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Am I safe to wait 9 weeks before RT
09/06/2013 12:25
09/06/2013 12:25
Am I safe to wait 9 weeks before RT


Input please. I was diagnoses with early stage of DC in both hands.

I have sent photo’s to Prof. S He has agreed to treat me. The earliest I can get their is 9 weeks.

Is this too late to begin treatment? I think the DC is progressing rather quickly. I have small tomato feel type nodules. I have the dimple, ripple look. By touch I can feel, by sight I cannot see a thick large cord between thumb and finger.

I read recently that someone had their cord appear overnight.

How do I know if I can wait that long?

09/06/2013 12:38


09/06/2013 12:38


Re: Am I safe to wait 9 weeks before RT

M y take is that waiting another couple of years might make a difference. Whether you wait 2, 4 or 6 weeks won't affect the outcome. It's more important that the RT is done properly but Prof. Seegenschmiedt is an expert.



Input please. I was diagnoses with early stage of DC in both hands.

I have sent photo’s to Prof. S He has agreed to treat me. The earliest I can get their is 9 weeks.

Is this too late to begin treatment? I think the DC is progressing rather quickly. I have small tomato feel type nodules. I have the dimple, ripple look. By touch I can feel, by sight I cannot see a thick large cord between thumb and finger.

I read recently that someone had their cord appear overnight.

How do I know if I can wait that long?

someone   photo’s   difference   recently   important   waiting   earliest   diagnoses   progressing   between   overnight   another   Seegenschmiedt   Wolfgang   Whether   quickly   treatment   outcome   nodules   properly