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age and dupuytren
11/26/2008 20:04

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11/26/2008 20:04

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age and dupuytren

Hi to anyone I have a 19 year fit and healthy Daughter who does not have any of the common reasons to get this but has just been diagnosed with it. She started off with a lump on the side of her hand next to her little finger which just swelled. She had an op to remove the lump which the surgeon said was fatty tissue. After a couple of weeks the finger started to bend quite significantly until it was totally bent right into her palm. She went for a 2nd op surgeon said needed a skin graft but under anaesthtic he mamnaged to straighten the finger so didnt need graft. 1 week after op finger stared to bend again which was when he diagnosed Duuytrens. Is this normal for someone her age to get this no one any where in the family has it so it is not hereditary. I would be grateful for any info from any young people with this .

11/27/2008 03:24
11/27/2008 03:24

Re: age and dupuytren

Hi Australia Calling. We have had young persons on the forum with similiar conditons to your daughter. There is a strong link to Dupuytrens being hereditary. In my case it missed a generation. I have to tell you that the earlier one is diagnosed with the disease the prognosis is not good. There is no known cure for Dupuytrens or Ledderhose (feet). It could be possible that the operation your daughter had triggered the dupuytrens.
Did you have a biopsy done on' the fatty tissue 'to exlude any malignant tumor. Sound like she should be wearing a night splint. Read up click on' Dupuytren disease 'on left margin - work your way through the literature. ie. Moermans abstract . Needle aponevrotomy is an option. Hope this is a start.

Edited 11/27/08 06:51

11/27/2008 08:48
11/27/2008 08:48
Re: age and dupuytren

Hi my dupuytrens started at an early age and it was a real worry for me at the time i put off and put off doing anything about it, but now at 34 i am just getting things sorted out. i linked mine into my proffesion i am a glazier by trade and in the day when putty was the normi used to use my hands to work the putty until it was soft from near frozen and used to suffer with severe cramp in my hands, May i ask what your daughter dose for a living? perhaps it could be related.
ps my Dupuytrens is Hereditary and runs heavly down my mums family on the male side.

11/27/2008 17:42

not registered

11/27/2008 17:42

not registered

Re: age and dupuytren

Thanls for your feedback I will certainly look into it more and yes we did have a biopsy done and it came back ok. My Daughter does not work she is a full time Mum.
Cheers everyone

12/01/2008 02:14
12/01/2008 02:14
Re: age and dupuytren


are you saying...cold hands can trigger/acerbate?

12/01/2008 04:21
12/01/2008 04:21
Re: age and dupuytren

Did your daughter's biopsy come back as Fibromatosis? I started with lumps in my fingers on my left hand and had two removed before I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's. That was a little over 2 years ago and the disease has really progressed in that hand. Not sure if the surgery had anything to do with the rapid progression or not. It is now showing up in my right hand, as well, and I have knuckle pads on both hands. I am going to Oklahoma City, OK next week to have radiation on both hands. Hopefully it will at least slow down the progression.

12/01/2008 16:33
12/01/2008 16:33
Re: age and dupuytren

hi yes it certainly made my hands alot worst over the years and i feel it may have triggered it at an early age.

12/01/2008 16:40

not registered

12/01/2008 16:40

not registered

Re: age and dupuytren

My Dupuytren's was triggered when I broke the 5th metacarpel in my hand. I was in my early 30s and within a year it developed in that finger. I am now 40 and have signs of it in other fingers but finger that encountered the trauma is the only one that is bad. At the same time, I learned that my mother has it as well.

I also have fatty tumors in my body, not on my hands. As others on this list also said they have fatty tumors, i wonder if there is some correlation between Dupuytren's and fatty tumors? Has anyone seen a study on that?

I had the needle procedure done once on my one finger and it helped a lot but it has slowly returned. Now, I am jsut waiting for the collagen injections to get approved to give those a try...

12/02/2008 09:51
12/02/2008 09:51
Re: age and dupuytren


I'm not young - I'm 57.

However I first got Ledderhose in left foot about 10y (very successful surgery), knuckle pads around 14y (unsuccessful surgery) , Ledderhose in right foot about 24y (unsuccessful surgery), and only now getting DD in right hand.

And I have had a physically active life (still do!), relatively unaffected by these encumbrances.

So I would hope that your daughter will lead a similarly charmed life like I have!

It seems that a lot of the medical fraternity is relatively uninformed, and it is up to you (your daughter) to find suitably experienced help (as has been said on this forum - "find a hand surgeon who is also a plastic surgeon, not the other way round"). Having read about some of the other treatments (not surgery), I would be trying to find someone who is not just a surgeon.

In a strange way I am no more informed than you, because whilst I had very early experience, it is only now that it is looking like I might have to have some intervention. So I have only recently discovered this site - which has been very useful to me.



encumbrances   relatively   triggered   Fibromatosis   aponevrotomy   Ledderhose   dupuytren   encountered   progression   surgeon   surgery   experienced   Daughter   hereditary   significantly   diagnosed   intervention   Dupuytrens   correlation   unsuccessful