A lighter side view.. |
05/06/2010 04:16
05/06/2010 04:16
A lighter side view..
Hi Everyone
This is my first post and since I've been reading this forum for ages I feel pretty informed already..Thanks.
As I have little money, no insurance and the nearest Dr doing N/A being several thousand miles across my big desert island ( Australia) I have accepted that my hands will be different to everyone elses, for now anyway. I'm 41.
But on the lighter side..
I have not dropped a drink since my pinky stopped at 90 deg. It sits nicely under a glass and I don't even have to think about it really.
I moved house recently and found lifting heavy things pretty good.. My left hand only opens 70% so once I had a grip I could carry away knowing I wouldn't drop anything as my hand doesn't open more anyway.
I can now clap one handed. This took some practice but was pretty pointless with two bent hands which hardly made any noise.
My boys hold up their hands with the pinky at right angles which makes the letter E.. This is our sign language for Excellent.
My pinky can now go in my jeans pocket by resting on the inside of my palm.. Takes a while to get used to but it still works.
I use my mouse left handed now to avoid agrivating my right shoulder which froze once...ouch.
I only write this hoping it may help the newly diagnosed ... It is a lonely and scary experience when your hands bugger up.. and I wanted to offer some light reading among so much serious discussion. Good luck ...
Feel free to add your funny observations or comments..Heaven knows we all need a laugh.
If this is the worst medical issue to strike me...I'll be chuffed. Bless!
05/06/2010 18:47
05/06/2010 18:47
Re: A lighter side view..
I love your attitude! My mind is not coming up with anything funny, but when it does, I'll add to this post. Thanks for starting "A lighter side view"!
05/06/2010 19:29
05/06/2010 19:29
Re: A lighter side view..
I haven't found any handy uses for the bent fingers yet... except that I have, like you, noticed the glass-holding ability of my bent pinky.
My left thumb is bent at the outer joint. Unfortunately I still have a habit of showing my approval or agreement by giving the "thumbs up" sign with my left hand. This now results in puzzled looks as the thumb no longer points "up".

05/07/2010 02:23
05/07/2010 02:23
Re: A lighter side view..
@jimh, That's funny!
05/31/2010 15:32
05/31/2010 15:32
Re: A lighter side view..
Without humor how would we survive. I am determined to find away around this. I am lucky no pain. However I do not seem to have control over my right hand. Makes it difficult hanging on to my paddle in a dragon boat. The sport is hard work and I just have to find a way. Heading to the Worlds Festival in Dragon Boating for Breast cancer survivors. This is in Peterborough Ontario Canada. Life is meant to be lived.
06/01/2010 02:28
06/01/2010 02:28
Re: A lighter side view..
Hi Pearl
Maybe you could use a glove like a baseball batsman would use as it firmly fits your hand with a velcro strap.
Once this is on your hand you could then hold your paddle for the boat and then finally use gaffa tape to lock your grip.
Your then able to row away using your remaining hand strength and your grip is suplimented with the tape holding your hand closed.
The gloves themselves can be very soft and should fit most hands.
Then when the race is finished you can remove the tape without hurting your hand.
06/01/2010 10:55
06/01/2010 10:55
Re: A lighter side view..
My fellow paddlers thought maybe duct tape would work and we could add it to the list of uses for duct tape. At present I am managing. Love the sport never miss a practice or a competition. Now how am I going to get some yard work done. I have 2 1/4 acres to look after and when it warms up I will be out there. Looking for some humurous answers. Laughter gets me through the day. Pearl
06/04/2010 04:47
06/04/2010 04:47
Re: A lighter side view..
I find it hard to breath with duct tape on but if they suggest it Pearl..well you could try it?
Re: the 2.5 acres ... general Paracetamol or analgesic may help with the aching... That's streching the joke a bit huh?
I'd think a shovel or rake handle would be similar shape to an oar..?.. so perhaps you could sit in a wheel barrow with a rake either side and slowly row your way round the garden? This would help keep you in condition for the boat race ( which is a drinking game here btw..) and turn the soil at the same time. 