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Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout
06/07/2010 15:32

not registered

06/07/2010 15:32

not registered

Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout

I was to get a Xiaflex shot last week. However, when my doctor looked at my hand (which he has not see for 12 weeks) and noted abit of swelling he said he could not give me the shot because he suspects the swelling suggests that in addition to Dupytrens, I may have something else. Evidently this "something else" could get worse with the Xiaflex unless treated before the shot.

He mentioned Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout. He is giving me a blood test, bone scan and Xrays to come up with a diagnosis.

Do any of you have any of these conditions or other conditions in addition to Dupytrens. Thanks and good luck to all

06/07/2010 16:15

not registered

06/07/2010 16:15

not registered

Re: Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout

If the swelling was due to gout, you would have known. Gout is extremely painful. The first two times I had gout I thought I had a broken foot and then a broken wrist. It is that painul. RA is painful but not nearly as bad.

06/07/2010 16:25
06/07/2010 16:25
Re: Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout

Thanks very much for the reply

I do not have constant pain, so I suppose Gout is out.

My pain occurs I try to open or close my hand. Pain when trying to open the hand makes sense because that is Dupytrens. The fingers are being bent towards the palm by the cords and so the hand can not straighten.

The doctors says pain when closing the hand the pain does not make sense because Dupy's should not interfere with closing the hand. Therefore he is suggesting these other possibilities, e.g. RA or RSD.

06/08/2010 19:51
06/08/2010 19:51
Re: Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout

I don't know about others, but I have had pain opening, closing and with my hand at rest. These last 2 weeks my hand has hurt and ached. I went to see my radiation oncologist, Dr. Crimaldi for a check up on June 3rd and he said it was from the humidty. Never having had my hand ache from that, I was a slightly skeptical, but as soon as the humidty lifted my hand stopped aching. I was surprised.


06/11/2010 12:38
06/11/2010 12:38
Re: Associated diseases Rheumatoid Artheritis, Reflexive Symphathetic Dystrophy and Gout

Thanks for you reply.

I have seen hand surgeons for a few years, I now have a new one. He suggested I see a rheumatologist. In 7 years of this no other doctor has told me this but maybe its a good idea for some of us, there seem to be many related issues which a Dupy sufferer may or may not have.

closing   Rheumatoid   oncologist   Dystrophy   Associated   possibilities   rheumatologist   skeptical   Artheritis   Therefore   conditions   something   suggesting   interfere   Symphathetic   Reflexive   swelling   diseases   straighten   Dupytrens