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A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/08/2010 11:59
05/08/2010 11:59
A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well its a year since my husband had his operation for dupuytrens to release two of his fingers on his left hand the thumb was to be done at a later date. a day or two after the op he contracted an infection in the skin graft that was used, and something called complex regional pain syndrom set in due to the nerve damage he has lost the use of his left hand and has been going for physio (hydrotherapy and magic box) for the past year he is on a very high dose of medication to calm the nerves in his hand, my husband is now on the waiting list to have one of his fingers amputated!! his profession was painter and decorator which he had been for 29 years. his right hand also needs surgery but as you can imagine he is worried about the same thing happening. it has been a nightmare of a year and with the prospect of him never being able to work again. and if we here you have been unlucky one more time there will be murder!!!!!!!!. you are classed as disabled if you have something wrong with your legs or feet but have you ever tried doing everything with one hand tied behind your back :tounge and limited use of the free hand?????????

05/08/2010 14:04
05/08/2010 14:04
Re: A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's problems after surgery. You don't mention where you live. If you are in the U.S. and are able to travel to Florida, please consider NA (needle aponeurotomy) for his other hand with Dr. Charles Eaton ,instead of surgery. Dr. Eaton is the pioneer of NA in the U.S., Dr. Eaton is a wonderful doctor, has done thousands of NA procedures. Lots of information on NA in the column to the left and on Dr. Eaton's website: www.handcenter.org

Edited 05/08/10 17:08

05/09/2010 00:08

not registered

05/09/2010 00:08

not registered

Re: A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like what Eaton calls diffuse disease and he says NA is not appropriate. I think open surgery is the only option. It is on his website somewhere. Diffuse is where DC is more aggressive, usually bilateral, thick, tight cords with no loose skin on the sides of the cords, etc.

05/09/2010 01:36
05/09/2010 01:36
Re: A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't rule out NA for his other hand....I actually checked Dr. Eaton's website again and this is what it says:

NA is always an option - if... there is a lengthwise cord which can be felt beneath the skin,
And If: The skin is not too scarred, shrunk or hardened - the skin has to have some "give" or stretch left.

I would suggest you first go on his website www.handcenter.org , take some pictures of your husband's other hand and send them to Dr. Eaton. He will be able to give you some answers. I have Dups. on both hands and one foot. I had a severe contracture in my pinkie finger PIP joint and after NA the PIP joint went from 90 degrees to about 20 degrees.

Edited 05/09/10 04:40

05/10/2010 13:36
05/10/2010 13:36
Re: A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi thanks for all the info problem being we live in the UK. my husbands DC is very agressive you are right bilateral thick cord, lumps, you name it its there. his fingers were flat into the palm of his hand with diseased skin in the folds hence the skin graft the doc said it would turn to gangreen if not removed. the right hand is progressing rapidly. just have to wait and see how this pans out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05/10/2010 13:52


05/10/2010 13:52


Re: A year on since operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are also treatment options in the UK. Needle fasciotomy (also called PNF or NA) is available and, although not yet with NHS, is radiotherapy. Have a look at the menu on the left, specifically NA and radiotherapy and the related "where" pages.


Hi thanks for all the info problem being we live in the UK. my husbands DC is very agressive you are right bilateral thick cord, lumps, you name it its there. his fingers were flat into the palm of his hand with diseased skin in the folds hence the skin graft the doc said it would turn to gangreen if not removed. the right hand is progressing rapidly. just have to wait and see how this pans out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

specifically   radiotherapy   something   procedures   lengthwise   agressive   bilateral   contracted   handcenter   hydrotherapy   progressing   aponeurotomy   appropriate   operation   fasciotomy   contracture   everything   website   fingers   information