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Aussie needs your experience
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01/10/2012 11:26
01/10/2012 11:26
Aussie needs your experience

Hi All

My name is Anthony and I’m writing for the first time on this forum (so not sure if this will get through).
I would initially like to thank you all for your informative contributions, especially the regulars with extensive experience and of course Wolfgang as the administrator and great participant.

I have had Ledderhose since about 28 and was operated on at 31 but the nodules grew back almost immediately and on the other foot not long after. I am now 46 and have tried to tolerate it as surgery obviously doesn’t work.
My Dupuytrens started on one hand at about 35 and progressed very slowly until about 40. It then accelerated and I had a fasciectomy on the middle finger and palm at 43. DD then became more aggressive and I now at 46 have more than six nodules and some cords on the small and ring fingers of the same hand. There are also three new nodules on the index finger side of the palm’s scar. My left palm also has three growing nodules in the palm. Just for good measure there are a couple of Garrod’s pads on the right hand pinky and ring fingers. There is only about 5 to 10 degrees contraction on the right hand pinky and ring fingers with none on the left yet.
I’ve been looking into radiotherapy and am currently attempting to communicate with Dr Seegenscmidt in Germany and Dr Borg in Adelaide. I also have an appointment to see Dr Green in three weeks about NA and other surgical options. She is based in Brisbane where I live.
Has anyone got further information about recent options or experiences in Brisbane or elsewhere in Australia? Has anyone who has had experiences that parallel mine (at my age) attempted radiotherapy or NA after the surgery (with any success).
After discovering this site a few weeks ago I believe my best option is to learn from your vast experiences and knowledge. Any ideas?

01/10/2012 15:23
01/10/2012 15:23

Re: Aussie needs your experience

Hi Anthony welcome to the forum, I live in Adelaide for the benifit of others that is in Southern Australia. Over the years I've had some 15 odd surgeries including 4 grafts to both hands. In 07 after a repeat operation I developed numerous nodules adjacent to the surgery. My wife seached the web and found the Dupuytren Society . As I was coming to Germany I decided to meet Professor Seegenschmiedt. I also had Ledderhose in the arch of my left foot and in the ball of the right one. The outcome was that I had Radiotherapy to both the hands and feet in Germany. Prof. Seegenschmiedt and others had written a book in english The treatment of non malignant disorders with Radiotherapy. I purchased the book and on my return to Australia went and visited Dr Borg, who was aware of Seegenschmiedt and had treated both Dupuytrens and Ledderhose. He had an interest in treating non malignant disorders. I loaned him the book and after he agreed to list on the International Dupuytren Society. I have been very happy with the outcome from RT. I have seen that RT treatment was obtained by another member of the forum in Brisbane some time last year. From my experience and taking your age into account I would look at the option of radiotherapy. I am convinced in my case that one surgery acted as a trigger for the next and the time lag was reduced between each procedure .Unfortunately most surgeons have very limited experience in radiotherapy, in particular low dose 3GY treatments. If you wish try type in the search box at the top of the forum page;' Radiotherapy in Brisbane.' I recall the member mentioned his out of pocket expense. Rt is only effective on active nodules and not the cords in the hands. If you have only minior contracture it is too early for that option. Finally the bad news is with the evidence of dupuytrens/ ledderhose /knuckle pads in a younger person that is a strong indicator of the having an aggressive form of the disease.
Hope this helps.

Edited 01/10/12 18:03

01/10/2012 17:22
01/10/2012 17:22
Re: Aussie needs your experience

After two years of discussing Dupuytren's Contracture with my GP, being referred to a Specialist (who wanted to wait until it was much worse and then operate), and countless hours of research on the internet, I can happily report that I start my first course of Radiation Therapy next week. The UK National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) finally declared RT safe as a treatment for DC in November 2010.

Although not much help to you good Aussies, the Specialist treating me is a Dr Richard Schaffer who has two London Clinics, and from my limited experience, comes across as a true professional.

