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Acupuncture for dupeytrens
09/05/2021 21:20
09/05/2021 21:20
Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Has anyone tried this? Looking for acupuncturist in London that specialises. But can’t find one. Also for lederhosese in feet, which is killing me! Have just cancelled expensive surgery for dupreytens in hand as scared by invasiveness of it. And cost. So now looking for alternatives. Feet are worse than hand. Surgery not an option for them apparently. Thanks for any advice.๐Ÿ˜Š

09/06/2021 01:00
09/06/2021 01:00

Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Dear Polo

Let's make it clear to beginn with ----> you have a kind of BENIGN and LOCALIZED FIBROMATOSIS ....
and this means tissue growth and cell proliferation in an unregulated fashion - the prognosis w/o treatment dismal !

You may now think: "OMG I have a tumor" and I would respond: "Yes, you are right! Fortunately it is of BENIGN NATURE,
would it be an AGGRESSIVE TYPE OF FIBROMAROSIS with DESMOID and REGIONAL GROWTH you may even end up with
amputation but at least with aggressive surgery because of the high rate of relapses.

You also seem to have SYPMTOMS, e.g. PAIN Possibly due to involvement of nerval structures into the growth process.

Thus, having started slowly and evtl. quite complicated I have no circled in the true problem and possible solution .
Due to the local growth pattern you may need LOCAL MEDICATION, some say VERAPAMIL may help ...

Another local option is RADIOTHERAPY, as IONIZING RAIATION can penetrate the body surface and reaches the tumor it goes directly to the TARGET namely the PROLIFERATING FIBROBLASTS ans MYOFIBROBLASTS which growth and produce endless FIBROCYTES causing swelling and symptoms like local PAIN.


If you need further consultation you may want to approach me with E mail : prof.seegenschmiedt@gmail.com

09/06/2021 02:56

not registered

09/06/2021 02:56

not registered

Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Has anyone tried this? Looking for acupuncturist in London that specialises. But can’t find one. Also for lederhosese in feet, which is killing me! Have just cancelled expensive surgery for dupreytens in hand as scared by invasiveness of it. And cost. So now looking for alternatives. Feet are worse than hand. Surgery not an option for them apparently. Thanks for any advice.๐Ÿ˜Š
I'm from the UK and have lived in South Korea for 17 years. I've had acupuncture regularly since coming here and without question it works for many things. But it will not halt fibromatosis. Of course I am not a doctor nor an expert in traditional oriental medicine. Some acupuncturist in London may claim to be able to help but personally I'd be sceptical. Yes, other treatment especially in the UK is unfortunately expensive. But I suggest that all the information you need to make the right decision is on this site.

Edited 09/06/21 06:08

09/06/2021 05:05


09/06/2021 05:05


Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Has anyone tried this? Looking for acupuncturist in London that specialises. But can’t find one. Also for lederhosese in feet, which is killing me! Have just cancelled expensive surgery for dupreytens in hand as scared by invasiveness of it. And cost. So now looking for alternatives. Feet are worse than hand. Surgery not an option for them apparently. Thanks for any advice.๐Ÿ˜Š
NA is available in the UK on the NHS. Have you investigated whether you are a candidate for this treatment? Alternative (collagenase) private treatments may be available in the UK. Again your condition would have to be appropriate for this.

09/06/2021 19:20
09/06/2021 19:20
Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Thank you for your reply. And your experience of acupuncture. Guess I can rule that out then. Was just trying to think round the problem. Will keep researching and massaging feet until I find a solution!

09/06/2021 19:24
09/06/2021 19:24
Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

NHS is fairly chaotic at the moment in UK. But may have to press ahead with that route. Was hoping there might be an easier alternative! What is NA? Not on board with the initials. Thanks for your reply.

09/06/2021 19:29
09/06/2021 19:29
Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Thank you for the information. Even if it is quite scary! It’s all quite a lot to take in. But I will keep reading and hopefully find resolution. Appreciate your input to my inquiry. ๐Ÿ‘

09/07/2021 03:35

not registered

09/07/2021 03:35

not registered

Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Others may wish to correct me, but I wouldn't massage the tumours too vigorously. In fact I'd avoid pressure or trauma of any sort.

At the top of this page under TREATMENT is a full explanation of Needle Aponeurotomy and other known therapies.

As we know the NHS is now in such a state that non-urgent procedures can be delayed for months or years. I don't know if that applies to NA, but in the first instance anyway I'd advise prompt examination by a suitable specialist.

And it needn't be that scary. I know it is when it comes out of the blue, but it can be lived with, and there are far worse things. If I may say so, I think Prof. Seegenschmiedt meant the same thing, ie it's NOT a condition that might result in amputation, for example.

Here's the British Dupuytrens Society list of clinics:

You're having trouble especially with Ledderhose. In Guildford I had a very helpful and pleasant chat with Dr. Richard Shaffer. Initial consultation is free.

I was also in touch with several other clinics around the UK, in Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany. I'd say that David Warwick (British list, South East) is an excellent hand surgeon.

But the most helpful response I received in my initial inquiries was from Dr. Assa Braakenburg at St Antonius Ziekenhaus in Nieuwegein. She sees surgery as a final resort (though if it is necessary I can tell you it isn't so bad). She offered a consultation but in the end, sadly, I was unable to get there.

As to expense, I'm just a teacher and treatment has certainly not been easy to afford. I wish it were otherwise.

09/07/2021 05:04


09/07/2021 05:04


Re: Acupuncture for dupeytrens

Needle Aponeurotomy, also referred to as PNF. See https://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_UK.html or https://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/treatm...e-aponeurotomy/.

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