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Antiestrogen (Tamoxifen)
11/23/2010 21:57
11/23/2010 21:57
Antiestrogen (Tamoxifen)

I recently had NA treatemnt on both hands in Florida. Huge success!! Because of the agressive condition of my Dupuytrens the Dr. said I may want to try putting Tamoxifen cream on my hands at night. What the heck I figure - I'll try it. Has anyone else tried this? Any chance there is a clinical trail going on or being considered?
I had surgery almost six years ago on right hand and 6 Xiaflex injections as part of clinical trils +- three years ago.

BTW - Wolfgang - I really appreciate all your work with this site and elsewhere.


11/24/2010 23:55
11/24/2010 23:55
Re: Antiestrogen (Tamoxifen)

I recently had NA treatemnt on both hands in Florida. Huge success!! Because of the agressive condition of my Dupuytrens the Dr. said I may want to try putting Tamoxifen cream on my hands at night. What the heck I figure - I'll try it. Has anyone else tried this? Any chance there is a clinical trail going on or being considered?
I had surgery almost six years ago on right hand and 6 Xiaflex injections as part of clinical trils +- three years ago.

BTW - Wolfgang - I really appreciate all your work with this site and elsewhere.

Could you please explain what Tamoxifen is suppose to do for your post-NA, according to your Dr....

Also, can you clarify if you had surgery six years ago on the same fingers that you had NA treatment on recently....and what about the
6 Xiaflex injections three years ago...

Tamoxifen   treatment   success   Xiaflex   Florida   treatemnt   agressive   appreciate   injections   according   putting   Wolfgang   condition   recently   elsewhere   Dupuytrens   surgery   clinical   Antiestrogen   considered