Any Thoughts? |
12/29/2010 16:25
12/29/2010 16:25
Any Thoughts?
HI Quick question. I have had 2 NA's one on each pinky in 2008 and 2009. My problem is both have retured to the downward position and my hands are getting worse. My current doctor recommends open hand surgery. I have a date scheduled in Jan but would like to try the new drug xiaflex. I am over 70 years old and female. My doctor has recommended surgery as the only alternative. Any thoughts out there? Am I too old for the drug? Should I seek another opinion, shall I go ahead with the hand surgery???? Thanx
12/29/2010 21:17
12/29/2010 21:17
Re: Any Thoughts?
Marilyn, So sorry for the contraction returns on your pinkies. I am surely no expert but others on here are more knowledgeable about Xiaflex and open hand surgery than I am. Just from my very limited knowledge about both, I would chance the Xiaflex before I would have open hand surgery, but that's just me. Every surgery I have ever had has made things worse, so no open hand surgery for me unless it is THE absolute last resort.
12/31/2010 03:05
12/31/2010 03:05

Re: Any Thoughts?
Australia Calling. Hi. Have you watched the video at the recent Conference in Germany Pro.Ilse Degreef.(in English) I was at the Dupuytren Society meeting held during the Conference and a hand surgeon stated he would always do NA . I spoke with him after about my hand and he indicated he would use NA and a small incision . The least amount of Surgery possible.
01/02/2011 18:02
01/02/2011 18:02
Re: Any Thoughts?
Hi Marilyn, If I were you I would get my Vitamin D levels checked before trying any more invasive procedures - see the forum post entitled "lack of sunlight and auto immune disease' - there are a couple interesting articles about new research showing a link between many of these problems and chronic low levels of Vitamin D. Worth a try anyway. Some Dr. are prescribing mega doses of D3 (50,000 - 100,000 IUs once a week for 8-10 wks) for various auto-immune complaints, especially if people live in Northern latitudes where it's difficult to get enough Vit D from the sun - Vit D is also a natural pain reliever. Hope the info helps. Happy New Year!