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Arrgggh! I have to suck it up
07/12/2011 04:48
07/12/2011 04:48
Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

My dups started at the age of 39 with just the usual nodule below the ring finger of my left hand.
At the time my GP diagnosed it I was told nothing will be done until the affected finger is bent right over eg 90 degrees.

Now 4 years later I have bi-lateral dupuytren's. Contractures on the left hand affecting the middle, ring, and little finger, plus a contraction between the thumb and forefinger, this hand also has garrod's pads on the affected fingers. My right hand has nodules and the start of contractures and to top it off I have nodules in my right foot.

Today I finally got to visit the hand surgeon regarding my dups, actually I got to see two third year students and the registrar.

I asked about radiation therapy and was told they don't do it here because there is not enough evidence to prove that it works
When I mentioned NA the look I got was blank so I explained briefly what that was about. No go there , but they are prepared to operate on my left hand in a few more years although there is likely to be a 60% chance of re-occurance. (They cannot operate at present as I have a frozen right shoulder, waiting to see if that specialist is going to operate on that to release it)

It has taken six months to get this specialist appointment (I cannot go private as I am currently a student) and the outcome of it can be summed up as "it's only a mild case, suck it up, it's as common as a bad back". And so I have been discharged.


07/12/2011 07:08


07/12/2011 07:08


Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

My dups started at the age of 39 with just the usual nodule below the ring finger of my left hand.
At the time my GP diagnosed it I was told nothing will be done until the affected finger is bent right over eg 90 degrees.

Now 4 years later I have bi-lateral dupuytren's. Contractures on the left hand affecting the middle, ring, and little finger, plus a contraction between the thumb and forefinger, this hand also has garrod's pads on the affected fingers. My right hand has nodules and the start of contractures and to top it off I have nodules in my right foot.

Today I finally got to visit the hand surgeon regarding my dups, actually I got to see two third year students and the registrar.

I asked about radiation therapy and was told they don't do it here because there is not enough evidence to prove that it works
When I mentioned NA the look I got was blank so I explained briefly what that was about. No go there , but they are prepared to operate on my left hand in a few more years although there is likely to be a 60% chance of re-occurance. (They cannot operate at present as I have a frozen right shoulder, waiting to see if that specialist is going to operate on that to release it)

It has taken six months to get this specialist appointment (I cannot go private as I am currently a student) and the outcome of it can be summed up as "it's only a mild case, suck it up, it's as common as a bad back". And so I have been discharged.


Sorry to hear your story Acacianz.

Most people on here, but not all, would say avoid surgery if possible or leave it till last, and instead explore the options of radiotherapy, NA, and Xiaflex first, depending on the stage and severity. Then finally if or when you need surgery the experience of the surgeon is important.

If possible try and see if you are a candidate for NA or Xiaflex in your hands and find someone who can do it. Then when the hands are flat see in you can have radiotherapy if the condition is still progressing. It sounds like you could have RT on your feet now. There is one clinic listed on this site that provides RT in New Zealand.

But all this depends on where you are and possibly you seeking out the clinics and doctors who can help. If you use the search function you will see that other users from New Zealand have previously posted, looking for help with NA and RT. Maybe you can get in touch with them.

Edit, To reflect Acacianz location in New Zealand.

Edited 07/12/11 11:01

07/12/2011 10:37
07/12/2011 10:37
Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

Sorry about downloading like this out of the blue, I guess I needed to let off some steam.

I will now introduce myself better

I discovered this web site just over six months ago, which is just as well, as there does not appear to be much information available here in New Zealand, despite it "being as common as a bad back".

Over the last few months I have been reading up on Dupuytren's as I wanted to be ready for today's appointment, so you can imagine my disappointment to be told no we don't do this here.

Surgery is the last thing I want, as I am not willing to risk complications arising from also having diabetes.

And despite what some information out there says, mine does hurt.

I know there is no cure as such, I just want to delay the onset as much as possible.

I guess the only good thing to come out of all this is that it is something I can actually blame my parents for


07/12/2011 16:53
07/12/2011 16:53
Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

What does that mean? You said, "I just want to delay the onset as much as possible".

Do you have Dupuytren's? Or, are you just worrying about getting it? For many (perhaps most) people Dupuytren's does not get bad at all. Do you have other problems that might be causing the pain?

07/12/2011 17:02


07/12/2011 17:02


Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

What does that mean? You said, "I just want to delay the onset as much as possible".

Do you have Dupuytren's? Or, are you just worrying about getting it? For many (perhaps most) people Dupuytren's does not get bad at all. Do you have other problems that might be causing the pain?

Callie, did you miss Acacianz's first post?

07/12/2011 17:07
07/12/2011 17:07
Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

Sure did, thank you. Sounds like the U.S. medical system is light years ahead of New Zealand. I can't imagine any Dr. telling someone to wait until 90 degrees contraction.

Edited 07/12/11 20:11

07/12/2011 18:32
07/12/2011 18:32
Re: Arrgggh! I have to suck it up

So sorry to learn of your troubles. I was told to wait until there was a 90 degree contracture. I had the first nodules appear under my ring finger of my right hand about 10 years ago. That has never gotten worse. My right hand started to show signs about 5 years ago, with more of a contracture a while later. Since we were waiting for the approval of xylaflex, I was advised to wait. If you've been following my story at all, you know I have had 2 shots in the pinkie of the right hand recently. It is still healing, but it is much straighter. Currently, it hurts like a bad bruise, and this is 6 weeks post the injection. I have nodules in that palm and the middle finger is starting to contract. I'm hoping that it won't get any worse.

I would continue to advocate for yourself, and see if there is anyone in your part of the world that can help you other than surgery.

Good luck.

nodules   downloading   possible   specialist   contraction   operate   radiotherapy   Acacianz   currently   Contractures   dupuytren   complications   bi-lateral   information   contracture   Arrgggh   disappointment   Zealand   re-occurance   appointment