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Advice regarding surgery to help trigger finger and carpal tunnel
01/15/2021 18:54
01/15/2021 18:54
Advice regarding surgery to help trigger finger and carpal tunnel

I have had trigger finger for more than 10 years now (right hand middle and ring fingers). I also have Garrod's pads, ganglions Carpal Tunnel as well as Raynauds. My pinky and ring fingers do not bend in the DIP joints unless I force them ("in for a penny, in for a pound" as the saying goes!!!)
After my first steroid injection for trigger finger 10 years ago I developed Dupuytren nodules and I have a slight contracture of my ring finger which has not got significantly worse. However the trigger finger steroid injections do not seem to help for more than a couple of months and my doctor is reluctant to continue with steroids in these COVID days and has recommended surgery for the trigger finger and Carpal Tunnel.
The pain in my hand wakes me up several times a night and I cannot form a fist and cannot grip. However I am concerned that surgery might cause a worsening of the Dupuytrens.
Any advice welcome. Thanks.

01/16/2021 08:56
01/16/2021 08:56

Re: Advice regarding surgery to help trigger finger and carpal tunnel

Your hands seem to have a lot of different issues. I am very sorry you have a lot of pain to cope with.

As far as Dupuytren’s try not to do surgery first, it made my hands a lot worse. Studies on the subject also agree that surgery should be the last resort. I only had one finger slightly bent the pinky. Alter surgery 3rd 4th and pinky tightened up into a fist . Had therapy and splints but nothing stopped three fingers from curling tight into a fist.

After that I had xiaflex injections which opened all three fingers. It was quite painful for a few days. After initial injections two weeks later went back to the doctors office and he pulled my fingers straight. The xiaflex disolves the nodes which is collagen material. That was over 10 years ago and my hand is still good. It’s helpful to see a doctor who is experienced in xiaflex injections.

Whatever you decide there is no rush . You might ask your doctor if wearing a glove splint nightly would help with finger pain and rest the hand as well as be mindful of weight your hand is holding and motion . Ask about wearing a wrist brace for support and over night. The wrist brace helped and rest for my carpel tunnel. It takes a few months .
I wore a Fixx Glove a brace for Dupuytren’s nightly for a few years after injections. There are some nice spring braces and ring style braces too for daily wear.

01/19/2021 18:22
01/19/2021 18:22
Re: Advice regarding surgery to help trigger finger and carpal tunnel

Thank you for your response.
I am not considering surgery for my Dupuytrens, I am happy to leave it for now. The doctor wants to operate on my trigger finger and my question is whether this might affect my Dupuytrens.

tightened   regarding   trigger   recommended   Dupuytrens   worsening   experienced   significantly   Dupuytren   considering   concerned   contracture   injections   fingers   Dupuytren’s   xiaflex   surgery   developed   different   reluctant