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Newly diagnosed
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10/24/2012 01:06
10/24/2012 01:06
Newly diagnosed

Hi All,

I am a 37yo male from Melbourne Australia. Just today I got diagnosed with early stage dupuytrens. I noticed the lump on my right palm last night. I'm also a type 1 diabetic which I know increases the risk of getting dupuytrens. I have no movement issues in my fingers and it's not sore. The doctor told me to keep an eye on it nd ome back if it worsens or gets sore.

Is there anything I can do to help prevent any further issues. What other things could I do to help. This is all new to me. Do all these nodules turn into contractions or can the disease just stay as the lumps of your palm.

It has me pretty stressed out as I am a major sports lover and golfer and the thought of not being able to enjoy these activities in future is really bothersome.

Thanks for reading any advice or help would be appreciated.


10/24/2012 01:36
10/24/2012 01:36
Re: Newly diagnosed

You asked, "Do all these nodules turn into contractions or can the disease just stay as the lumps of your palm".

No, all nodules do not turn into contractions. But your age is noteworthy because generally the earlier you are affected by Dupuytren's the more problems. Your option at this stage is radiotherapy (check out the pull down menu above under "Treatments"). The RT may, or may not, be available where you live and it may, or may not be effective.

What finger(s) is involved? Don't stress, there are considerably worse things to have. It shouldn't hurt your golf. The important thing is to continue wearing golf gloves and put as little of stress as possible on your hands (light grip, right!). My problem was my left little finger (I'm right handed) took brunt of pressure when taking divots from firm turf.

How long have you had the nodule? You said, "I noticed the lump on my right palm last night". That is really quick. It could easily be many other things besides Dupuytren's. Is there an associated "cord" or just the small nodule?

Edited 10/24/12 04:37

10/24/2012 01:53
10/24/2012 01:53
Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Callie. Thanks for the response it's on my right hand ring finger kinda in line with the ring finger but more in centre of my hand. Just the small nodule at this stage no other symptoms. I only noticed it last night as I play golf a lot I would have noticed it earlier I'm sure. Noticed it last night, dr said its dupuytrens. I asked about treatments etc doctor just said to keep an eye on it and if it worsens or gets sore to come back. He never suggested any treatment options for me at this stage.

10/24/2012 03:49
10/24/2012 03:49
Re: Newly diagnosed

Clarky75, exactly one year ago, I noticed a small node in the same location that you have described. I immediately went for a diagnosis and was told that it was Dupuytren's and that I should come back if and when I could no longer lay my hand flat. This site was invaluable in providing the info I needed to seek earlier treatment. That one node quickly was joined by several others and I started to notice cords forming in my palms. I chose to go to Germany to have RT to stop the progression. My first treatments were in May and since that time, I have had no further progression.

10/24/2012 04:22
10/24/2012 04:22

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi All,

I am a 37yo male from Melbourne Australia. Just today I got diagnosed with early stage dupuytrens. I noticed the lump on my right palm last night. I'm also a type 1 diabetic which I know increases the risk of getting dupuytrens. I have no movement issues in my fingers and it's not sore. The doctor told me to keep an eye on it nd ome back if it worsens or gets sore.

Is there anything I can do to help prevent any further issues. What other things could I do to help. This is all new to me. Do all these nodules turn into contractions or can the disease just stay as the lumps of your palm.

It has me pretty stressed out as I am a major sports lover and golfer and the thought of not being able to enjoy these activities in future is really bothersome.

Thanks for reading any advice or help would be appreciated.


Clarky; No need to be stressed. If you are going to get a cancer-like growth this is the one you want. Not life threatening and no pain.

I have had dupuytrens in both hands for more than 35 years and it has not limited my sporting activities. I have always been a bit of a gym junkie and I played squash until my early 40's then switched to tennis when I moved to Sydney. I play tennis 3 times a week, I still work with respectable weights in the gym and I have no difficulties with a rowing erg. The only issue with golf is that the lump may cause you to alter your grip - maybe for the better.

Using heavy gym weights may have affected the progression of my DD but I have my doubts but I do agree with the others that you should look into RT. I have had conventional surgery on my left had and I would avoid that if at all possible. I didn't know about RT until I found this site but I have had needle aponeurotomy (NA) twice and have found it simple and effective.

If your are lucky the lump may stay as it is or not grow for years so you have time to research all the options to see what is best for you. My strong recommendation is to stay away from surgery in the short term as it is not a cure and may cut off your other options.

Edited 10/24/12 07:24

10/24/2012 04:40
10/24/2012 04:40
Re: Newly diagnosed

Thanks for the responses all. As I said only found out today but already looking into my options i didnt like the doctors oh wait and see how you go and come back by then it's worse. Ive always been a pro active guy so this is no different. Does anyone in Australia do the RT or do you need to go overseas to get that?

Just trying to work out the best way forward I'd rather do something about it as just opposed to waiting.

10/24/2012 04:46
10/24/2012 04:46

Re: Newly diagnosed

Clarky; Australian RT and NA people on the attached links. I can't vouch for any though.

I prefer to go to people with a lot more experience. You might like to start thinking about a holiday in Germany for RT or France for NA



10/24/2012 04:46
10/24/2012 04:46
Re: Newly diagnosed

Seems from this site many have gone to Germany is the quality of the treatment better or more established as opposed to Australia or the USA. Obviously be nice to get this done in Australia but if Germany is where it's at then it looks like that's what I will do

Which place did you go to Switcombe?

10/24/2012 04:48
10/24/2012 04:48
Re: Newly diagnosed

Thanks Seph looks like I might be in for a holiday. NA or RT how do you know what's best for your condition?

Be keen to hear from any Aussies or Americans who can vouch for any RT clinics they have used? At least if I go to the USA I can visit some friends while I'm there.

10/24/2012 05:00
10/24/2012 05:00

Re: Newly diagnosed

Clarky; My sense is that RT may slow down the progression of the disease so works on growing lumps but not much use in straightening bent fingers. NA straightens fingers and removes the lumps but only temporarily.

NA needs to be repeated but it only takes 20 minutes per hand and the only restriction is the need to keep the hand clean and dry for 3 days and no weight for 10 days. For some people the NA seems to last 3-4 years but in my case I seem to be on an 18 month cycle. Like seeing the dentist.

I am having NA done again next month and others on this site have suggested that I try RT when the growth starts to reappear. That makes sense to me so I expect I will be off to Germany some time next year.

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activities   treatment   dupuytren-online   progression   disease   radiotherapy   Australia   investigating   practitioners   difficulties   Germany   dupuytrens   contractions   straightening   condition   noticed   proliferation   recommendation   diagnosed   Seegeschmeidt