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Any progress with the drug Humira as a treatment?
10/11/2020 20:45
10/11/2020 20:45
Any progress with the drug Humira as a treatment?

Curious if anyone has heard of any trials or progress in the research of the anti-TNF drug adalimumab (Humira) as a treatment option.

I read something a few days ago that suggested this was being studied and had promising results. It seems that it was from a few years back though.

10/12/2020 04:59


10/12/2020 04:59


Re: Any progress with the drug Humira as a treatment?

Curious if anyone has heard of any trials or progress in the research of the anti-TNF drug adalimumab (Humira) as a treatment option.

I read something a few days ago that suggested this was being studied and had promising results. It seems that it was from a few years back though.
The trial is finished, results were due this year but their webpage now says 2021 https://ridd.octru.ox.ac.uk/ and phase 2a paper is here https://www.researchgate.net/publication..._Clinical_Trial

Edited 10/12/20 08:08

10/12/2020 05:42


10/12/2020 05:42


Re: Any progress with the drug Humira as a treatment?

Many trials have been postponed/extended due to Covid. Might be the case here, too. I am sure they will present results on the International Dupuytren Conference in 2021.

I myself am using Adalimumab from Humira to treat my Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). While it so far works excellently for my RA, I haven't observed any effect on my bent Dupuytren finger. A pity, I would have loved that side effect ... Might be that the statement on
is true: "Further studies are required to analyse the effect on Dpuytren contracture, its possible improvement or slow down, and potential side effects."


Edited 10/12/20 13:08

10/12/2020 13:01
10/12/2020 13:01
Re: Any progress with the drug Humira as a treatment?

Thanks for the responses.

Everything that I have read suggests that it would not reverse any current state of the disease; instead possibly halt any further progression. Seems it may be a treatment for very early treatment or post op to prevent recurrence.


Rheumatoid   dupuytren-online   researchgate   treatment   Conference   Everything   excellently   publication   Dupuytren   recurrence   progress   contracture   International   research   improvement   suggested   progression   results   something   adalimumab