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Australian NA Progress
11/03/2008 02:33
Steve Maher

not registered

11/03/2008 02:33
Steve Maher

not registered

Australian NA Progress

Hi, I am a musician living in Sydney Australia and suffer DC in two fingers on each hand.
Three years ago I went to Dr Eaton in Florida to undergo NA which was a resounding success (although expensive because of the air fair) three years later I found that the disease was returning the effected fingers to their previous state (I was however warned this can happen).
I found out via a forum that Australia now have a Surgeon - Mr 'David Hunter-Smith' performing NA in Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne - Victoria.
I went to see him three months ago where he did an excellent job correcting the problem again with little or no discomfort.
No doubt it will return in a few more years but it is encouraging to know that I can now get it fixed in Australia.
I recently received a follow up letter from his collegue Dr Mathew Lee - together with a short questionare. He informed me that the purpose of the questionare was to help get the message out there to other Surgeons and Doctors in Australia who treat NA but have not yet adopted this technique.
I hope the good doctors message does not fall onto deaf ears
and I would recommend Mr Hunter-Smith to anybody in Australia contemplating NA.

11/04/2008 02:42
11/04/2008 02:42

Re:NA Experience by Australian Users

Hi Steve ,Australia Calling,
It is great to hear your positive feedback on your NA experience with Dr. Hunter-Smith. For information Dr Jennifer Green (listed on Dup/site ) is moving from Sydney to Queensland in the near future. She sent me an e-mail, that Dr. David Dilley also performs NA in Sydney. I have not had time to contact him to see if he will list on the Dupuytren site ,as I have been in Germany. Dr. Dilley's details and his web details are on page 2 of the "Na experience by Australian Users'( The details are contained in the para just above where one clicks to go the Forum page. ) Regards.

Edited 11/04/08 05:09

11/10/2008 03:08

not registered

11/10/2008 03:08

not registered

Re: Australian NA Progress

Hi Newman

Did you look into getting radiotherapy in Adelaide by Dr Martin borg as he is on this web site under clinics in Adelaide.If so how come you had your radio OS and not here.(I live in adelaide too.) dc started about 4 yrs ago I had surgery on it exactly one year ago today and it is coming back very aggressively.I am considering radio and have an appointment with Dr Borg in a couple of weeks. Would appreciate your input.

Andrew .

11/10/2008 05:44
11/10/2008 05:44

Re: Australian NA Progress

Hi Andrew Australia/Adelaide Calling.
Just a short insight. I had a repeat op on my right index finger and thumb. Within 4 -6 weeks I developed a number of nodules in the web of the right hand as well as keloids on the scar tissue. My left index finger also developed a nodule .By luck my wife found the Dupuytren Society. I made enquiries at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and visited the Oncology Dept. The Dr.knew that Radiotherapy was used to treat Dups. but not at RAH. His comment was that the Germans were the world leaders in the treatment of benign diseases with radiotherapy. I was going to Germany to visit relatives ,so I made an appointment to see Prof.Seegenschmiedt. I made a decision to have the treatment in Germany rather than be the 'guinea pig' as the RAH said after seeing the Prof they would try the treatment. Whist in Germany I purchased the recently released book of Seegenschmiedt and others. On my return I made enquires to see if the treatment could be offered by the private sector. I met with Dr Borg, and discovered he knew the Prof. and had used his protocal to treat Ledderhose. I showed him the book and discussed my treatment . He has since purchased the book and I requested he list on the Dupuytren Society web ,which he has done.
He is a very quietly spoken person and I know he has an interest in the treatment of Non Malignant Disorders. I hope this helps. How about becoming a Registered member. Regards .

encouraging   treatment   considering   Australian   Seegenschmiedt   Ledderhose   aggressively   Adelaide   information   radiotherapy   Experience   Registered   Australia   Dupuytren   questionare   discomfort   contemplating   appointment   Hunter-Smith   discovered