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Advice sought
09/16/2008 16:34
09/16/2008 16:34
Advice sought

Hi, I'm a 50 year old male. I've had DC for 14 years, it started in the little finger of my left hand (Which I have had surgery on twice,but it came back more agressively each time within 2 - 3 years) now I have it in the little fingers of both hands with a contracture in excess of 90 deg in each. I don't really want to go for surgery again (Especially on the left hand as previous surgery has left a small area of damaged nerves, which have no feeling) as further surgery would require skin grafts. What I would really like is to try Needle Aponevrotomy in both hands. My question is, how easy is it to arrange to have this procedure done in the UK and how much does it cost. If anyone can straighten me out I'd appreciate it, or I could go to the continent somewhere to get it done.

09/16/2008 18:32

not registered

09/16/2008 18:32

not registered

Re: Advice sought

The good news is that needle fasciotomy is an outpatient precedure, i.e. you don't have to stay in a hospital and usually can return homre the same day. You can travel there, have NA done, and then return home again.

Now the bad news: we only know of a few places in the UK that offer NA http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_UK.html. I am pretty sure that more clinics/doctors are doing it but they don't speak up. But you can probably find someone on our list who is close enough to you, at least close than France, which would be another option. -- The odds that NA can be performed on your already operated finger are not very good. The existing scarring might be prohibitive. But maybe you can have PNF (= NA; in the UK NA is probably better known as PNF) on the one finger and a minimal surgery, like partial fasciectomy or a knife fasciotomy, on the other finger.

Wishing you all the best


09/17/2008 17:57
09/17/2008 17:57

Re: Advice sought

The US NA surgeons really don't lime to do NA on both hands at a time. You need take it easy with the hand post op for a week or so, so they don't like to leave you without mobility.

09/21/2008 02:31
Linda B

not registered

09/21/2008 02:31
Linda B

not registered

Re: Advice sought

I have an appointment with Dr. Dinkler in Larkspur in Dec. I have sent him pictures
of my hands and he is going to do both hands or has offered to do both hands on same day because of the traveling distance..Dr. Eaton in 04 there was a three day wait between hands..

09/23/2008 19:27
09/23/2008 19:27

Re: Advice sought

I'm guessing you are fling in and out the same day so that there is no luggage to carry. Perhaps you will have someone traveling with you to drive the rental car. Also my guess would be that your progression is not all that severe.

If you don't need to use either of your hands for a few days I can see Dr. Dinkler Denkler's rational. Leave it to Dr. Keith to push the envelope *just* a tad more :) He is a terrific guy and really cares for his patients. But then all the NA guys I've met are very personable and caring. Definitely a notch above your average surgeons.

contracture   Aponevrotomy   Definitely   appreciate   agressively   appointment   traveling   straighten   performed   fasciotomy   prohibitive   probably   surgeons   fasciectomy   surgery   progression   outpatient   dupuytren-online   personable   Especially