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Brilliant hand surgeon at Duke Medical Center now performing NA
11/08/2007 14:59
11/08/2007 14:59
Brilliant hand surgeon at Duke Medical Center now performing NA

I am one week out of having NA procedure done by Richard Goldner, MD, a very well respected hand surgeon at Duke in Durham, NC. (my original post was just after I found out that he was now performing NA) Since I live near Duke, I cancelled an appointment that I had with Dr. Eaton in Florida and got an appointment within 2 weeks with Dr. Goldner. I emailed the same pics that I had sent to Dr. Eaton and he agreed that I was a good candidate for NA (had a very large nodule and bad contracture ring finger left hand). Because I live near Duke I was able to have a consult appt. a week or 2 prior, where he explained everything in detail. He was interested in this forum and seemed impressed by how well informed I was about DD and that I had seen the procedure 3 times on YOUTUBE:)
My experience was AMAZING! He is a self proclaimed "germaphobe" so he performs NA in a sterile field. There was absolutely nothing to it for me. He talked to me through the procedure, would tell me when I would feel a "stick and burn" with the lydocaine, but it was not bad at all. I could not feel any pain as he broke down the collagen, but I could hear the popping sound as he would straighten my finger. I probably have 12 points on my finger and palm where he went in to break it down. It was sort of a "step by step" and then all of a sudden I heard a larger pop and WOW my finger was straight! He put a plaster splint instead of a bandage or bandaids that I removed 2 days later. He gave me a prescription for a pain killer but I did not ever need it. I think I only took two doses of Advil just as a precaution. It is one week later and I am typing this with all of my fingers which I haven't been able to do in almost a year. My finger is totally straight and a week later you can barely see marks on my hand and the nodule is MUCH smaller and no pain at all. Because I live here I see him again next Monday and they are going to make a splint that I can were at night.
I just wanted to let others know that such a brilliant surgeon opened his mind to this, went to Florida to train with Dr. Eaton, and has now been performing NA for almost a year. It was strange because after five years, and first thinking I would have to fly to France, I just didn't know how to tell him how thankful I was! He gave me permission to put his name on this forum. I would recommend him to anyone! Wish more people knew about this forum. Thank you all for everything I've learned over the last five years that brought me to this!

07/02/2008 23:43

not registered

07/02/2008 23:43

not registered

Re: Brilliant hand surgeon at Duke Medical Center now performing NA


I was wondering how things are with your post NA now. I also live close to Duke and am considering a trip down to florida or giving dr golden a try.


Please e-mail me or call me.. rlh0410@hotmail.com 336..446-0061

07/02/2008 23:44

not registered

07/02/2008 23:44

not registered

Re: Brilliant hand surgeon at Duke Medical Center now performing NA


I was wondering how things are with your post NA now. I also live close to Duke and am considering a trip down to florida or giving dr golden a try.


Please e-mail me or call me.. rlh0410@hotmail.com 336..446-0061

Brilliant   Florida   everything   performing   wondering   procedure   appointment   considering   interested   lydocaine   experience   straighten   germaphobe   permission   precaution   surgeon   prescription   proclaimed   absolutely   contracture