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Beginning stages here, is there a way to stop or slow the progress?
05/05/2020 06:16
05/05/2020 06:16
Beginning stages here, is there a way to stop or slow the progress?

I have just come to understand what these lumps are in my hands. I do not want to wait to deal with it. Are there natural ways to slow or reverse the progress of Dupuytrens?
I have heard of using Magnesium oil topically applied to the skin of the palms. Are there vitamins or minerals that can be taken to stop, or better yet reverse the progress?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

05/05/2020 07:04


05/05/2020 07:04


Re: Beginning stages here, is there a way to stop or slow the progress?

I have just come to understand what these lumps are in my hands. I do not want to wait to deal with it. Are there natural ways to slow or reverse the progress of Dupuytrens?
I have heard of using Magnesium oil topically applied to the skin of the palms. Are there vitamins or minerals that can be taken to stop, or better yet reverse the progress?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For most, the majority of people, this is a slow developing condition that never leads to contracture. On this forum and website we concentrate on evidence based treatments. Having said that you will find some discussion on alternatives, https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...es/index-2.html but there's much more personal or anecdotal feedback on the various FB groups. For example, some you mentioned, topical or oral magnesium supplements, same for vitamin E, boron, DMSO/SSKI (hardly 'natural' though), turmeric paste or through diet, bio-oil, some forms of massage, hot/cold soaks in epsom salts, and many others. You could also review the risk factors https://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/information/risk-factors/

Edited 05/05/20 10:10

05/05/2020 11:22
05/05/2020 11:22
Re: Beginning stages here, is there a way to stop or slow the progress?

I was just diagnosed yesterday. Have very little knowledge thus far, but this forum has been great for me so far. I have been reading through the threads and there seems to be a lot of different experiences here which I think will be very helpful.

With that in mind, I spoke with my natural path yesterday and she has so far suggested Vitamin E (200-300IU) daily. She says the vitamin E can sometimes slowly improve it because it has some anti-fibrotic activity. Castor oil on oil on hand(s) at night with some light stretching to maintain range of motion. These were the initial things she has recommended so we’ll see how it works out.

recommended   risk-factors   contracture   stretching   discussion   alternatives   concentrate   experiences   Beginning   anti-fibrotic   treatments   Magnesium   progress   Dupuytrens   dupuytrens-society   information   dupuytren-online   understand   appreciated   supplements