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Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.
04/13/2012 15:40
04/13/2012 15:40
Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

Hello everyone. I was just diagnosed with DD today and unfortunately knew nothing about it so was unable to ask the hand surgeon I saw the thousand questions I now have after reading about it online. I'd like to thank everyone who posts here for making their experiences known so folks like me aren't left in the dark about this strange condition. First, a little background. I'm a 55 year old woman and I guess my DD started about 2 years ago but because it began in my PIP joints, not my palms, it took progression to other fingers and a slew of test to rule out RA etc. I still have almost no involvement in the palms of either hand, maybe a small node at the base of the worst finger on each hand with a cord to the PIP joint. No contracture yet either. After reading some of the posts here, I'm very interested in RT. I live in Philadelphia but am willing to travel (even to Frankfurt, Germany as I lived there for 6 years quite some time ago). I'd prefer to stay on the east coast though. Can anyone help me get started finding a radiologist with whom I can discuss treatment options. Any advice or info would really be appreciated as I just don't know where to begin. (The surgeon I saw today didn't discuss any treatment options at all). TIA.

04/13/2012 17:00
04/13/2012 17:00
Re: Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

Hi Newbie,

I am around your age and was diagnosed three weeks ago. This website has been an incredible resource for me and so many members have been extremely helpful and supportive. I spent a week reading absolutely everything and made the decision to go for RT.

I live on the East Coast as well, and contacted the one radiologist listed in New York. He only does RT on patients who have already tried NA and surgery. I also looked into Boston, but the doctor there does a 7-day protocol (every other day treatment) and that meant I would need to be away from home for 19 days. Fortunately, I made contact with a forum member who had a very positive experience with RT in Richmond, Virginia. Kim gave me a full report on her five days with Dr. Elisabeth Weiss and I knew that Richmond was the right place for me to go. I've been in contact with Dr. Weiss's office over the past two weeks. Dealing with them is unlike any experience I've ever had with a physician on the East Coast. Everyone is warm, helpful, and accessible. I will begin treatment in three weeks and then a second round six to eight weeks later.

Good luck with your journey to figure out how you will proceed. I must admit that I was bonkers for the first week after I found out I had Dupuytren's. Making a plan to move forward has made this easier for me. If you'd like to ask me any specifics, please feel free to use the "Private Message" link and I'll chit chat or console.

04/13/2012 19:29
04/13/2012 19:29
Re: Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

Hi Merrymom. Thanks so much for quick response and info. I've been glued to this site for hours today instead of getting work done. Haha. I'm so thankful that forums like this exist. I called Dr. Weiss's office a few hours ago and they directed me to her voicemail where I left a message. I hope I hear from her soon because I'm driving down to Charleston the first week of May and it would be an easy stop over in Richmond. I'm glad to hear that your experience with her practice has been a good one so far. How does she determine whether to schedule a consult or not?

04/13/2012 20:00
04/13/2012 20:00
Re: Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

Dr. Weiss has been great about calling and emailing. Since I'm traveling from out-of-state, they have my consultation planned for a Monday morning, with treatment starting that afternoon and continuing through the week. If you're passing through for the day only, I'm guessing they would see you and select a future date for treatment. That is their usual routine for people who live in the immediate area. Absolutely let me know if you do make an appointment with her.

I know what you mean about not being able to focus on work! Hang in there!

04/16/2012 02:44
04/16/2012 02:44
Re: Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

I posted on your other thread about getting RT. Sounds like you are getting connected with Dr. Weiss. There have been very good reports about her. Good luck!

04/22/2012 00:24
04/22/2012 00:24
Re: Another Newbie! Need advice on RT.

Thanks flojo! I'll post after I go for my first round of treatment. Appreciate your support!

absolutely   out-of-state   consultation   experience   Philadelphia   accessible   Fortunately   Charleston   supportive   treatment   involvement   Another   contracture   appointment   radiologist   appreciated   everyone   experiences   unfortunately   progression