I am scheduled for the standard five doses of 3Gy on consecutive days, which will be repeated in 8 weeks time.

I will attempt to keep this forum appraised of my experiences.

Good luck to all of you fellow sufferers out there in Oz. I spent 3 weeks in Kiama, NSW, in November and loved it!!

01/10/2012 19:52
01/10/2012 19:52
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Welcome Anthony! I have had nodules for several years, it was just last summer that my DD became VERY active in my left hand. So far I have no contracture, but Prof. Seegenschmiedt said I was a good canidate for RT. I had the first series in October and leave in two weeks for the second series. Obvioulsy it is too early to tell what the outcome will be, but I completly trust Prof. Seegenschmiedt. He did not feel that the time was right for RT on my right hand as it has not been nearly as active. So even with minimal or no contracture, you still may be a canidate for RT.

01/10/2012 21:50
01/10/2012 21:50
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Thanks guys
I will certainly follow up on your advice and make contact with Dr Christie here in Brisbane.
It's hard to know whether to just 'bite the bullet' and head to Seegenschmidt in Germany or trust the 'less experienced' options here in Australia. All we can do is communicate with or meet as many specialists as possible and weigh up the options. Certainly is tough when there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer. Age seems to be a crucial factor when considering the choices.

01/11/2012 21:27
01/11/2012 21:27
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Hi All,
from my reading so far it seems that Dups can be initiated by, or at least accelerated by, 'trauma'. As an avid golfer I have been wondering for some time whether the regular 'mini traumas' to the hands caused by hitting a golf ball (or miss hitting) might be adding to my problems. I sometimes wear padded bike gloves to reduce the uncomfortable feelings while playing golf, mowing the lawn, swinging a hammer etc.
Any thoughts, or knowledge about the affects of such 'traumas'?


Edited 01/12/12 00:53

01/11/2012 21:43
01/11/2012 21:43
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Hi AB, I am also a golf addict (3 or 4 rounds per week) and have often wondered if this is exacerbating the condition, particulary the ring finger on my right hand. However, during my initial interview with Dr Shaffer, his questions tended to focus on my drinking habits, history of DC in the family etc - concluding that I was a prime candidate!!

01/11/2012 21:51


01/11/2012 21:51


Re: Aussie needs your experience

There are many anecodotal reports of sports men and women (rowers, weight lifters, golfers, cyclists, climbers, etc) having Dupuytren's. Also musicians, guitar players, pianists, and workers who use their hands, carpenters, labourers, etc. Whether it's caused by the hand use or just that they notice it earlier and before contracture so have more concerns isn't known.

There are also anecdotal reports of physical trauma resulting in or leading to Dupuytren's, even cases of surgery, for carpal tunnel or trigger finger for example.

Edited 01/12/12 00:20

01/12/2012 00:51
01/12/2012 00:51
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Hi Anthony....

I ve had similar experience as you with regards to location for RT.....I live in NZ....after weighing up the pros and cons of treatment here or Germany......I went for Germany......I leave this week......for me there's nothing like previous experience of treating this difficult condition.....it seems that Prof S has this......with data to back it up.....whatever your choices......best of luck to you...

Thanks guys
I will certainly follow up on your advice and make contact with Dr Christie here in Brisbane.
It's hard to know whether to just 'bite the bullet' and head to Seegenschmidt in Germany or trust the 'less experienced' options here in Australia. All we can do is communicate with or meet as many specialists as possible and weigh up the options. Certainly is tough when there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer. Age seems to be a crucial factor when considering the choices.

01/12/2012 02:21
01/12/2012 02:21
Re: Aussie needs your experience

Hi Gary
Good to hear from you. What were your options in NZ regarding RT - experienced practitioners??
How old are you(if you don't mind me asking)? How much communication have you had with Dr Seegenscmidt? When you get there are you guaranteed treatment or is the visit primarily for assessment? How advanced is you disease?
Sorry for the third degree, but as you know, so much to learn and so little time. Good luck with your trip. I'll be very keen to hear about your experience.
Thanks in anticipation


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