ultimately need surgery. Am I wrong in what I have read and am assuming that in Europe many of these treatments have been performed regularly for years and with much success????

As of now I do have plans to go to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Someone on this site recommended it to me because she read something about there new hand studies and treatments. Funny I'm driving from Vegas to Scottsdale on a maybe.:-0 I couldn't get through to anybody in any of the departments, to find out if they perform any of these procedures. I'm more than a little frustrated, but I keep telling myself it's Mayo Frickn Clinic ! If anyone treats this it will be there. I HOPE ! I will be calling the Doctor you mentioned Mon. And if anyone else has any suggestions for me I'm open and more than willing to listen. If by chance anyone else has been to the Mayo Clinic ,I sure would appreciate some advice as to what to expect...............Thanks you all for sharing your knowledge with me and other newly diagnosed, It means more than words could ever say :-)


08/31/2008 09:59
08/31/2008 09:59
Re: A Change Possible at UCLA?

Linda in California, U.S.A
Terry..There is a doctor in Vegas on Eaton'a web site that does N/A/ i FORGOT HIS NAME BUT LOOK AT LIST OF DOCTORS HE HAS TRAINED ON THEHANDCENTER.ORG

10/11/2008 03:27

not registered

10/11/2008 03:27

not registered


Dear Randy,

It is unfortunate that I was not added to the list of providers posted on this site. I have trained with Dr.Eaton and I am the surgeon that LindaB mentioned. I am a board certified hand & upper extremity surgeon and my clinic is located in Henderson. My mentor and fellowship director is the current president of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. I know that others have travelled to the Mayo only to find that they do not offer the procedure. I am very impressed by the collaborative efforts of the members of this site and its forums. I am very commited to patient education and it is wonderful to see so many patients utilizing the power of the web to help eachother in finding medical treatment. If you are interested in learning more please visit my site www.DoctorGrabow.com.


Ryan J. Grabow, MD



Your post was music to my ears, thank you so much for sharing that information. After spending literally eight hours a day for the last week looking for a doctor that performed any treatment, other than surgery and coming up with nothing. Now I have a name and some hope again !

I myself am in stage one with no contracture's, just aggressive nodules and knuckle pads in both hands. From what I have read I have a window of opportunity to be treated with steroids,enzyme,radiation or whatever else there is available. I personally don't care if I get involved In or become part of a test study or medical trial. I just want some kind of treatment ,anything to slow down or temporary halt this disease. I know and accept that it will eventually come back and I will ultimately need surgery. Am I wrong in what I have read and am assuming that in Europe many of these treatments have been performed regularly for years and with much success????

As of now I do have plans to go to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Someone on this site recommended it to me because she read something about there new hand studies and treatments. Funny I'm driving from Vegas to Scottsdale on a maybe.:-0 I couldn't get through to anybody in any of the departments, to find out if they perform any of these procedures. I'm more than a little frustrated, but I keep telling myself it's Mayo Frickn Clinic ! If anyone treats this it will be there. I HOPE ! I will be calling the Doctor you mentioned Mon. And if anyone else has any suggestions for me I'm open and more than willing to listen. If by chance anyone else has been to the Mayo Clinic ,I sure would appreciate some advice as to what to expect...............Thanks you all for sharing your knowledge with me and other newly diagnosed, It means more than words could ever say :-)


10/11/2008 12:13
Linda B

not registered

10/11/2008 12:13
Linda B

not registered

Re: A Change Possible at UCLA?

Thank you Dr. Grabow for joining in our forum..We need all the help we can get..
If you might post this forums information in your office it might help others in getting the word out and answers to some of their questions..
Thank you again.
Linda B

collaborative   DoctorGrabow   Scottsdale   opportunity   contracture   THEHANDCENTER   appreciate   recommended   performed   information   suggestions   Surgery   treatments   mentioned   aggressive   unfortunate   patient-driven   institutions   treatment   departments