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Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos
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07/09/2012 16:50
07/09/2012 16:50
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

Agree, RT does not work on cords. As I understand it, cords are more like scar tissue, not soft like nodules.

07/13/2012 04:08
07/13/2012 04:08
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

I had treatment with Dr. Weiss in Va. My RT was done about a month and half after my very first nodule popped up (my dad has it so I was on the look out for it). It started to go down around 5 weeks after my 1st round of RT and after a 2nd round of RT at 6 weeks it almost went flat in about 8 weeks. However, between the 1st and 2nd treatments another nodule developed right above the first, though that has gone down as well. It has been about a month (I had the 2nd treatment in early june) and another nodule has popped up on the fringes of RT area and the original cord has gotten thicker as well as the original radiated nodules have gotten slightly bigger. In general, I would say RT is more effective early on yes, but less effective if you are young and have an aggressive case (ie, I don't think it will completely stop my DC from progressing just slow it down, I am 36).

08/24/2012 18:32
08/24/2012 18:32
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - State of Hands Update

I've just put together a web page on my trip to Hamburg. People who have been to Hamburg will probably recognise quite a few of the photos and maps.

If anyone spots any additional info to add etc, comments welcome.


Have updated this webpage near the bottom under title

"State of Hands Updates".

10 weeks after first phase of radiation treatment.


Edited 08/24/12 21:32

10/02/2012 08:48
10/02/2012 08:48
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

Hi there good account and very informative , can I ask you what is the cost of treatment in germnay or did you use insurance for this?

I've just put together a web page on my trip to Hamburg. People who have been to Hamburg will probably recognise quite a few of the photos and maps.

If anyone spots any additional info to add etc, comments welcome.


Also studio quality photos of Dupuytrens at Stage-N and Stage-I:

Good luck to anyone getting treatment.


10/02/2012 16:04


10/02/2012 16:04


Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

I went to the Hamburg clinic last year, for RT on one hand, and they charged me personally about €500 for each week.

10/27/2012 14:50
10/27/2012 14:50
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos - costs

Hi there good account and very informative , can I ask you what is the cost of treatment in germany or did you use insurance for this?

Hi Amarante

Summary and Comparison of Consultation and Treatment Charges for 2 Hands:

Total costs for Dupuytrens Radiation Treatment for 2 hands, 2 weeks of visits including consultations and treatments.

Prof Seegenschmiedt, Stralenzentrum, Hamburg - 1,438 GBP (British Pounds)

For comparison prices in the UK were quoted:
Dr John Glees, Wimbledon, UK - 3,500 GBP (British Pounds)
Dr Shaffer, Guildford, UK - 3,500 GBP (British Pounds)

Stralenzentrum breakdown: 991 Euros first visit (June 2012) + 807 Euros second visit (Sept 2012) = 1,438 GBP.
Payment was taken by VISA on the thursday on each week.


10/27/2012 17:04
10/27/2012 17:04
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos


Thank you for posting this. Also - if you don't mind - I would like to remind readers that you have created a great web page that logs your RT visit to Hamburg:


I really want to thank you for this site - that includes very informative information, photos etc. This account on your page did inspire and encourage me to seek RT treatment for DD. Even though I could not afford the cost or time to go to Germany, I did find good RT treatment in my own small and poor country. Thank you again for your time and effort and consideration in sharing your experiences.


10/29/2012 03:56
10/29/2012 03:56
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

Thank you for the very informative post about the Hamburg visit. Including the costs was very helpful!

11/05/2012 18:14
11/05/2012 18:14
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos

Al - According to your web page "Prof Seegenschmiedt referred to nodules changing through various states starting off soft like a "tomato" through to hardened like a "coconut" .... He said that the hands need to be in an "active" state of change from soft "tomato" to hard "coconut" in order for radiation therapy to be effective."

I have a nodule in the palm of my right hand, that is pretty hard, and nodules in the bottom of both my ring finger and pinky, also pretty hard. So I'm wondering whether RT would help me or not. Only my ring finger is deformed, by about maybe 20 degrees from the PIP. The PIP joint was probably like this for at least 6 months. I thought it was simply arthritis when I first felt it curving (I'm a 56 years old male).

Only a month ago did I accidentally discover that I couldn't flatten my hand, and realized it was due to the hard lump in my hand. I made the mistake of trying to do some stretching, by pushing on that lump. By doing this, I was able to have more flexibility, but after doing this for a few days, it aggravated my chronic tendinitis, that I've had in my hands for several decades. I'm presently trying to get that pain to subside. There was no pain in my hands, before accidentally discovering the lumps and curvature.

I'm trying to determine whether RT could help me, in my stage. Specifically, I would like more flexibility. That would probably require a softening of the nodule on my palm. But the statement above from Prof Seegenschmiedt, seems to indicate I'm not in an "active" state, and RT wouldn't help me. Do you have any further thoughts on this, given yours (and possibly others) experiences? Thanks.

- Mark

11/08/2012 17:13
11/08/2012 17:13
Re: Prof Seegenschmiedt, Hamburg visit June 2012 - web page with photos


Hi Lanod

Thanks for your feedback and comments on the web page and also posting the link again.

I wouldn't have had the treatment without the experience of those who reported their experiences.


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